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PROJECT: AE and AOM compatibility

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  • PROJECT: AE and AOM compatibility

    I did a fresh install of Ctp2, then I copied AoM over, then did modswapper to activate AoM. I then copied the files from 10-23-2005 (1&3) to the AoM folder then added the 9-12-2005 (#2 how are playttest is set up now)

    the problem is that upon loading I get AOM_civilization errors:
    Record Does not Start With Name
    Missing open Brace
    Expected String ID

    I tried to put the playtest civilisation.txt in its place thinking it might be the new civilisation cdb but I get the same errors. anyone else see this?

    Attached is the AOM_civilisation which is just like the old ctp2 civilisation files

    EDIT: attachment removed since its no longer necessary
    Last edited by Ekmek; June 25, 2006, 00:50.
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at

  • #2
    It should work better when you don't overwrite the AOM folder with the playtest release. Some of the playtest data has been relocated, so you will end up with an inconsistent set of data when you bluntly overwrite files.

    See also e.g. one of my earlier posts. After updating your RuleSets entry in the playtest userprofile.txt to something like:
    it should work (assuming ..\..\..\ctp2 is the directory with the original game + AOM, and ..\..\..\ctp2test is yet another directory - different from the playtest directory).

    You can expirement by putting your own files under ..\..\..\ctp2test. If you put some of the playtest ldl-files in ..\..\..\ctp2test\english\uidata\layouts, you should be able to get something playable together that merges in some improvements of the playtest.

    FWIW, I currently have the following files in this directory:


    Just make sure not to put controlpanel.ldl there, as this one has been modified by AOM.


    • #3
      Just a small note: the playtest has treaties for so many turns like a peace treaty. Which works well as you may at some ponit want to change you stance with a AI faction.This might not mix with Diplomod . I believe AOM has 3.5 diplomod as a base.


      • #4
        Actually it should work if you install the playtest files over AOM and of course use my little string patch from the AOM thread. At least it did work last time I tried.

        Obviously I have to try it on my own.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          Stan has been trying to use the playtest so I'm bumping the thread.

          Note Martin has made changes to the code to be compatible with AoM

          I tried copying AoM files over and i get DB errors saying it cant find sprites. So I recopied newsprite and still no luck. I think I'll have to use modswapper so i'll try it again tonight.

          So far the instructions are:

          clean copy of original ctp2 (patch or unpatched doesnt matter)

          copy AoM

          install Playtest 9-23-2005

          use my rev542 build

          then modswapper

          I think...
          Last edited by Ekmek; February 14, 2006, 11:16.
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #6
            Also looking through some Slics I think these are no longer necessary:

            endslve.slc (except for the mandatory year part
            diplomod (some parts since their is AI-AI diplomacy)

            Also I think the userprofile might have to be changed

            as for text files
            civilistion.txt since we can now 60+ civs on the screen

            string files should reflect some of the new buttons and the new civs
            Last edited by Ekmek; February 14, 2006, 17:22.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • #7
              Recently found CTP2 AE and AoM - any updates?

              Just wondering if there have been any updates on making AE and AoM compatible. I've got build 583 of AE running, and AoM 1.02 running on the Activision patch 1.11. How can they be combined?

              Those who have been here for years all know what all the various files and directories do, but newcomers (like me) can get a little confused. Has anyone gotten this working in a reproducible way?

              So far I've been extremely impressed with the community here and the strides you've made with the CTP2 engine. My PC is a bit aged and won't run Civ4, but it's for certain that you've created the best TBS games I've ever played, far better than either original CTP2 or Civ3. Thanks for the labors of love!


              • #8

                First Welcome! Sorry I crossed answering posts. I did some research into AE and AoM compatibility. Check it out here

                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • #9
                  Actally all you hae to do now is:

                  Install the base game
                  Install AOM
                  Install the Apolyton Edition

                  in this particular order.

                  At least in this way I am able to start an AOM game, there might still be some problems, but to report them we have this thread for instance.

                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • #10
                    Well, well, well , the game will certainly start without complaining but I don't think that much of the SLIC will work as expected because regardless of whether the Mod runs in ModSwapper mode or in Scenario mode the SLIC certainly needs to be adapted, at least that's my experience .
                    The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BureauBert
                      Well, well, well , the game will certainly start without complaining but I don't think that much of the SLIC will work as expected because regardless of whether the Mod runs in ModSwapper mode or in Scenario mode the SLIC certainly needs to be adapted, at least that's my experience .
                      You shouldn't think that the slic in the Activision version really did what you want. My experience is that I had to test every single line to make sure that it did what I want.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #12
                        Sure, that is and always used to be rule no. 1 concerning SLIC -- but the unexpected behaviour can now be almost certainly expected if someone tries to play old SLIC with the new exe. I don't say this is a misbehaviour of the reworked source code (au contraire: I really acknowledge and appreciate the improvements that have been achieved so far, I would certainly have lost my interest in CTP2 and modding otherwise) -- people should just be aware of the fact ...

                        Of course I agree with you in that any testing should be encouraged and any observations should be reported here.

                        I have been trying to encourage modders to care for their Mods by opening the other thread just in case they still feel like supporting their creations -- but on the other hand I can understand modders waiting for a "relatively final" AE version before undertaking the "testing every single line" procedure (i think Stankarp stated this point of view somewhere in one of the AOM-forums).
                        The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BureauBert
                          I have been trying to encourage modders to care for their Mods by opening the other thread just in case they still feel like supporting their creations -- but on the other hand I can understand modders waiting for a "relatively final" AE version before undertaking the "testing every single line" procedure (i think Stankarp stated this point of view somewhere in one of the AOM-forums).

                          We might have to have the thread in the scenarios forum
                          i've seen hexagonian and solver there recently
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • #14
                            Yes, I'm here, I still check this forum, though not every day.
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • #15
                              Success! A merged AE/AoM experiment in progress

                              Success! I have a running AoM on CTP2-AE with no errors on boot. Here's what I did.

                              First, I built a working copy of AoM3 following Stankarp's directions in the README files. Next, I installed a working AE b584 in similar fashion. Then, I put both directory trees through a recursive diff to look for potential conflicts. Once identified, I classified each conflict as AE, AoM, or both, depending on which distribution had modified the file. I then copied the AE files over the AoM installation, leaving unreplaced the files/directories labeled AoM. Here's what I found and the actions I took.

                              in ctp2_data:

                              Default/aidata – AE
                              • Colors00.txt – both, MERGED
                                newsprite.txt – AoM

                              default/graphics/pictures – AoM
                              • Gg050.spr – both, AoM
                                Gg052.spr – both, AoM
                                Gg054.spr – both, AoM

                              • gtset555.til – AoM
                                gtset565.til – both, AoM

                              • credits.txt – AE
                                keymap.txt – both, trivial difference, AE

                              • Great_Library.txt – both, AoM
                                strings.txt – AE
                                add_str.txt - AE
                                civ_str.txt - AE
                                cut_str.txt – AE
                                dip2_str.txt - AE
                                exp_str.txt - AE
                                feat_str.txt – both, AoM
                                gl_str.txt - AE
                                info_str.txt - AE
                                junk_str.txt - AE
                                ldl_str.txt – AE
                                scen_str.txt - AoM
                                tips_str.txt - AE

                              • battleview.ldl - AE
                                citystatus.ldl - AE
                                citywindow.ldl - AE
                                civ3.ldl - AE
                                civstatus.ldl – AE
                                controlpanel.ldl – both, MERGED
                                ctp_template.ldl – AE
                                dipwizard.ldl – AE
                                editqueue.ldl – AE
                                intelligence.ldl – AE
                                km_screen.ldl – AE
                                ns_strings.ldl – AE
                                options.ldl – AE
                                scenarioeditor.ld – AE
                                science.ldl – AE
                                spnewgame.ldl – AE
                                spnewgamepopups.ldl – AE

                              • ctp/usercritmsgs.txt – extra lines at end for AoM, appended to AE
                                ctp/userprofile.txt – extra lines from AE, used AE

                              The game loads and starts with all the normal AoM dialogs. The AE interface mods all appear to be present and functioning, along with the extra 4 AoM buttons merged into controlpanel.ldl. I'm going to play it for a while and report back on the longer range stability. Wish me luck!
                              Attached Files

