For a change, on-topic re: re-allocation
How about each player's territory is re-allocated based on city size whenever they switch governments? This would occur within the player's border only - it would not result in one player acquiring territory from another.
1. totally automatic
2. not need to code for AI!
3. won't give human player much advantage
1. not as micro-managing as some might like
2. if you dont like the result, tough
With a popup like:
"Congratulations! Our empire has emerged from Anarchy. While you were out, the transitional government redrew our provincial boundaries according to the latest census."
How about each player's territory is re-allocated based on city size whenever they switch governments? This would occur within the player's border only - it would not result in one player acquiring territory from another.
1. totally automatic
2. not need to code for AI!
3. won't give human player much advantage
1. not as micro-managing as some might like
2. if you dont like the result, tough
With a popup like:
"Congratulations! Our empire has emerged from Anarchy. While you were out, the transitional government redrew our provincial boundaries according to the latest census."