I don’t know about the rest of you but I think the way actoscrap did tile imps borders on laziness.( I know I am lazy but come on
Right what I am going at is this there a three farming tile imps yet there are five ages
What I am proposing is that we re-model the number of tile imps and the way we can use them.
For example I think we need two more tile imps of each type. So we don’t have a gap between the agricultural revelation farm and the genetic one ( which if you look at we have modern farms of large amounts of machinery. The we have hydroponics farms, then we need one more .)
I would also like to sea a separation between shallow seas and deep seas for example a set of shallow sea imps and a set of deep sea imps
I don’t care if this goes historical as long as we get some ideas put up.

Right what I am going at is this there a three farming tile imps yet there are five ages

For example I think we need two more tile imps of each type. So we don’t have a gap between the agricultural revelation farm and the genetic one ( which if you look at we have modern farms of large amounts of machinery. The we have hydroponics farms, then we need one more .)
I would also like to sea a separation between shallow seas and deep seas for example a set of shallow sea imps and a set of deep sea imps

I don’t care if this goes historical as long as we get some ideas put up.
