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Changing the game

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  • Changing the game

    I appreciate the work you guys put in this game. I was wondering if you are just trying to fix the issues with the original game or you were adding new ideas to make the game better.
    Anyway, I believe the coding aspect would be difficult but the dominions 2 (it's a turn base game) idea of turns would make civ series much better in terms of multiplayer(or single player). The idea is everyone makes their movement for the turn at the same time and commits. After all players commit, the game advances the turn making all the moves together. This makes the game realistic since nobody should have their turns shaped up depending on the moves of other players (which should happen in the next 10 or 50 years in game time). This will probably require a lot of changes in the code but if it is done, this will be the best civ game ever in my opinion.


  • #2
    Simultaneous moves can be nasty on tile based TBS systems.

    Does Dominion II's map that you plan from look like Risk by any chance? Regions are a much better place to have simultaneous move TBS's because there is much less granularity in the map. Thus I wouldn't be suprised if Dominion II did use regions.


    • #3
      BTW, to answer your first questions, we are both looking to fix the game's issues, and enhance it, in ways that we can agree on, and that the project developers are willing (and able) to do.

