I located the neutral tile pillage bug in gaiacontroller.cpp or at least I can fix it there:
The problem is the GetGaiaController() function. If it is used on a player with index -1 the game crashs. I guess is that there is no player with index -1 and therefore this function tries to access an object that doesn't exist.
In player.cpp I tried this:
But without any success maybe the game crashs when the function is called and not when its code is executed. So what do you think about it? I will add it to the altered source files thread once I got your comments or some time passed.
STDEHANDLER(GaiaController_CutImprovements) { sint32 owner; sint32 type; MapPoint pos; if(!args->GetPos(0, pos)) return GEV_HD_Continue; TerrainImprovement ti; Cell *cell = g_theWorld->GetCell(pos); owner = cell->GetOwner(); //Added by Martin Gühmann to make shure that //g_player[-1] does not happen. //Not a problem for the array but for the //GetGaiaController() if (owner < 0) return GEV_HD_Continue; Player *owner_player = g_player[owner]; if (owner_player == NULL || owner_player->GetGaiaController() == NULL) return GEV_HD_Continue; sint32 num = cell->GetNumDBImprovements(); for (sint16 i = 0; i < num; i++) { type = cell->GetDBImprovement(i); if (GaiaController::sm_endgameImprovements & ((uint64)0x1 << (uint64)type)) { owner_player->GetGaiaController()-> HandleTerrImprovementChange(type,pos, -1); } } return GEV_HD_Continue; }
In player.cpp I tried this:
GaiaController *Player::GetGaiaController() { if(this->m_owner < 0) return NULL; //Added return m_gaiaController; }