As I don't need to tell you, when CtP2 was released it was incomplete. It was buggy, unbalanced, etc and the design team basicallly needed a couple of months more to really make it a good game. That wasn't just true for the regular game, it was true for the Alexander the Great scenario as well, which as you all probably know was designed by our very own Harlan. Noone felt more that his scenario was incomplete than Harlan himself, so he decided pretty soon that he wanted to continue working on his scenario after the game's release. His goal was to release a version 2.0 that was everything that v1.0 was supposed to be plus a little bit more. I had already helped Harlan with some of the SLIC code for the scenario while he was still working for Activision, and the decision to go for a sequel was made jointly by the both of us (Harlan would do the creative work, I would be the code monkey).
Soon it turned out real life issues would be a major obstacle for both of us but especially me, so we also got help from a few others. Most notably we got a lot of assistance with the SLIC code from Charles Rothermel, a.k.a. Radical_Manuvr (who basically learnt to code during the project -- very impressive) and two or three others (I honostly can't remember who) who mostly did playtesting. Unfortunately RL obstacles eventually proved too much and the project pretty much fell apart long before completion. Harlan later moved on to Civ3 and eventually disappeared from Apolyton altogether. Charles and I later discussed what to do with the results we had achieved while the project lasted, but without Harlan's consent as creative mind behind the project, I in particular wasn't comfortable releasing anything; especially since Harlan had repeatedly declined to release a public beta after requests from both other project members (Charles and the playtesters) and interested outsiders. He didn't want to release until the scenario was complete, in his mind the version that CtP2 had shipped with was bad enough. Also, when it came to a delayed release, the very last thing I wanted was to do was to create even the slightest bit of illusion that any of the credit for the scenario should go to anyone else but Harlan (Charles and I may have invested a fair bit of time in it but we didn't code a single line of SLIC without Harlan's consent).
So now I've had these half-finished files sitting on my harddisk for well over 3 years and never quite knew what to do with them. Releasing them wasn't an option, completing them without Harlan always felt to me like heresy, but never doing anything with them at all (or worse, deleting them) would also have been a huge waste. A couple of days ago I was going through my old files, noticed the scenario again and it struck me: the Source Code Project is the perfect opportunity for me to finally do something with it. We're already improving the game as a whole in a big project where credit has to be shared between many individuals. Harlan didn't like releasing an incomplete product, and he was extremely unhappy with the version the game originally shipped. Releasing the improved but incomplete scenario as part of the Apolyton Edition would not be ideal, but still a huge improvement over the original. I have no means of contacting Harlan anymore and I hate speaking in other people's stead, but I think he could live with a decision to release the improved version now. Never releasing the files would be a huge waste of all the effort we all invested in it, and even though incomplete, the improved version is very much playable and enjoyable. Certainly much more so than the version CtP2 shipped with. Heck, assuming the one or two remaining problems will be solved, noone would probably ever have thought that the scenario is in any way incomplete if I wouldn't say so. All the known bugs from the original version have been solved and a bunch of new stuff has been introduced; it could pass for a v2.0 if it was presented as such.
So, after a lot of thought I've decided I would like to release the improved version of the scenario, as part of the Apolyton Edition. I've had to make a couple of changes to it compared to how it was when it was abondoned 3-4 years ago, as there were quite a few loose strings (you tend to get that if you abandon something mid-way through
). I've tried to finish everything up as much as possible and make it all look as slick and complete as posisble. I'm calling the final result Alexander the Great v1.5: not v2.0 as it was intended to be, but still an improvement over the original version. I'll present the most exciting news first: what's new?
Improvements in Alexander the Great v1.5:
- New cities, units, advances, buildings and wonders
- New trade goods and terrain types, with some different movement rules
- New river system: major rivers can be navigated by ships and only a few types of land units
- New 'support' system for naval units: they receive damage when they're too far from home
- New events: more Egypt events, various city defections, Delphi (TBD), Persian navy (TBD)
- New happiness system: the bigger the city, the unhappier (comes on top of existing overcrowding system)
- Improved overall gamebalance (chances/rewards of events, numbers of units, city build lists, etc)
- Improved AI
- Improved Settler rules (some cheats disabled)
- Fixed many existing bugs (pregnancies, treason, barbarian spawning, Sparta, fixes from AE, etc)
- Greatly revised and updated Great Library
But now for the bad news: the scenario still isn't 100% ready. There is one major bug that currently makes the scenario unplayable. I can't solve it myself (partly due to time contraints: I still have a lot of real life obstacles to deal with, one of them being a very packed exam period coming up next week), so I'm releasing it as a beta for now: hopefully with some help from you guys I'll be able to solve this problem. After that there are still a few other smaller issues to take care of, but nothing that should cause any serious delays. Also, some additional playtesting may be desirable to ensure the scenario is now indeed bug-free and properly balanced. However, none of that can really be done before the current game-breaking bug is resolved.
The problem that currently makes the game unplayable is the time between turns: it takes an unexplicably long time for the AIs to complete their turn. Even after disabling all SLIC code and reducing the AI time slices to a fraction of the original, it takes about 10 minutes to complete a single turn. Most notably, the game seems to hang during the turn of the independent Greeks: it's like the goody huts problem in Cradle, but worse. And of course, there aren't any goody huts in this scenario so that can't explain it. I don't remember this problem being reported while Harlan was still working on the project and the first version AFAIK also didn't have it, so it's a bit of a mystery to me where it came from. Can you guys please download this scenario (it installs to a seperate folder so it won't overwrite any existing files) and test it? For one thing I'd like to know if the problem is with just with my PC or if it's happening to everyone (I had problems running the first version of the scenarios as well, though that was on another PC). Also, maybe the coders can see anything in the source code or logs that might explain it? As I said, I have a busy exam period coming up, so I can't do an awful lot myself in the coming weeks, but I'm really stuck on this anyway, someone with a fresh perspective needs to look at this. This scenario is truely awesome and would be a great addition to the AE, but it ain't no good if it takes 10 minutes a turn...
A second, far less serious, problem I've had with this scenario that I haven't been able to resolve myself is with the colors00.txt, in particular the minimap. Harlan rewrote terrain.txt to redefine a few terrain types (most notably some underwater terrains were converted into river tiles) and now the land/water only version of the minimap takes the colour of grassland river (formerly underwater volcano) instead of regular grassland as the colour for land. How do I get it to use regular grassland again? Also, Polar Mountains (which have been made impassable for all units) show up as water tiles on this version of the minimap. I've currently worked around the problem by simply giving the volcano a greenish colour on the radar map, but if anyone could fix these minimap issues (and/or explain to me why it's so messed up), I would appreciate it.
Anyway, here is the scenario, it's labeled v1.5b(eta) for the time being. It's 4.25 MB, unzip to your [root]\Scenarios folder.
Soon it turned out real life issues would be a major obstacle for both of us but especially me, so we also got help from a few others. Most notably we got a lot of assistance with the SLIC code from Charles Rothermel, a.k.a. Radical_Manuvr (who basically learnt to code during the project -- very impressive) and two or three others (I honostly can't remember who) who mostly did playtesting. Unfortunately RL obstacles eventually proved too much and the project pretty much fell apart long before completion. Harlan later moved on to Civ3 and eventually disappeared from Apolyton altogether. Charles and I later discussed what to do with the results we had achieved while the project lasted, but without Harlan's consent as creative mind behind the project, I in particular wasn't comfortable releasing anything; especially since Harlan had repeatedly declined to release a public beta after requests from both other project members (Charles and the playtesters) and interested outsiders. He didn't want to release until the scenario was complete, in his mind the version that CtP2 had shipped with was bad enough. Also, when it came to a delayed release, the very last thing I wanted was to do was to create even the slightest bit of illusion that any of the credit for the scenario should go to anyone else but Harlan (Charles and I may have invested a fair bit of time in it but we didn't code a single line of SLIC without Harlan's consent).
So now I've had these half-finished files sitting on my harddisk for well over 3 years and never quite knew what to do with them. Releasing them wasn't an option, completing them without Harlan always felt to me like heresy, but never doing anything with them at all (or worse, deleting them) would also have been a huge waste. A couple of days ago I was going through my old files, noticed the scenario again and it struck me: the Source Code Project is the perfect opportunity for me to finally do something with it. We're already improving the game as a whole in a big project where credit has to be shared between many individuals. Harlan didn't like releasing an incomplete product, and he was extremely unhappy with the version the game originally shipped. Releasing the improved but incomplete scenario as part of the Apolyton Edition would not be ideal, but still a huge improvement over the original. I have no means of contacting Harlan anymore and I hate speaking in other people's stead, but I think he could live with a decision to release the improved version now. Never releasing the files would be a huge waste of all the effort we all invested in it, and even though incomplete, the improved version is very much playable and enjoyable. Certainly much more so than the version CtP2 shipped with. Heck, assuming the one or two remaining problems will be solved, noone would probably ever have thought that the scenario is in any way incomplete if I wouldn't say so. All the known bugs from the original version have been solved and a bunch of new stuff has been introduced; it could pass for a v2.0 if it was presented as such.
So, after a lot of thought I've decided I would like to release the improved version of the scenario, as part of the Apolyton Edition. I've had to make a couple of changes to it compared to how it was when it was abondoned 3-4 years ago, as there were quite a few loose strings (you tend to get that if you abandon something mid-way through

Improvements in Alexander the Great v1.5:
- New cities, units, advances, buildings and wonders
- New trade goods and terrain types, with some different movement rules
- New river system: major rivers can be navigated by ships and only a few types of land units
- New 'support' system for naval units: they receive damage when they're too far from home
- New events: more Egypt events, various city defections, Delphi (TBD), Persian navy (TBD)
- New happiness system: the bigger the city, the unhappier (comes on top of existing overcrowding system)
- Improved overall gamebalance (chances/rewards of events, numbers of units, city build lists, etc)
- Improved AI
- Improved Settler rules (some cheats disabled)
- Fixed many existing bugs (pregnancies, treason, barbarian spawning, Sparta, fixes from AE, etc)
- Greatly revised and updated Great Library
But now for the bad news: the scenario still isn't 100% ready. There is one major bug that currently makes the scenario unplayable. I can't solve it myself (partly due to time contraints: I still have a lot of real life obstacles to deal with, one of them being a very packed exam period coming up next week), so I'm releasing it as a beta for now: hopefully with some help from you guys I'll be able to solve this problem. After that there are still a few other smaller issues to take care of, but nothing that should cause any serious delays. Also, some additional playtesting may be desirable to ensure the scenario is now indeed bug-free and properly balanced. However, none of that can really be done before the current game-breaking bug is resolved.
The problem that currently makes the game unplayable is the time between turns: it takes an unexplicably long time for the AIs to complete their turn. Even after disabling all SLIC code and reducing the AI time slices to a fraction of the original, it takes about 10 minutes to complete a single turn. Most notably, the game seems to hang during the turn of the independent Greeks: it's like the goody huts problem in Cradle, but worse. And of course, there aren't any goody huts in this scenario so that can't explain it. I don't remember this problem being reported while Harlan was still working on the project and the first version AFAIK also didn't have it, so it's a bit of a mystery to me where it came from. Can you guys please download this scenario (it installs to a seperate folder so it won't overwrite any existing files) and test it? For one thing I'd like to know if the problem is with just with my PC or if it's happening to everyone (I had problems running the first version of the scenarios as well, though that was on another PC). Also, maybe the coders can see anything in the source code or logs that might explain it? As I said, I have a busy exam period coming up, so I can't do an awful lot myself in the coming weeks, but I'm really stuck on this anyway, someone with a fresh perspective needs to look at this. This scenario is truely awesome and would be a great addition to the AE, but it ain't no good if it takes 10 minutes a turn...
A second, far less serious, problem I've had with this scenario that I haven't been able to resolve myself is with the colors00.txt, in particular the minimap. Harlan rewrote terrain.txt to redefine a few terrain types (most notably some underwater terrains were converted into river tiles) and now the land/water only version of the minimap takes the colour of grassland river (formerly underwater volcano) instead of regular grassland as the colour for land. How do I get it to use regular grassland again? Also, Polar Mountains (which have been made impassable for all units) show up as water tiles on this version of the minimap. I've currently worked around the problem by simply giving the volcano a greenish colour on the radar map, but if anyone could fix these minimap issues (and/or explain to me why it's so messed up), I would appreciate it.
Anyway, here is the scenario, it's labeled v1.5b(eta) for the time being. It's 4.25 MB, unzip to your [root]\Scenarios folder.