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PROJECT: Playtest (Thread No. 5)

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  • #31
    Had my first CTD at the 263 turn.The autosave worked as I was able to reload the game.Traced the problem (using cheat) to a Brazilian slaver unit (AI nation I hadnt met yet) near one of my cities.Saw the slaver warning sign over that city at the same time the game crashed.When I reloaded the game I move a unit near the slaver and got a greeting from the Brazilians.Made my 264 turn and there was no problems.I think the mix up could be getting the warning message or greeting mixed up that makes it crash.
    Another thing too.I thought the treaties like peace treaty-withdraw treaty...were timed treaties.So many turns go by then a warnning is giving that the treaty is almost at a end.


    • #32
      Another bug happend. Tried to build a embassy with the diplomat unit with a country that I had a peace treaty with and the game crashed.Tried it twice with the same results.There has not been any slow downs in the game or any text fading out.Signs that there are problems starting.Its with the using of special units that seems to cause the bugs.


      • #33
        The hard-coded timed treaties were interfering with some of the Slic code for AOM, so these have been disabled by default.

        If you want to reactivate the timed behaviour, look for the
        line in UserProfile.txt and modify it to e.g.
        to get treaties with a base duration of 20 years.


        • #34
          Thank you so much.Found it.


          • #35

            Can you post your crash.txt?
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • #36
              When the first crash happened there was a crash text on screen.
              But I didnt record it right away.I repeated the same move with the diplomat unit and game crashed .No crash text,Looking for in the CtP2 progarm folder.No luck yet.Sorry about that.Maybe a zipped file didnt go in the right place?My computor is a P4 512ram 128video card so its up to date to run the game.Will try again.


              • #37
                no problem. I guess you could also post your save game as well and we'll try to replicate the crash
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • #38
                  Off by one Bug?


                  I just downloaded the Apolyton version of CTP2. I had a few difficulties to install, but this method worked:
                  I got all three rars and the latest build. Then I extracted everything in one directory and copied the files over a Copy of the original game.
                  Then I started playing.

                  When I read the Great library, Units section and select "Infantryman" and set goal, I get the message "Goal set Hover Infantry". If I set to another unit, I always get the reply to the unit one above the selected. So perhaps there is a wrong index in the units array.

                  Please forgive if this bug is already known, but I couldn't find it.
                  Is it correct to send bug reports to this thread?

                  Many greetings from Dani


                  • #39
                    Crash after looking at ranking


                    I started a new game, since I saw at my first game with the new build that I was far away of playing a good game. Even at beginner's level. :-( You must have improved the AI significantely.
                    So I started a new game, made a few things and then, after clicking on ranking the game crashed.
                    I put the crash.txt on

                    I hope this helps.

                    Thanks a lot in advance,


                    • #40
                      0x007fb0b4  [?CleanupGraph@RankingTab@@AAEXXZ + 0xc]
                        0x007fb132  [?UpdateGraph@RankingTab@@AAEXXZ + 0x11]
                        0x007fbe3d  [?SelectRankingActionCallback@RankingTab@@CAXPAVaui_Control@@IIPAX@Z + 0x1f]
                        0x006aa3f8  [?UpdateSelectedItem@aui_DropDown@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@H@Z + 0x5f]
                        0x006aa763  [?DropDownListBoxActionCallback@@YAXPAVaui_Control@@IIPAX@Z + 0x1a]
                        0x006b6df5  [?SendSelectCallback@aui_ListBox@@IAEXW4AUI_LISTBOX_ACTION@@I@Z + 0x76]
                        0x006b7364  [?SelectItem@aui_ListBox@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@HI@Z + 0xf1]
                        0x006b54b7  [?AddItem@aui_ListBox@@UAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@PAVaui_Item@@@Z + 0x195]
                        0x00749870  [?AddItem@ctp2_DropDown@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@PAVctp2_ListItem@@@Z + 0x3e]
                        0x007faf5e  [?Add_Dropdown_Category@RankingTab@@AAEXPAD@Z + 0x7d]
                        0x007fadb8  [??0RankingTab@@QAE@PAVctp2_Window@@@Z + 0xb8]
                        0x007fa8bf  [??0InfoWindow@@QAE@XZ + 0xaf]
                        0x007faa2f  [?Open@InfoWindow@@SAXXZ + 0x46]
                        0x007fa959  [?SelectRankingTab@InfoWindow@@SAXXZ + 0x9]
                        0x00762098  [?StatsMenuCallback@@YAXPAVctp2_Menu@@W4CTP2_MENU_ACTION@@HPAX@Z + 0x2e]
                        0x0074ea3f  [?ListCallback@ctp2_Menu@@AAEXPAVaui_Control@@II@Z + 0xaa]
                        0x0074ea82  [?StaticListCallback@ctp2_Menu@@CAXPAVaui_Control@@IIPAX@Z + 0x1e]
                        0x006b6df5  [?SendSelectCallback@aui_ListBox@@IAEXW4AUI_LISTBOX_ACTION@@I@Z + 0x76]
                        0x006b8275  [?MouseLDropInside@aui_ListBox@@MAEXPAUaui_MouseEvent@@@Z + 0xaf]
                        0x006cd537  [?MouseDispatch@aui_Region@@QAEXPAUaui_MouseEvent@@H@Z + 0x2067]
                        0x006c901b  [?HandleMouseEvent@aui_Region@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@PAUaui_MouseEvent@@H@Z + 0x175]
                        0x006c8f79  [?HandleMouseEvent@aui_Region@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@PAUaui_MouseEvent@@H@Z + 0xd3]
                        0x006dcbfa  [?HandleMouseEvents@aui_UI@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@HPAUaui_MouseEvent@@@Z + 0x115]
                        0x006dd394  [?Process@aui_UI@@UAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@XZ + 0x23]
                        0x0040ec49  [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEHIAAI@Z + 0x1fd]
                        0x0040ef99  [?Process@CivApp@@QAEHXZ + 0xa7]
                        0x00407dcf  [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3c0]
                        0x00407836  [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
                        0x008ae60c  [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]


                      Thanks for the testing.

                      I thought we fixed that bug a long time ago. And it sounds like you downloaded the latests rars and build. I think Fromafar was the one that fixed it before hopefully he can have a look at it soon. in the meantime I guess don't try the tab
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • #41
                        Hi E!

                        I took the files from this thread:
                        LATEST PLAYTEST: September 9th 2006


                        LATEST BUILD REV 689: February 6th 2007


                        And extracted them in this sequence.
                        But after reloading the automatic savegame, the crash didn't happen again.

                        Everything works smooth.
                        But the game is all the same very frustrating, since I do not know how to improve my strategy. (But I should find an appropriate thread for these problems ...) (But one question: why is it so much harder than the original game?)

                        But even in this early state of the game I encountered many improvements you made to the game, e.g. so many new goods (and old ones from CTP1 :-))

                        But for the "latest" build: Why don't you put them on one (ftp) directory, so everyone can be sure to get the latest changes?

                        Also I am not sure which .Net-Framework is needed. I went to the download page of MS but the installer said I had a different version yet installed. So I left it untouched.

                        But it seems to work.

                        But when I tried (the first time) just to copy the latest build over the old original game, I got missing dlls (e.g. libtiff3.dll), that just seem to be in the three rars from September 2006.

                        I would really like to join your Source code project but I do not own Visual studio, nor another Compiler for Windows. When I write programs at home, the gcc is sufficient for me. :-(

                        But I will look at Ebay, perhaps Visual Studio 6 is cheap.

                        Many greetings from Dani


                        • #42
                          .. and just one addition:
                          I have the english version of the original game. It was (I think six years ago) a bit complicated to get it in Germany but I found a store in Munich that sold it (to a considerably higher price)
                          I do not know whether this is relevant, I just wanted to tell.

                          And then I have some questions: Do you plan to add the sky colonies from CTP1 to the project?

                          And what I also missed in CTP2 is the window that tells: There is oe settler ready in ... and the eye icon.

                          And what I do not like in the original CTP2 is that you get no reply if someone takes over a city. And if you have many cities it is not that easy to keep track.

                          Greetigs from Dani


                          • #43
                            Hi E.
                            I tried your new AE mod and had CTD on opening up the game.
                            The crash text:
                            ! Database Error
                            units.text:1123:ShallowWater is not a
                            member o fCanBombard
                            Continue? Yes No
                            Hi Dani Nice to see more people playtesting.Have to agree the AI seems much improved.Plays more balanced and keeps you working hard to catch up to 1st place.


                            • #44
                              thanks I'll get to it! any chance you can post your other problems?

                              It will be great to have a new coder! Martin G (also German) can help with the language files, but yes there is a way to get it to do German. But other than that the language version doesn't matter.

                              As for the ftp. we don'thave the space here to make one file. I use my builds as an in progress "patch" and the playtests serve as the major milestones. We could use more space though

                              As for C++ compiler I think there is a free version out there that Fromafar is using. Hopefully he can tell you how to get it.

                              And for sky/space colonies. There has been a lot of hope to restore it but a lot of people gave up. I recommend starting small to get familiar with the code first.

                              and mostly I hope you stick with it! A lot of people showed interest but moved on (usually without contributing anything ). But it will be great to see a another coder. If you want to browse the code start HERE

                              Finally Welcome aboard!
                              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                              See me at


                              • #45
                                Hi Protra!

                                Hmm, but I would really appreciate if it was not that complicated. There are different levels so why also make the easiest level so complicated? I must admit that I am no good player but on the easiest level I had good games on the old games.

                                Greetings from Dani

