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PROJECT: How to fix veteran investigate city chance

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  • PROJECT: How to fix veteran investigate city chance

    When a veteran spy or cyberninja investigates a city he should have a higher chance of beeing successful than a non veteran unit.

    In the Units.txt file is defined:
       InvestigateCity {
          Chance 0.75
          EliteChance 0.1
          DeathChance 0.5
    Because here it seems was the intention to add the EliteChance to the normal Chance.

    In the source will the normal chance be overwritten with the EliteChance value, making a veteran spy very unsuccessful.
    	if(Flag(k_UDF_IS_VET)) {
    		chance = eliteChance;
    So we can change the source and add the EliteChance to che Chance or we can set a high value in the Unit.txt file.

    The CradleMod for example has changed the EliteChance to an absolute value higher than the Chance value to get this working correct.

    So I would vote for updating the values in the Unit.txt file for spy and cyberninja to be more compatible to the existing mods and suggest to include the modified unit.txt in the next playtest version.

       InvestigateCity {
          Chance 0.75
          EliteChance 0.85
          DeathChance 0.5
    If this is ok, i can post a changed unit.txt file to the AlteredSource thread.

  • #2
    this sounds about right to me.


    • #3
      Yes, that seems the right solution - if it was to be added then the field should be called something else like EliteChanceBonus, and we don't want to change the name.


      • #4
        Can I suggest one additional change:

           InvestigateCity {
              Chance 0.75
              DeathChance 0.5
              EliteChance 0.85
              [b]EliteDeathChance 0.85[/b]
        A regular unit would have a 75% chance of success and a 25% chance of failure. If it failed it has a 50% chance of being caught and killed (75% success, 12.5% fail+escape, 12.5% fail+death)

        A veteran unit would have an 85% chance of success and a 15% chance of failure. If the unit failed the veteran would have only a 15% chance of being caught and killed (85% success, 12.75% fail+escape, 2.25% fail+death)

        (Just hypothetical numbers! We could set EliteDeathChance to be the same as DeathChance for the playtest and allow modders to come up with their own values)
        Last edited by Flinx; July 5, 2004, 17:32.
        "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
        Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition

