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HELP - Approach Activition, Inc for BZ

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  • HELP - Approach Activition, Inc for BZ

    Is there anyone who was involved in approaching Activision, Inc. that can contact me and provide our group with information concerning how the rights to source code were granted by Activision, Inc?

    A group of BZ players and programmers are planning to approach Activision, Inc. to request the rights to source code for Battlezone under a GNU, but we need some guidance to make this successful. Since both games play off of the ANET servers, we could potentially work together on updating the game interface and compatibility with XP and other issues.

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Well we got contact with the some of the programmers from the original team. These guys were around here at the release of the game and helped us.

    The right on the source code lie at Activision, an EULA comes with the source code, that's something else then a GNU GPL. So if you want to sell something based on the source code you have to asked Activision. That's different in comparision to the Anet code as there they can hope that others have to maintain a server for their games, if they want to use it for their games.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      under a GNU
      I highly doubt you'd get that. The EULA for the CtP2 source code is pretty restrictive anyway.

      AFAIK, there was a huge petition and the former lead (?) developer noticed and managed to get Activsion to release it. But I wasn't here at the time.
      Caution! Under no circumstances confuse the mesh with the interleave operator, except under confusing circumstances!
      -Intercal reference manual

      People often remark of me, "You say sorry far to much!". To which my common-sense reply is "I apologise".


      • #4
        Yes, we tried to contact Activision, but there was no significant success unless one of the members of the CtP team noticed us, and contacted Activision himself, and even then it wasn't too easy to get the source.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5
          We plan to pursue development of a "Battlezone Second Edition (SE) under a GNU GPL for international open source development.

          Battlezone 1.4 represents the best opportunity for open source development since it exists as a DM game, Sniper, and Strat Game (it is likely an early precursor of Ct2P) in which Activision, Inc. owns the rights to the source code. The Red Odyssey was an expansion pack for the Battlezone game but the rights to source code are split between several companies.

          But, if possible I would to get some guidance as to how the petition was delivered (in the form of a proposal?) and what was the benefit for Activision, Inc.? I have laid out some ideas to propose and benefits, which would include the rights to any commercial development for something, we "discover" while developing the client and ANET platform of this game.

          The ANET server games are unique and worthy of developing on a Linux server. We just migrated our prior server to the Redhat Enterprise Linux...which is hosting Battlezone, Heavy Gear and Ct2P as well.

          If anyone can provide me with more insight into the tactical approach to Activision, Inc., it will be of tremendous assistance.


          • #6
            I wasn´t here at the time, but as no one else answered, I think that you should search the old (from 2003) posts and search for anything usefull.

            Also, I beleave that Activision gained nothing (directly) in the release of the source code, but there was a very restrictive contract.


            • #7
              from what I recall. For years we complained about the bugs and wished for the source code. The BigMC IIRC fired off emails to activision and we all got together on drafting a better letter and contacting etc. But as said before I breakthrough was that one of the original programmers saw our plea in these forums and it went from there.
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