Well, shall we continue using this directive, or not?
Any comment, additions to pros/cons list or opinions are welcome.
Happy Voting!
Well, shall we continue using this directive, or not?

- you may see locations of changes (Alternatives: TortoiseMerge, WinMerge, etc.)
- you may compile a binary based on apolytons code
- it's the way we do it now
- fast growing sources due to duplicate code (original/changes)
- you will not see changes of people not following this convention
- this will lead to a binary based on slightly modified code
- code may get harder to understand
- changes may get harder to add
- there's no similar change tracking for .ldl/.txt files
- nested changes like system programming guarded by acitivision ifdefs might introduce bugs/strange behaviour due to complexity
- changes can be localized by programs in Pros
- a version control system aka VCS (like subversion, even more powerful than CVS) does the same, too, and much more
Any comment, additions to pros/cons list or opinions are welcome.
Happy Voting!