Well, I went back to work on this today.
First I had to make a few changes to get everything compiling under gcc 4.0.
The trick of clicking the mouse did indeed get me to the main menu. I don't think this delay is related to the intro movie, because it still occurs when I give the nointromovie command line argument.
I tried to get to the credits screen, since you claimed that you could, and I had to fix a couple of segfaults and allow the game to handle dos line endings in credits.txt to get there. In the process I unknowingly fixed the problem which was causing all the colours to be mixed up (except on the cursor - they're still wrong there - I don't know why because I don't know how I fixed it in the other instances). I can now get to the credits screen, but in doing so I get an error and no credits. I think this is due to the line ending being wrong again.
First I had to make a few changes to get everything compiling under gcc 4.0.
The trick of clicking the mouse did indeed get me to the main menu. I don't think this delay is related to the intro movie, because it still occurs when I give the nointromovie command line argument.
I tried to get to the credits screen, since you claimed that you could, and I had to fix a couple of segfaults and allow the game to handle dos line endings in credits.txt to get there. In the process I unknowingly fixed the problem which was causing all the colours to be mixed up (except on the cursor - they're still wrong there - I don't know why because I don't know how I fixed it in the other instances). I can now get to the credits screen, but in doing so I get an error and no credits. I think this is due to the line ending being wrong again.