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Diplomacy Manager

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  • Diplomacy Manager

    Anyone notice that in the diplomacy manager if you put an embargo on a nation the icon for emgargo does not show up along side that nation? But if you goto war then the embargo icon shows up?
    Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!

  • #2
    Talking about diplomacy,why don't add a new option like the Yalta Treaty (sharing of influences zones) between two ennemies civ,civ-based or map-based (with the adapted interface to select the area/civ) ?
    I need your lights to think clearly.


    • #3
      New Proposal: Collaboration (not cooperation...)
      when a powerful civilization approach a weaker one with a lot of armies,or when she attacks,the weaker civilization can make the proposal of Collaboration,giving a part of her production (gold,shields and science) to the powerful one (to share between her cities according to their size),each turn until Collaboration is broken. The territory must be occupied by armies,and it need a Liberation (abstracting) procedure to broke the Collaboration.
      I need your lights to think clearly.


      • #4
        Sounds like you want vassals! I have allways thought that would be a great idea. Sometimes you dont really feel like conquering the world. Sometimes its better to just have them all under your heel and pay your tribute instead.

        If you really want to see a good diplomacy system check out europa universalis best political engine in any game i have ever played. It has its flaws but very robust. You can vassalize enemies instead of absorbing them.
        Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!


        • #5
          Sounds like a bad idea: It encourages critical mass expansion... Grow... produce... vassal ... produce more... grow more... vassal. Divide and conquer.

          A civ "rolling over" before they're done reduces challenge.

          Peter's idea of other AI civs joining forces as AI civs fell makes much more sense, in gameplay terms, as does increasing the capability of defense, and intensifying issues with happiness related to foreign influence.

          You certainly don't need more options for the warmonger in Civ games.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrBaggins
            Sounds like a bad idea: It encourages critical mass expansion... Grow... produce... vassal ... produce more... grow more... vassal. Divide and conquer.

            A civ "rolling over" before they're done reduces challenge.

            Peter's idea of other AI civs joining forces as AI civs fell makes much more sense, in gameplay terms, as does increasing the capability of defense, and intensifying issues with happiness related to foreign influence.

            You certainly don't need more options for the warmonger in Civ games.
            If there is a vassal option I think it would be nice to have an option to support a revolt or unrest. In vassal states make a higher chance on anti-[your civ] among the populace. Opposing players can exploit this. I think an easy example of this, and not to cumbersome forthe AI is that partisans are produced every turn during vassalage (or even a "protester" unit that occupies a tile and you are denied the resources for that tile while they are there].

            But the reason I resurrecte this one is to suggest more non-warmonger diplomacy options:

            MAKE PEACE: If two AIs are fighting each other you can broker a peace deal by offer Gold per turn etc. THe advantage would be for those trying to win scientifically or economically and dont want to see a superpower AI rise.

            Another idea that is just in beginning stages are options that should make the modern and late game more challenging. Both CTP2 and Civ3 are great in Ancient and Middle ages because you are small, have few units and it takes awhile for a civ to be wiped out. In the modern area with productive power, science leads, air power, unit ranges wars are fast and furious. I'd like to see a return of partisans but also diplomacy options to support partisans so they crop up in an AI vs AI fight or even against you if the AI is trying. Just to hamper the conventional army conquers all. Also occupations should become more difficult in later era with more protests and foriegn fighters etc. (I know this covers more than diplomacy)
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at

