Discussing this with a friend online who i play MP with, he was telling me how he uses certain small mods to the game to make things more interesting including smaller city caps, along with the advantages and pitfalls. So if i missed something really embarrassing and obvious, it wasnt my idea 
(1) Everyone would be spacing their cities wider and so would the AI, so less chance of the AI overlapping too early if its told to space far enough. At the moment its, cram cities in allowing for 2 borders, the AI doesnt know how to cram and i suspect it will be hard to tell it how to, not as good as a human anyway. So lower the city cap and tell it to space wider, that will help the AI sustain and keep growing food/commerce/production, into the modern age even. Telling the AI to space wider now with the default city caps just makes it waste good land and split its empire too wide, needlessly.
(2) make better use of the expanding borders. Before generally only 2 border bumps, crammed tight were necessary to sustain a good empire, thus totally bypassing a unique feature of CTP2.
(3) Reduces the late game tedium and makes specialists more important, because of larger cities sooner.
(4) slows down early science to better follow the timeline, but not too slow that it becomes a pain.
(1) Some people think the caps are too small already, in conquests and such.
(2) ?
Heres some numbers +/- a few,
* Tyranny - 5
* Monarchy - 10
* Republic - 10
* Theocracy - 10
* Fascism - 20
* Communism - 20
* Democracy - 20
* Corporate Republic - 30
* Technocracy - 30
* Ecotopia - 40
* Virtual Democracy - 40
Im talking about changing the default game here, for the better (i think), not a mod, so if its a bad idea with the majority of people then it wont happen. Thoughts?

(1) Everyone would be spacing their cities wider and so would the AI, so less chance of the AI overlapping too early if its told to space far enough. At the moment its, cram cities in allowing for 2 borders, the AI doesnt know how to cram and i suspect it will be hard to tell it how to, not as good as a human anyway. So lower the city cap and tell it to space wider, that will help the AI sustain and keep growing food/commerce/production, into the modern age even. Telling the AI to space wider now with the default city caps just makes it waste good land and split its empire too wide, needlessly.
(2) make better use of the expanding borders. Before generally only 2 border bumps, crammed tight were necessary to sustain a good empire, thus totally bypassing a unique feature of CTP2.
(3) Reduces the late game tedium and makes specialists more important, because of larger cities sooner.
(4) slows down early science to better follow the timeline, but not too slow that it becomes a pain.
(1) Some people think the caps are too small already, in conquests and such.
(2) ?
Heres some numbers +/- a few,
* Tyranny - 5
* Monarchy - 10
* Republic - 10
* Theocracy - 10
* Fascism - 20
* Communism - 20
* Democracy - 20
* Corporate Republic - 30
* Technocracy - 30
* Ecotopia - 40
* Virtual Democracy - 40
Im talking about changing the default game here, for the better (i think), not a mod, so if its a bad idea with the majority of people then it wont happen. Thoughts?