Thanks E, i wanted to test these too. 
BTW thinking of other in-game info that would help make the game easier to approach for a newbie (or re-newbie) might be info on feats.
A tab along the score/wonders/ranking which could show info of feats already achieved and by which civ, like the wonders. Also details of how to achieve each feat should be in the GL, whether it should give all details like how MANY theatres im not so sure though, because it takes away the surprise.

BTW thinking of other in-game info that would help make the game easier to approach for a newbie (or re-newbie) might be info on feats.
A tab along the score/wonders/ranking which could show info of feats already achieved and by which civ, like the wonders. Also details of how to achieve each feat should be in the GL, whether it should give all details like how MANY theatres im not so sure though, because it takes away the surprise.