I mentioned this a long, long time ago, but I'm strongly of the opinion that the current wonder system is a problem...
My thought was to limit the number of wonders available to players, per age. This approach hasn't been available til now, with the release of the source code.
Tech leaders still get an advantage since they get "first dibs" on the wonder(s) of their choice. Once a civ starts building a wonder, it can't be built by another civ, unless the construction is abandoned by that city.
Abandoning wonder races solves a lot of the AI wasting foibles. Currently, the AI often wastes a lot of production on lost races... with limited wonders, these issues just wouldn't happen.
Obviously this is a somewhat controversial subject, even though I think it has a lot of merit, so it should be optional. I'd put it in age.txt
In each age, put WonderLimitPerCiv. If the value is -1 then there are no limits or building restrictions for wonders, as per standard. If 0 then wonder building is disabled for all civs. If more than 0 then there are limited wonders available to each civ, on a first-come-first-serve basis.
I also like the idea of including limited wonders, somewhat like Civ3. These are available to all civs, but only one can be built per civ. These would compliment wonder limits very well, also, I think.
- The system mostly rewards the tech leader, allowing them to get richer, effectively.
- Although wonders effectively add flavor to civilizations, the players experience is very often similar, due to their aiming for (and usually/often getting) the same initial wonders, and most if not all of the later ones.
- Wonders aren't wonderful: to me they seem more like a very expensive city improvement, often. I think this is largely because they've been toned down, due to the above problems.
My thought was to limit the number of wonders available to players, per age. This approach hasn't been available til now, with the release of the source code.
Tech leaders still get an advantage since they get "first dibs" on the wonder(s) of their choice. Once a civ starts building a wonder, it can't be built by another civ, unless the construction is abandoned by that city.
Abandoning wonder races solves a lot of the AI wasting foibles. Currently, the AI often wastes a lot of production on lost races... with limited wonders, these issues just wouldn't happen.
Obviously this is a somewhat controversial subject, even though I think it has a lot of merit, so it should be optional. I'd put it in age.txt
In each age, put WonderLimitPerCiv. If the value is -1 then there are no limits or building restrictions for wonders, as per standard. If 0 then wonder building is disabled for all civs. If more than 0 then there are limited wonders available to each civ, on a first-come-first-serve basis.
I also like the idea of including limited wonders, somewhat like Civ3. These are available to all civs, but only one can be built per civ. These would compliment wonder limits very well, also, I think.