UPDATE 06/26/04
As the code project goes on, certainly people will want new capabilities for units in the epic game and available for scenarios, SLIC, and mods. I'll try to update this as they come out...
1) In combination with the idea that stack size expands with time, I'd like each unit to be worth a number of "points", and you can only have so many points worth of units in a stack (this number can change with tech) (OT: typing this I just realized this system would be quite amusing in a Warhammer mod ). In addition, the points can be divided into different types - sea/land/air, maybe arty too. Also, allow multiple stacks per tile (though if this turns out to be an exploit for defenders, make it so that the other stacks retreat int an adjacent tile if one of the stacks loses a battle). - Kucinich
I'll added newest abilitiy ideas here then move down the list:
1) TILE Capture. A function where a unit on an unclaimed or enemy AI can enter that square and CAPTURE it, making a tile you possess. This would most most important for capturing airbases, harbors, forts, and goods.
2) Precision Bombing. (Gen.Dragolean)
The way I see it is that it is units can attack improvements only. Just make it so that units can only attack a building or improvement on a tile. The precision attack should be left to units like Special Forces, guerillas, Spies and aircraft like stealth bombers and cruise missles.
3) Move cost: Abstract Logistics (see thread for discussion)
Instead of just move point cost units consume food/gold/pw for each move and the price increases the farther the unit is from a city/fort or harbor (allied cities too)
4) Of course Civ3 cherry picks like resource requirements, automatically built from buildings (C3C)
1) Hidden Nationality (From Civ3)
(you dont know which country is attacking you, they appear as barbarians, and you can do it without declaring war)
2) Precision Targeting (From Civ3, but not just air units)
(you can choose which unit, improvement, or population to attack)
3) Create Guerrilla
(like the new conquests enslaving or old Civ2 partisans, when a special forces unit wins in battle it converts the unit to a guerrilla unit)
4) Convert Units (BigMc)
(Bribe units like Civ1, or Steal units as BigMC added)
5) Steal map (BigMc)
(either territory map or enemy plans like Civ3)
6) Steal Gold (BigMc)
7) Steal Public Works (BigMc)
(Do corporate branches need modifying? I would like a tab that showed how much PW was coming from corporate branches)
8) Cause unhappiness (incite a revlt with out overthrowing city) (BigMc)
9) Refugees / join other player city (BigMc)
(when you get 50% = take over the city. May have to copy the Civ3 nationality thing though)
10) resource model for unit construction (Hexagonian)
(various proposals are in debate in economy thread)
11)veteran status (Hexagonian)
(fix is being worked, may lead to civ3 style promotion from regular-veteran-elite)
I'd suggest adding Elite and conscript from Civ3 also to allow for varying degrees of armies
12) food hunger flag for unit maintenance (Hexagonian)
(like civ1 and civ2 for settlers I assume, but available to all units to represent logistics)
13) Harvesting
(Unit on square outside of borders takes resources from that square back to civilization, I thinkit was in AC)
14) Joint/Coalition Attack
(Might involve combat system editing but allowing for allied units to attack and defend the same square on a turn, costing it a turn in the next round)
15) Civ2/Civ3 Style Paradrop
(debatable, but allows for behind enemy lines infiltration)
16) Civ2 style Partisans (BigMC)
(appear after a city has been captured, already SLIC'd)
17) Experience level for units (J Bytheway)
(Units gain different bonuses with continuing combat, may have to change at some point because units dont live forever, but also good for a fantasy game)
18) Propaganda (BigMC)
Increases vet level in allied units decreases it in enemy units. Would also be great as a leaflets options for aircraft.
19) Medic (bigMc)
Heals all with it command use – 500 gold -10 food – 25 public works
Also medic unit increases heal rate of units. Could also be used as a supply unit, AI needs o know how to use this one!
20) Siege Class
A unit that has a bonus only when attacking cities but very weak on the battlefield.
21) Create more unit sizes for (Caranorn explanation scroll down)
22) Split cargo type land/air/sea/special/total in so that a unit may carry different numbers of units. cargo capacity size might be split into 4 as well, but that would probably not be needed.
23) tie unit (and other features like buildings and tile improvements) in with certain goods available in a city (or traded). Likewise, tie in production to existing buildings in a city and if possible wonders in a civ. (Example, 3000 BC, your capital city has a horse good, so you may build some Javelin Cavalry which has this prerequisite, 1000 BC you have just build some stables (horsebreeding) in one of your frontier cities, you may now build Theban Cavalry etc.). Possibly make it so that a unit may have up to 3 prerequisites (all could be empty making the unit buildable as soon as you have the tech), prerequisites could be goods (owned and/or traded), tile improvements, a building or a wonder. If more then one prerequisite is used for a unit, all have to be met, alternatively create an additional line and make this togleable by unit (and/or).
24) Now here comes the potential major change. Why limit armies at a fixed size, why not allow a gliding scale depending on technology and possibly leaders?
25) revision of the combat system using a real small map, allowing player deployment (the ai would probably have a hard time though) and some added player control (turn or time based battles). But this I expect would be asking too much and might not even be of interest to most players.
26) The above mentionned leader functions. Army size modifier (instead of a bonus it could be a multiplier, but that might be harder to fine tune) and troop quality modifierwould be 2 special leader values, I could probably come up with others as well.
27) What about having a communications black out were the city and units in the city has a view range of one tile for a few turns so you can get an army close without the city player knowing or just to put the fear of god in a person. Or something that brings back fog of war or undiscovered (a dark age effect)
28) Cloaking (differnt than invisible?)
Several (like 6 or 8) extra undefined custom buttons for unit actions. Which:
* Units definitions have flags enabling these.
* They have definable icons, sounds etc.
* They can be disabled (greyed out,) and activated thru SLIC.
* They activate SLIC code, when pressed. The context passed is the unit. (from which location etc can be found)
* Optionally, the button should be able to target another location, army or city.
29) I always wanted to make a sea unit in a landlocked city then use the rail launcher to send it to space and then allow it to space down in the ocean and start firing. (big MC)
30) Peacekeeper. A button if you have the UN or something that lets your units become peacekeepers (maybe add a UN flag to the unit graphics?). It gives right of passage to different territory. Cant be expelled by diplomacy (but can be attacked). If peacekeeper is attacked it causes huge Rep hits. In peacekeepr mode you cant attack but your defense is doubled and you can build improvements in another countries territory.
As the code project goes on, certainly people will want new capabilities for units in the epic game and available for scenarios, SLIC, and mods. I'll try to update this as they come out...
1) In combination with the idea that stack size expands with time, I'd like each unit to be worth a number of "points", and you can only have so many points worth of units in a stack (this number can change with tech) (OT: typing this I just realized this system would be quite amusing in a Warhammer mod ). In addition, the points can be divided into different types - sea/land/air, maybe arty too. Also, allow multiple stacks per tile (though if this turns out to be an exploit for defenders, make it so that the other stacks retreat int an adjacent tile if one of the stacks loses a battle). - Kucinich
I'll added newest abilitiy ideas here then move down the list:
1) TILE Capture. A function where a unit on an unclaimed or enemy AI can enter that square and CAPTURE it, making a tile you possess. This would most most important for capturing airbases, harbors, forts, and goods.
2) Precision Bombing. (Gen.Dragolean)
The way I see it is that it is units can attack improvements only. Just make it so that units can only attack a building or improvement on a tile. The precision attack should be left to units like Special Forces, guerillas, Spies and aircraft like stealth bombers and cruise missles.
3) Move cost: Abstract Logistics (see thread for discussion)
Instead of just move point cost units consume food/gold/pw for each move and the price increases the farther the unit is from a city/fort or harbor (allied cities too)
4) Of course Civ3 cherry picks like resource requirements, automatically built from buildings (C3C)
1) Hidden Nationality (From Civ3)
(you dont know which country is attacking you, they appear as barbarians, and you can do it without declaring war)
2) Precision Targeting (From Civ3, but not just air units)
(you can choose which unit, improvement, or population to attack)
3) Create Guerrilla
(like the new conquests enslaving or old Civ2 partisans, when a special forces unit wins in battle it converts the unit to a guerrilla unit)
4) Convert Units (BigMc)
(Bribe units like Civ1, or Steal units as BigMC added)
5) Steal map (BigMc)
(either territory map or enemy plans like Civ3)
6) Steal Gold (BigMc)
7) Steal Public Works (BigMc)
(Do corporate branches need modifying? I would like a tab that showed how much PW was coming from corporate branches)
8) Cause unhappiness (incite a revlt with out overthrowing city) (BigMc)
9) Refugees / join other player city (BigMc)
(when you get 50% = take over the city. May have to copy the Civ3 nationality thing though)
10) resource model for unit construction (Hexagonian)
(various proposals are in debate in economy thread)
11)veteran status (Hexagonian)
(fix is being worked, may lead to civ3 style promotion from regular-veteran-elite)
I'd suggest adding Elite and conscript from Civ3 also to allow for varying degrees of armies
12) food hunger flag for unit maintenance (Hexagonian)
(like civ1 and civ2 for settlers I assume, but available to all units to represent logistics)
13) Harvesting
(Unit on square outside of borders takes resources from that square back to civilization, I thinkit was in AC)
14) Joint/Coalition Attack
(Might involve combat system editing but allowing for allied units to attack and defend the same square on a turn, costing it a turn in the next round)
15) Civ2/Civ3 Style Paradrop
(debatable, but allows for behind enemy lines infiltration)
16) Civ2 style Partisans (BigMC)
(appear after a city has been captured, already SLIC'd)
17) Experience level for units (J Bytheway)
(Units gain different bonuses with continuing combat, may have to change at some point because units dont live forever, but also good for a fantasy game)
18) Propaganda (BigMC)
Increases vet level in allied units decreases it in enemy units. Would also be great as a leaflets options for aircraft.
19) Medic (bigMc)
Heals all with it command use – 500 gold -10 food – 25 public works
Also medic unit increases heal rate of units. Could also be used as a supply unit, AI needs o know how to use this one!
20) Siege Class
A unit that has a bonus only when attacking cities but very weak on the battlefield.
21) Create more unit sizes for (Caranorn explanation scroll down)
22) Split cargo type land/air/sea/special/total in so that a unit may carry different numbers of units. cargo capacity size might be split into 4 as well, but that would probably not be needed.
23) tie unit (and other features like buildings and tile improvements) in with certain goods available in a city (or traded). Likewise, tie in production to existing buildings in a city and if possible wonders in a civ. (Example, 3000 BC, your capital city has a horse good, so you may build some Javelin Cavalry which has this prerequisite, 1000 BC you have just build some stables (horsebreeding) in one of your frontier cities, you may now build Theban Cavalry etc.). Possibly make it so that a unit may have up to 3 prerequisites (all could be empty making the unit buildable as soon as you have the tech), prerequisites could be goods (owned and/or traded), tile improvements, a building or a wonder. If more then one prerequisite is used for a unit, all have to be met, alternatively create an additional line and make this togleable by unit (and/or).
24) Now here comes the potential major change. Why limit armies at a fixed size, why not allow a gliding scale depending on technology and possibly leaders?
25) revision of the combat system using a real small map, allowing player deployment (the ai would probably have a hard time though) and some added player control (turn or time based battles). But this I expect would be asking too much and might not even be of interest to most players.
26) The above mentionned leader functions. Army size modifier (instead of a bonus it could be a multiplier, but that might be harder to fine tune) and troop quality modifierwould be 2 special leader values, I could probably come up with others as well.
27) What about having a communications black out were the city and units in the city has a view range of one tile for a few turns so you can get an army close without the city player knowing or just to put the fear of god in a person. Or something that brings back fog of war or undiscovered (a dark age effect)
28) Cloaking (differnt than invisible?)
Several (like 6 or 8) extra undefined custom buttons for unit actions. Which:
* Units definitions have flags enabling these.
* They have definable icons, sounds etc.
* They can be disabled (greyed out,) and activated thru SLIC.
* They activate SLIC code, when pressed. The context passed is the unit. (from which location etc can be found)
* Optionally, the button should be able to target another location, army or city.
29) I always wanted to make a sea unit in a landlocked city then use the rail launcher to send it to space and then allow it to space down in the ocean and start firing. (big MC)
30) Peacekeeper. A button if you have the UN or something that lets your units become peacekeepers (maybe add a UN flag to the unit graphics?). It gives right of passage to different territory. Cant be expelled by diplomacy (but can be attacked). If peacekeeper is attacked it causes huge Rep hits. In peacekeepr mode you cant attack but your defense is doubled and you can build improvements in another countries territory.