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  • #16
    Originally posted by Solver
    I wonder whether the long AI turns are a problem only for you or everyone who's played that build? It seems that others are playing fine... and no, I myself still have not played the latest playtest build, I am in the mood to do so, but don't have an evening to devote to CtP right now.
    Of course if you play on one landmass maps only you don't have any problem. But if you play island maps you have definatly a problem if you use the built provided by calvitex.

    Originally posted by E
    maybe we should make a thread of wishlist for new SLIC functions?
    Why don't you post one?

    Originally posted by E
    don't we need a get current government function?
    Do we have now already three ways to figure this out, don't we.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #17
      Of course if you play on one landmass maps only you don't have any problem. But if you play island maps you have definatly a problem if you use the built provided by calvitex.

      So, does calvitex's build indeed cause water maps to run slow, is that confirmed? As said, I haven't played the latest build.

      Do we have now already three ways to figure this out, don't we.

      But good point there, a simple get govt SLIC function is better than all the workarounds that exist.
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #18
        Love This game!

        Would like to see the AI expand and hold ground. What I mean is that if the ai goes to war with you will not forget defense , What I have done is only change some numbers in Goals file and and other files is to raise attack numbers but kept defense numbers as in 1.11
        Will give you my numbers in another thread . What happens is the ai will send some stacks to attacked city or face off your units. If units come out of the city -units from inner part of the empire would replace them
        I know many in here know the files systems alot more than Ido put have been enjoying testing numbers to see what would happen.
        Defense is not always passive. The more land the ai controls and is able to hem in the human player the harder it will be for you to win the game
        Chess is a good example of this. Weaker players will go for a closed game . Alot of defensive moves to keep control of the center . If the ai could expand and build up defense fast the affect would keep you off balance.
        A attacking ai that could take out your cities quick would be geat but this would mean that many ai cites are open to counter attack by anyone on its borders.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Solver
          Of course if you play on one landmass maps only you don't have any problem. But if you play island maps you have definatly a problem if you use the built provided by calvitex.

          So, does calvitex's build indeed cause water maps to run slow, is that confirmed? As said, I haven't played the latest build.
          Afterwards I added the changes by calvitix after the last all pack I got that slow downs, I think they come from his first pack afterwards that all pack. And the no naval activity at all came with his last pack.

          Originally posted by Solver
          Do we have now already three ways to figure this out, don't we.

          But good point there, a simple get govt SLIC function is better than all the workarounds that exist.
          Actual only one of them can be considered as workaround. player[0].govttype is a string and since the StringCompare function works we have a direct workaround. Afterwards Peter added the player[0].government built-in we have a direct way to figure it out, and since I overloaded the player slic built-ins from that you expect an integer as return value, you can now figure out the current government with the player[0].govttype built-in directly as well. I don't see here the need to find some workarounds.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #20
            Ahh, so the integer return values for government types are done now as well, then I can indeed agree that it's pretty much everything. A separate function might be created of course, but is indeed not required then.
            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


            • #21
              How far can you go?

              It seems so much has been done already to improve the game . I still recall when the first Diplomod came out it was a bright spot in the long line of improvements.
              Cradle and other major mods were unbelieveable for a game the had a very poor AI.
              I think taking some movement points away like stated above is a start . Maybe giving goverments along with units that only the ai could start and buid might work. Could spread the cheats out more using Units and Govement texts files this way.Wouldnt have to depend so much on the DiffDB file.


              • #22
                Theoretically, we can now do anything as we have the full source code, but practically, we can't, because manpower is seriously limited. If we had a couple of people working full-time, it would have been a different story .

                But yes, indeed, much has been done, with mods and with the source. I should note, though, that different mods have a different approach to the AI. Cradle makes it challenging by making it aggressive and improving the military part, while for instance GoodMod tries to improve general decision making on the AI's behalf, which is what I personally prefer. IMO, peace should always be a viable option in civ, therefore, the AI should be able to build well and not fall back during peace - or alternatively, conquest other AI civs to grow and possibly outgrow you.
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

