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PROJECT: Playtest (Thread No. 5)

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  • #91
    Originally posted by E
    ok, i tried to use the setfontsize method in drawcitynames as test and it did not do anything. thats why i thought i would have to change thedraw string method something about "atoi" makes it look in a file or something in the method so it overrides any time i use setfontsize
    No E, there is a aui_BitMapFont::SetPointSize method, and if I tell you something about point size in connection with the m_font object from TiledMap than you should figure out what kind of object it is. Namely a aui_BitMapFont object. And now go on with it.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #92
      Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

      No E, there is a aui_BitMapFont::SetPointSize method, and if I tell you something about point size in connection with the m_font object from TiledMap than you should figure out what kind of object it is. Namely a aui_BitMapFont object. And now go on with it.

      I worded it wrong I tried the SetPointSize method that you talked about and PUT IT in drawcitynames and it didn't work (well I tried to set it at 32 to see what happens). thats how I found out that SetPointSize is called in the DrawString method in tiledmap.cpp

      I'll poke around again but t hats how far I got with it before
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #93
        Originally posted by E

        Secondly, especially for Maq, I have made it so CtP2 uses Civilization flags instead of colored heralds. I created some 70 Civ flags digging p the old (yet awesome) work of Civ2 (yes, civ II) that did a cool mod way back in the last century (1900s). Some flags I have been creative on for example as the picture below shows I used an old siam flag with an elephant for Carthage and the Fluer de leis (sp) old french flag for celts (to keep in the game for later and what other flag would be possible).

        I made the heralds invisible but have their number show on the civ flag. One possibility is to have a civ colored bar with the number. I'm open to suggestions. the bottom fringe of the flag shows the civ color.
        Sorry I missed this earlier, looks excellent! Thankyou

        I think looking at it, its a small area so it would be best to keep the flag clear at all times.

        It looks like youre moving the stack number, where will that go? Like you suggested (i think) the stack number might look good on a small bar (with the civ colour as the background) above the flag/healthbar.
        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


        • #94
          why kind of crash is this?

            0x009a5905  [?Rollback_All_Agents@Plan@@QAEHXZ + 0x3f]
            0x009ac0d2  [?Remove_Matches_For_Goal@Scheduler@@IAEXABQAVGoal@@@Z + 0x8b]
            0x009aa660  [?Remove_Goal@Scheduler@@QAE?AViterator@?$list@U?$pair@HPAVGoal@@@std@@V?$allocator@U?$pair@HPAVGoal@@@std@@@2@@std@@ABV234@@Z + 0x42]
            0x009ab23a  [?Prioritize_Goals@Scheduler@@QAE_NXZ + 0x47a]
            0x009a9f89  [?Process_Goal_Changes@Scheduler@@QAE?AW4TIME_SLICE_STATE@1@XZ + 0x40]
            0x009e53db  [?GEVHookCallback@CtpAi_BeginSchedulerEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@@Z + 0x8a]
            0x0061faf1  [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QBE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PAVGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x9b]
            0x0062095e  [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x40]
            0x0061de2b  [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x2d]
            0x00620733  [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x4b]
            0x006206be  [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0xa0]
            0x004101ec  [?Process@CivApp@@QAEHXZ + 0x103]
            0x00408bef  [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x400]
            0x00408616  [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
            0x009f5d7c  [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
            0x7c816fd7  [__onexitbegin + 0x7bc42e7f]

          it hapened on the start of a turn in my mod but it doesnt make sense
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #95
            Just trying out a playtest build for the first time, I like everything I've seen so far. Nice to see those issues I've been putting up with for years have finally been dealt with. My thanks to all involved

            Encountered a small problem however... Using build 700 on a fresh install of CTP2 with no other mods, when attempting to create a multiplayer/TCPIP/LAN game I am getting a crash to desktop upon reaching the "Create New Setup" menu (just as the "Creating Game" dialog box would be about to close). Anyone else getting this?


            • #96

              As far as I remember, multiplayer is not supported in AE - correct me if I'm wrong.

              I remember someone here on the forum recommending using plain vanilla CtP2 for multiplaying.

              Has the fractured empires problem that occurred with the AOM mod been addressed? Would it make any sense to try out AOM on AE yet, or better wait a bit longer?


              Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


              • #97
                The fractured empires have been taken care of, and after you have renamed a bunch of files you can play AOM almost without any quirks. I play AOM through AE version, with good experience (so far, at least).
                The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                - Chuck Norris Facts


                • #98
                  check out here for aom/ae stuff

                  the file linked there has the pre-made aom scenario folder i created. but the files changed are for aom3, not 4. the prefixes of 'Aom' need to be removed for senario folders to work (from my experience).

                  on another note the one problem with scenario folders is that the civ list is not reflected to show the civ names in the scenario but instead still uses the original civ folder so you may not get the same civ you pick. (Maybe Fromafar knows why)
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #99
                    Alas, multiplayer in vanilla ctp2 is broken beyond playability.

                    My GF and I just tried a game and we encountered problems with the empire tab and science menu displaying the wrong number of turns to the next advance, especially after closing down the game and reloading from a save. We had problems with trade goods mysteriously not being available for trade, then suddenly becoming available, then gone again (seemed to happen around the time a city grew a size). Incorrect wonder build messages appearing all the time, etc.

                    The last straw however was when we established an alliance and got none of the beneficial effects. No sharing of maps, no change in zone of control, nothing.

                    All of this is of course above and beyond the usual gripes about the game (the lousy AI, the bugs and annoyances, the lack of an ability to raze captured cities, unable to seize tech from captured cities, etc, etc).

                    The source code project is my last hope of actually getting this to work. Is multiplayer just completely broken right now and not going to be fixed in the near future?


                    • i don't know the scope of what needs to be fixed and some have started on it. if you could compile a list of the broken features one of the coders could help by working on it (no promises though)
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • AOMIV on AE


                        Just read the thread you pointed towards E, but this is not for me. Too many potential problems and difficult walkarounds. I mean, if even you guys need a thread to get a mod installed, were do you that leaves me

                        Will there ever be an easier way to install a mod, or will it remain for the more courageous among us


                        Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


                        • the easiest way is to just copy your ctp2 folder then put the AE over it then all of aom over it and you'll have an AoM thats up and running and with the AE.

                          Our goal is to eventually get AoM as a scenario but seeing that the (windows) coding team is down to me, martin, and fromafar we need to rely on any support we can get from those willing to mod. after all we arent getting paid for this
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • Originally posted by dividebyxero
                            Encountered a small problem however... Using build 700 on a fresh install of CTP2 with no other mods, when attempting to create a multiplayer/TCPIP/LAN game I am getting a crash to desktop upon reaching the "Create New Setup" menu (just as the "Creating Game" dialog box would be about to close). Anyone else getting this?
                            You call this a small problem, something that prevents you from playing? Anyway I tried to replicate it with a much prior 700 built and I didn't came so much, because the game told me that I have to connect to the internet first even I am connected. Well it seems to be the WinXP firewall but I klicked on don't block anymore but that didn't work.

                            Anyway you should provide the content of the crash.txt so that we get at least an idea where the crash is caused.

                            You can find the crash.txt in your ..\ctp2_program\ctp\logs\ folder.

                            Originally posted by E
                            i don't know the scope of what needs to be fixed and some have started on it. if you could compile a list of the broken features one of the coders could help by working on it (no promises though)
                            Of course only problems concerning the current playtest and not things which were fixed ages ago.

                            Originally posted by E
                            the easiest way is to just copy your ctp2 folder then put the AE over it then all of aom over it and you'll have an AoM thats up and running and with the AE.
                            I prefer to do it the other way around, first put AOM on it and then AE. That way you get all the new buttons from AE but you will miss some from AOM.

                            By the way E, how far are you with reading The Science of Scientific Writing?

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

                              By the way E, how far are you with reading The Science of Scientific Writing?


                              its on my list of reading stuff after my MBA homework. a question the readme though, some of the stuff i add enable modding capabilities if you do certain things. like my religion code, it works if you have mapicons, unique buildings, then add the settlebuilding flag (and the right building) to a religious unit. the details are obviously too long for a simple readme line, so how you propose to include all that info?
                              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                              See me at


                              • Originally posted by E
                                a question the readme though, some of the stuff i add enable modding capabilities if you do certain things. like my religion code, it works if you have mapicons, unique buildings, then add the settlebuilding flag (and the right building) to a religious unit. the details are obviously too long for a simple readme line, so how you propose to include all that info?
                                Well one thing you can do is to use multiple lines, even it looks cleaner and less confusing if there would be just one line. But on the other if you think that this is so complicated then you should check whether you can simplify the stuff. The first thing you have to do is to add that Religion database, so that you can store all the necessary information like:

                                - Science lost due to dogmas
                                - The spreading rate which reflects how aggressive its missionaries are.
                                - Certain advances that cannot be researched due to dogmas
                                - Happiness increase due to false hopes
                                - Gold loss, you know churches cost a little bit
                                - Production loss, there are times when you have to pray and can't work
                                - Tech loss, even you know this tech nevertheless it is heretical so you better forget it, since the invincible pink unicorn is a higher power and she is always right. Here you see how you can model the dark ages. Nice isn't it.
                                - Progrome chance, there are some people of different faith (actually infedels of a religous point of view) in your town and you have nothing to do and your religion preaches hatred towards the infedels. So you can kill some people. On the other hand remember the witch burning, so even people from your own fath aren't save.

                                And now I go back to your last question, somehow you have to organize the information. Take the list above all the stuff in it is related to one topic: The religion database. After that you have some sort of list on the left side what should be in as headlines or titles and on the right side a more detailed description. And that is also the structore I chose for all those new database flags. First the remark that there is something for modders then the database and the new flags. Of course I had to use what you have provided and I tryed to make sense out of it. Sometimes successfully sometimes unsuccessfully in that case I just may have skipped information.

                                As you can see with this list approach or maybe you can also call it tree approach I broke the information into smaller pieces. Since each piece is less complex than the whole. Each piece can be understand more easily and once you have understand them you can put them together to the whole. That's how the world is built. Complex things like man are put together by simpler things like cells and even those are put together by simpler things like lipids, proteins, sugars, DNA, water, ions and probably more. But also these stuff is made out of simpler things, like atoms. And even those are made of simpler things like neutrones, protones and electrones. And even this isn't the end, but I stop here.

                                That's at least a part of how the world really works. And our language just describes the real world so it wouldn't be so surprising that it works in a similar fashion. It starts with sounds maybe even with something simpler. But anyway let's start at the sound level. Those sounds are combined into syllables and the syllables are put together to form words. Words put together form clauses. And clause put together form sentences. And sentences put together form paragraphs. And paragraphs put together form texts which you may find in a book or on the internet.

                                In principle you can do all this. But your problem is how to organize all this kind of information that a reader can understand it without thinking to much about. Interestingly you are not the only one with this problem there are many scientists who are good at scince but not so good at words. And that's the reason why science is so hard to understand, not because it is so difficult but the scientists don't know how to communicate it. And therefore the text is called the Science of Scientific Writing.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

