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Tracking changes: Missing files

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  • Tracking changes: Missing files

    I went through the PROJECT: Altered source files thread, and together with my earlier downloads i now have about 60% coverage of the changes (posted files) there.
    For the removed links i cannot tell the filename, but just the dates.

    I made a list with the timestamps linked to the post, so if anybody finds a file, please add it here with the timestamp copied at your addition reply.

    For better readability, i put 4 dates in a row and sorted by poster, then by date left to right, row by row.

    If you think having all revisions since June 5th, 2004 is enough, we could skip collecting the files removed. I hope i will finish a subversion import script this weekend, so adding another posted file should be no problem.
    Last edited by ctplinuxfan; July 19, 2004, 15:31.

  • #2
    IIRC Fromafar removes his files once they are included in the files. Are you saying that the files actually do not contain all of the files listed?
    "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
    Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


    • #3
      I dont think that it is terribly important to have every change of the source in the version tree. For my sake you can just start with the latest ALL build and continue from there.
      If it is needed i might be able to dig up those files, but there is a chance that they are gone forever.


      • #4
        @kaan: i more and more tend to your opinion, i didn't know its that time consuming

        Flinx: No, the all files should contain all changes as a whole.
        The benefits of collecting the little files is:
        • being able to get earlier versions of a file
        • see who changed which lines of a file to what when (viewing to earlier version diffs)
        • linear documentation of all revisions since project start (perhaps considerable for the credits file)


        • #5
          OK, I uploaded everything I have to this place:

          For 4thmoon's file: Unfortunatly he screwed something up in his files therefore I had to modify his files a little bit so that I was able to include them in an all pack.

          Another issure is with earlier all packs. The changes I did right before compiling an all pack were never posted in a seperate file.

          And yes indeed it is very time consumping to add all the changes at once.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            Wow, thanks alot, Martin!

            I hope i can finish adding them tommorrow, if not, it will probably be wednesday/thursday, because i have much to do at work on monday/tuesday


            • #7
              I guess it will be wednesday or thurday until a dump with all i have is available (damn heavy storm and tornado ); atm it sizes around 75MB, i.e. it shouldn't grow beyond 15MB bzip2 compressed (now 14).

              I updated the previous post to contain the posts of which i think i have no file so far, but i will double check this on wednesday.

              I attached a log which represents the current repository "commits" revision by revision, for the changed files reported by subversion, subversion uses
              • A for added files
              • M for changed files (merged changes)

              The log is about 280k; despite checking the remaining missing files again i need to shorten some commit logs for the ALL patches, because most changes are included by the small files.
              Attached Files

