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DESIGN: Customization

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  • DESIGN: Customization

    I know its early and that the priority is bugs, but i'm going to throw this out.

    To easy customization for modders and scenarios and even when you start a game, Instead of certain civilization information stuck in one txt file maybe they could be broken into separte folders. Basically a folder per civ, it would contain a

    Civ.txt text file with civiliztion attributes, leader names, and city names.

    Units.txt that would say what sprite file for what kind of unit (that way you can have a civ specific build list for unique units or civ flavor infantry for example)

    Cities.txt which would say what sprites for city styles for customization

    Govt.txt So we could have civ unique govts if wanted

    Advances.txt for specific science trees

    Or anything for customization. just a thought to allow customization and perhaps at start up you can have the option wher you create a new civ and pick traits etc (I guess it would just copy a generic civ folder)
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

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