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Design: New SLIC functions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by The Big Mc
    Is there a source code map out some were I need to find where the slic functions are held.
    What about ..\ctp2_code\gs\slic\ and there slicfunc.h, slicfunc.cpp, slicfuncai.h and slicfuncai.cpp. Or what about using your OS file search engine to look for files with the extension *.cpp and *.h which contain for instance the string GetContinent.

    By the way if you like to do some practice you can do this IsOnSameContinent function all the ingredients you need should be in the GetContinent function.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #17
      bigmc I hope you've taken up the task to bring in new slic functions, it will be appreciated.
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #18
        Alright, if you wanted IsOnSameContinent, here you go.

        Usage: IsOnSameContinent (pos1, pos2)

        Returns 1 if both squares are on the same continent, and 0 otherwise.
        Attached Files
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #19
          Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
          2/ Increased trade access: RouteCreated and RouteBroken events would be the minimum I guess, with players and good type arguments. IsPlayerTradingGood would be best Possibly a player array variable numberofroutes or something as well. There are probably others that would help, especially if anyone does want to put in the effort for Civ3esque resources.

          I found this bit of code. I think it might be the start of something that IM was talking about

           [SIZE=1] slicfunc.cpp [/SIZE]
          SFN_ERROR Slic_TradePoints::Call(SlicArgList *args)
          	sint32 p;
          	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
          		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
          	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
          		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
          	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->m_tradeTransportPoints;
          	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
          SFN_ERROR Slic_TradePointsInUse::Call(SlicArgList *args)
          	sint32 p;
          	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
          		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
          	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
          		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
          	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->m_usedTradeTransportPoints; 
          	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
          SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
          	sint32 p;
          	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
          		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
          	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
          		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
          	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes();
          	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
          SFN_ERROR Slic_HasSameGoodAsTraded::Call(SlicArgList *args)
          	sint32 p;
          	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
          		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
          	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p))
          		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
          	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->HasSameGoodAsTraded();
          	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #20
            Well that wasn't so difficuilt, let's set up something that can be more called as a challenge for training purposes of course.

            Extendet trade acces. A function that returns the number of trade route at a specific location. The syntax would be like this:

            int_t TradeRoutes(location_t)

            Some other trade specifix functions would be:

            void_t GetTradeRouteByIndex(location_t, int_t, traderoute_t)

            First parameter the location that contains a trade route, second an index and third a parameter that is filled with a specific trade route. The only little problem with this is that we have no traderoute_t thing that has to be implemented. And this is necessary to allow the trade route specific events called from slic.

            void_t GetTradePartners(traderoute_t, city_t, city_t)

            With the traderoute_t thing we coult retrive from it the start and endpoint of a trade route.

            int_t GetTradeGood(traderoute_t)

            Get the index of the good that is traded by the give route.

            The first function shouldn't be too difficuilt, maybe not all indrigents are found in the slicfunc.cpp, but Cell.cpp and Cell.h should help you.

            For fixing ContinentBiggerThan I have no idea it is somewhere in the underlying functions outside slic, by the way what in particular does not work about this function, what are the symptoms?

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #21
              Qualifying to be a C++ teacher now, Martin ?
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #22
                Originally posted by Solver
                Qualifying to be a C++ teacher now, Martin ?
                We need some more coders don't we.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #23
                  if your patient I'm willing to learn...

                  Should we also have:

                  PlayerReceivesTradedGood function?

                  PlayerSendstradedGood function?

                  I'm just thinking of possible options like IW said to make it easier to replicate civ3 good trading so we can stop getting that question asked.

                  as for the new code, do we need to type something like this?

                  int_t TradeRoutes(location_t)
                  	sint32 p;
                  	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                  		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                  	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p))
                  		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                  	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->TradeRoutes();
                  	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #24
                    SFN_ERROR Slic_Addslaves::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                    	if(args->m_numArgs != 2)
                    		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                    	Unit city;
                    	BOOL res;
                    	res = args->GetCity(0, city);
                    	if(!res) {
                    		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                    	sint32 count;
                    	if(!args->GetInt(1, count))
                    		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                    	MapPoint pos; 
                    	sint32 i;
                    	if(count > 0) {
                    		for (i=0; iAddEvent(GEV_INSERT_Tail, GEV_MakePop,
                    								   GEA_City, city.m_id,
                    	[COLOR=red]ChangeSpecialists(POP_SLAVE, +1);[/COLOR]
                    	} else {
                    		for(i = count; i < 0; i++) {
                    		sint32 delta_martial_law;
                    	CityData *cd = city.GetData()->GetCityData();
                    	cd->GetHappy()->CalcHappiness(*cd, FALSE, delta_martial_law, TRUE);
                    	return SFN_ERROR_OK;

                    I hope this is the case but could adding the line in red really make this add slave function working or do i have to link it with something. I can't compile at the moment as id don't have any source files apart from the actocrap ones.

                    This was made by combining a function that removed slaves in citydate.cpp and the add pop function. In slicfunction.cpp
                    "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                    The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                    Visit the big mc’s website


                    • #25
                      is there a function


                      I was looking to have the ability to change ownership of territory once a unit fortifies (and cause war if it changes from one player to another)

                      Could this code in cell.cpp be reference for it?
                      void Cell::SetOwner(sint32 owner)
                      	m_cellOwner = (sint8)owner;



                      to shrink or expand city radius independent of population size (i'm tired of new york city taking up half the US for a scenario)
                      Last edited by Ekmek; January 12, 2005, 12:41.
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by E
                        PlayerReceivesTradedGood function?

                        PlayerSendstradedGood function?
                        Actual this doesn't seem to make sense, according to the names of these functions they can only act when a good is send. And that is covered by the SendGood event. It has three arguments the first an integer an index into the good's database and the second the sender city and the third the receiver city. From the cities you can retrieve the owner.

                        Originally posted by E
                        as for the new code, do we need to type something like this?

                        int_t TradeRoutes(location_t)
                        	sint32 p;
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p))
                        		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                        	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->TradeRoutes();
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        Not quite. At first I gave the here the slic function signature I would expect in fact in the documentation I find something like this:

                        INT PlayerCityCount(player)

                        Actual I would now write it like:

                        INT PlayerCityCount(int_t player)

                        INT is the return type in this case an integer VOID would mean the function doesn't return anything. int_t is the type of the slic variable in this case it is of type int_t actual a whole number, and player is a description of the meaning of this variable, for simplicity I skipped the variable name in my function description. It isn't used anywhere anyway.

                        Now to add a new slic function you have to modify three files, slicfunc.cpp, SlicEngine.cpp and SlicFunc.h, note that on a Linux machine in contrast to a windows machine slicfunc.cpp and SlicFunc.cpp are different files. I don't tell you now in which directory you can find these files as you already should have found these files. By the way these files are the same files Solver modified to add the IsOnSameContinent.

                        To understand how to add such an function look in all these file for IsOnSameContinent or any other slic function.

                        Let's do a tutorial function and let's suppose we don't have a TradeRoutes already:

                        In SlicFunc.h we have a long list like this:

                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, StringCompare)				
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, CityNameCompare)				
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, ChangeGlobalRegard)			 
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, SetAllCitiesVisible)			
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, SetCityVisible)				
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, IsCivilian)					
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, FinishImprovements)         
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, RemoveAdvance)              
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, PlayerGold)                  
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, GetArmyFromUnit)				
                        SLICFUNC (SFR_INT, ClearBattleFlag)				
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, MinimizeAction)				
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_INT, IsUnitAtHead)					
                        SLICFUNC(SFR_VOID, OpenScenarioEditor)
                        If there isn't already a TradeRoutes functions there we could add to the list something like this:

                        Of course if the function should have a different name then we name it differently and we use SFR_INT instead of SFR_VOID as this function should return an integer.

                        The next thing is to modify SlicEngine.cpp the is a function called void SlicEngine::AddBuiltinFunctions() that registeres all the slic functions so that the game can use them.

                        There we find also again such a list of functions:

                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetUnit);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetUnitByIndex);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetCity);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetCityByIndex);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetLocation);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_MakeLocation);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetOrder);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_Flood);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_Ozone);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_GodMode);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_ExecuteAllOrders);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_CatchUp);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_Deselect);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_Preference);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_SetPreference);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_AddMovement);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_ToggleVeteran);
                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_IsVeteran);
                        And here at the end of this list we would again add our new function the TradeRoutes if it is already present in this list. Something like this:

                        	m_functionHash->Add(new Slic_TradeRoutes);
                        And now we have to modify slicfunc.cpp, the best is we look for an empty function that should return an integer copy it to the end of the file and modify it, like this one:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_UnitHasFlag::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	m_result.m_int = 0;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        Now we just need to replace the name with the desired one and we optain:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	m_result.m_int = 0;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        If we just wanted to add a function then we are finished, we can call this function without even a slic error. The only little problem is that it always return 0. It doesn't matter how we call it in slic, for instance like:

                        TradeRoutes(city, army);
                        TradeRoutes(player, city);
                        No slic error, it doesn't matter how many arguments we pass to the function or what kind of argument we pass, whether it is a city, whether it is an army or whatever. Let's modify it so that it only accepts one parameter:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	m_result.m_int = 0;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        Our Call function gets an input parameter called args as it is a pointer we can access a member of the SlicArgList like this:

                        In fact that is the way to figure out the number of arguments our slic function gets, if the number of arguments is different than one we let return the Call function a slic error about wrong number of arguments.

                        Well now the function complains when the wrong number of arguments is given, but it still accepts wrong types of arguments. Therefore we check the type of an argument.

                        To do this we can use the GetPlayer function of the SlicArgList object the first argument is the index of that element in the argument list we want to access in that case it is the first argument and it is indexed with 0. The second argument is a variable that is filled by the GetPlayer function. The GetPlayer function returns whether the according argument can be interpreted as player. In that case it is a player index and the variable should be declared locally before, we do it like this:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        sint32 p;
                        if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;

                        if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
                        return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;

                        m_result.m_int = 0;
                        return SFN_ERROR_OK;

                        Now the function exspects the right arguments, but still it doesn't anything accept returning 0. So here now comes the more difficuilt part we have to access the rest of the program and have to assign m_result.m_int something nice. As we want to access something from the player we use the global player array g_player and use the index p we have optained from GetPlayer to access the pth player. In the Player class we find the right function for it that gives us the number of trade routes a player has, GetNumTradeRoutes. Since g_player is an array of pointers we have to use the arrow operator (->) to use the function. And now our code looks like this:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	sint32 p; // Declare the variable p of type sint32
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1) // Check the number 
                        						  //of arguments
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS; 
                        		// Return wrong number of argument slic 
                        		// error if the number of arguments are unequal one.
                        	if(!args->GetPlayer(0, p)) { // Optain the player 
                        						    //index from the first argument.
                        		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS; // Return wrong type 
                        								   //of argument of slic error
                        								   // if the first argument 
                        								   // cannot be interpreted
                        								   // as player index.
                        	m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes(); 
                        	// Assign the result, after retriving the players 
                        	// number of trade routes.
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK; // Return that there was no slic error.
                        Note that this level of commentation in normal program code that is not intended for teaching is called overcommented. For a programmer it should be obviously what is here done.

                        If this function is not already in the source code we could add it now. But actual we want also such a function that tells us how many trade routes a you can priate for instance on a tile.

                        Therefore we overload this slic function, basicly overloading means the function accepts more then one set of parameters. The sets of parameters can differ in size and in the order of types.

                        Now we want such a function that with the same name but with a location as first argument. In c++ we could just do a second function with another parameter.

                        But here we take the same function and extend the parameter checking. As we still just want to accept one parameter, we don't need to alter the number of argument checking, but we have to alter the type checking:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	sint32 p;
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	if(args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
                        		m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;	
                        First we change the instruction flow. If GetPlayer can fill p successfully we jump into the if block within the braces {}. That is done by removing the exclamation mark, the exclamation mark is a boolean operator and is the negator of a statement. For instance this

                        means in word: not true. And of course not true is of course false, and the way around.

                        As the behavour of the slic function should not be changed, we switch the statements inside the if block and the following ones.

                        Now the function still does everthing it did before, but only diffrently then before. But this is to our advance. Now we can add another Argument type checking.

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	sint32 p;
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	if(args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
                        		m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        	MapPoint pos;
                        	if(!args->GetPos(0, pos)) {
                        		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;	
                        Now we have to test whether the first argument could contain a location, therefore we look how they did this in the CellOwner function for instance and copy the necessary code.

                        In the CellOwner function we see that they used the GetPos function, we just copy it, it works like the GetPlayer function except that its second argument must be a MapPoint opject. So far this returns nevertheless a wrong type of argument slic error even if the first argument is a location, therefore we replace the last:

                        	return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;

                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        So that everything again is ok.

                        From the CellOwner function there is a retrievel of a Cell object and such a cell object we need as well.

                        So we add the according code again:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	sint32 p;
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	if(args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
                        		m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        	MapPoint pos;
                        	if(!args->GetPos(0, pos)) {
                        		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                        	Cell *cell = g_theWorld->GetCell(pos);
                        	if(!cell) {
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        There is still a little problem, the case the first argument is a location the function returns something, to prevent this we add to the start something like this:

                        	m_result.m_int = 0;
                        But there is still a problem if the first argument is a location it returns 0, that is ok if the first argument is a unit.

                        So we have to add the result assignemnt. From the CellOwner function we have something like this:

                        	m_result.m_int = cell->GetOwner();
                        Actual we don't want to optain the Owner of that location, but we want the number of trade routes in that location we can pirate, fortunatly the Cell object has something like this:

                        	m_result.m_int = cell->GetOwner();
                        	m_result.m_int = GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        Finally our code looks like this:

                        SFN_ERROR Slic_TradeRoutes::Call(SlicArgList *args)
                        	m_result.m_int = 0;
                        	sint32 p;
                        	if(args->m_numArgs != 1)
                        		return SFN_ERROR_NUM_ARGS;
                        	if(args->GetPlayer(0, p)) {
                        		m_result.m_int = g_player[p]->GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        	MapPoint pos;
                        	if(!args->GetPos(0, pos)) {
                        		return SFN_ERROR_TYPE_ARGS;
                        	Cell *cell = g_theWorld->GetCell(pos);
                        	if(!cell) {
                        		return SFN_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
                        	m_result.m_int = cell->GetNumTradeRoutes();
                        	return SFN_ERROR_OK;
                        This is now the overloaded slic function that returns if the first argument is a player the number of trade routes that the player owns and if it is a location it returns the number of trade routes you find on the according tile.

                        So that should it be how to do a slic function, the trickiest part is to fill the m_result.m_int thingy.

                        Last edited by Martin Gühmann; January 12, 2005, 12:20.
                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #27
                          :wow: thanks Martin! I'm sure I'll have to go over it a few times, especially since my only experience is with turbopascal and that was several years ago.

                          But just a quick question, how do I get the progam to find certain variables. I'm thinking this applies to the m_int thinkgy part you mention. Is there somewhere I can check for a list of usable variables?

                          Will it recognize a GetFood or GetScienceProducion? stuff like that or do I have to create those functions by digging through other parts of the code and see how the code already tries and gets those values?
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by E
                            But just a quick question, how do I get the progam to find certain variables. I'm thinking this applies to the m_int thinkgy part you mention. Is there somewhere I can check for a list of usable variables?
                            I think to answer that question in detail I have to start a C++ lecture for beginners. But I would break the topic then in much more smaller pieces like this one.

                            Originally posted by E
                            Will it recognize a GetFood or GetScienceProducion? stuff like that or do I have to create those functions by digging through other parts of the code and see how the code already tries and gets those values?
                            You mean something like:


                            Well you have check whether there is such a function in the Cell class and use function it. Of course most of them is already in the program.

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #29
                              I found this in cell.cpp

                              sint32 Cell::GetFoodProduced() const 
                              	sint32 food = GetFoodFromTerrain();
                              	sint32 i;
                              	for(i = m_objects->Num() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                              		if((m_objects->Access(i).m_id & k_ID_TYPE_MASK) == k_BIT_GAME_OBJ_TYPE_IMPROVEMENT_DB) {
                              			const TerrainImprovementRecord *impRec = 
                              				g_theTerrainImprovementDB->Get(m_objects->Access(i).m_id & k_ID_KEY_MASK);
                              			const TerrainImprovementRecord::Effect *effect;
                              			effect = terrainutil_GetTerrainEffect(impRec, m_terrain_type);
                              			sint32 bonus;
                              			if(effect && effect->GetBonusFood(bonus)) {
                              				food += bonus;
                                  return food;

                              I hoping I'm lookingin the right place, but what is the file unseenCell.cpp used for?
                              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                              See me at


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by E
                                I found this in cell.cpp
                                And that's probably the function you were looking for.

                                Originally posted by E
                                I hoping I'm lookingin the right place, but what is the file unseenCell.cpp used for?
                                Of course what it says for the unseen Cells the tiles you don't see. With my latest vision update, now always such an unseen cell object is created, in order to store the information that is needed to disply the stuff from your last visit on the status bar and the help tile window. Each player has such unseen cells for each cell he does not see on the map.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

