Percuno said that he doesn't recall slave raids starting wars. I cant recall but I found this code:
I think it was there from the beginning. However, he does have a point so maybe we should just add a regard penalty? because it does make it less atrractive to use slave raids.
STDEHANDLER(SlaveRaidCity_RegardEvent) { Unit unit; Unit city; if (!args->GetUnit(0,unit)) return GEV_HD_Continue; if (!args->GetCity(0,city)) return GEV_HD_Continue; PLAYER_INDEX attack_owner = unit.GetOwner(); PLAYER_INDEX city_owner = city.GetOwner(); Diplomat & city_diplomat = Diplomat::GetDiplomat(city_owner); sint32 cost; city_diplomat.GetCurrentDiplomacy(attack_owner).GetSlaveRaidRegardCost(cost); StringId strId; g_theStringDB->GetStringID("REGARD_EVENT_ENEMY_SLAVE_RAIDED_CITY", strId); city_diplomat.LogRegardEvent( attack_owner, cost, REGARD_EVENT_MILITARY_SAFETY, strId); city_diplomat.LogViolationEvent(attack_owner, PROPOSAL_TREATY_CEASEFIRE); return GEV_HD_Continue; }