Hello, and thanks for the effort your all making here.
But this page is confusing me abut here...
I went to Files -> Source Code Project -> Playtest Build 2004-04-03
Then I folowd the link to the forum there, and there was a newer playtest file, so I thought that's the one, but at the verry last post it says:
So I whent there and there is said:
And it keeps going like that for a couple of times...
At the end of that thread it says that it's a new thread again.
So I'm kinda confused here, could someone help me out and point me to the file I should download?
PS. maby it would be an idea to keep newest verion in the "Files" section on the main page, and change away the link in the Build 2004-04-03 that's pointing to a thread that is no longer in use.
And starting a new thread where the first message was allways containing the latest version, so dumb ppl like me could get out hands on the goods aswell
But this page is confusing me abut here...
I went to Files -> Source Code Project -> Playtest Build 2004-04-03
Then I folowd the link to the forum there, and there was a newer playtest file, so I thought that's the one, but at the verry last post it says:
Em, there is a new Playtest thread in the forum in case you haven't noticed
You can even quote from this thread to the new one with a simple copy-paste
Consider this thread as closed
Added by Locutus: For clarity's sake, that thread is here: http://apolyton.net/showthread.php?threadid=115144
You can even quote from this thread to the new one with a simple copy-paste
Consider this thread as closed
Added by Locutus: For clarity's sake, that thread is here: http://apolyton.net/showthread.php?threadid=115144
Originally posted by J Bytheway
[Note that this version is obsolete. The next version is available here.]
[Note that this version is obsolete. The next version is available here.]
At the end of that thread it says that it's a new thread again.
So I'm kinda confused here, could someone help me out and point me to the file I should download?
PS. maby it would be an idea to keep newest verion in the "Files" section on the main page, and change away the link in the Build 2004-04-03 that's pointing to a thread that is no longer in use.
And starting a new thread where the first message was allways containing the latest version, so dumb ppl like me could get out hands on the goods aswell
