My third code project, which I hope I'll have more proficiency by the time I get to it
is to add new flags to terrain improvements.
Basically taking stuff from buildings, but giving modders the options to make improvements that increase happiness (holy sites, temples) or science (observatories, research facilities). Could add some more interesting aspects to a CtP2 game and really make Civ3 look dull
The other modding option is that modders could make OCC games or "simCity-ish" games by building improvements instead of just city buildings...
from buildings.cdb I'm looking to take these ones...

Basically taking stuff from buildings, but giving modders the options to make improvements that increase happiness (holy sites, temples) or science (observatories, research facilities). Could add some more interesting aspects to a CtP2 game and really make Civ3 look dull

The other modding option is that modders could make OCC games or "simCity-ish" games by building improvements instead of just city buildings...
from buildings.cdb I'm looking to take these ones...
Bit(Int) HappyInc Bit(Float) ProductionPercent Bit(Float) FoodPercent Bit(Float) CommercePercent Bit(Float) SciencePercent Bit(Float) LowerCrime Bit(Float) PreventConversion Bit(Float) LowerPeaceMovement Bit(Float) GoldPerCitizen Bit(Float) SciencePerPop