Suggest a Concurrent Versions System that you think it would be suitable to be adopted for our project.
Please, post only if you have used a CVS before, preferably a freeware software or service unless of cource you own a commercial one and are willing to host it.
Note if its terms of use are in contradiction with the terms of use specified in the EULA that comes with the CTP2 source code which is the case with SourceForge.
Related threads:
Tools for documentation and development
CVS & Bugzilla
Please, post only if you have used a CVS before, preferably a freeware software or service unless of cource you own a commercial one and are willing to host it.
Note if its terms of use are in contradiction with the terms of use specified in the EULA that comes with the CTP2 source code which is the case with SourceForge.
Related threads:
Tools for documentation and development
CVS & Bugzilla