You don't need to worry about those, they're SLIC names not file names.
BUT, I've converted SAP to a scenario and have been playing it with the debug exe. You might as well scrap a lot of the SLIC. As Martin remarked to John:
The problem here is that most code is not written correctly,
If you play with DebugSlic=Yes, you get a lot of SLIC errors and it's quite obvious that the code that follows them hasn't ever been doing anything. I can't see any point in keeping it.
You don't need to worry about those, they're SLIC names not file names.
BUT, I've converted SAP to a scenario and have been playing it with the debug exe. You might as well scrap a lot of the SLIC. As Martin remarked to John:
Originally posted by J bytheway
Well, we should be fixing the source code so that all correctly-written SLIC will work with DebugSlic=Yes, so either way it would help .
Well, we should be fixing the source code so that all correctly-written SLIC will work with DebugSlic=Yes, so either way it would help .