Please post your thoughts on possible changes to the resource and economy system of CtP here. This is supposed to be a wishlist/discussion thread for our ideas. I'll start with a bit of thoughts on Civ3-style resources.
About the strategical resource system. Civ 3 had this idea implemented, but I think that there are ways how it could be improved upon. Suppose you have found a source of Iron and connected it to your cities. In Civ 3 this means, you have Iron. I think that it could mean, for instance, that you have 10 units of Iron. This could be enhanced. If you build a standard mine, say, you get 12 units of Iron from that source – and the standard Mine production increase for the tile. Or, you can build an Iron Mine there, and get 15 units of Iron, but no production increase. This will add the necessity of deciding between higher production and higher amounts of strategic resources.
With that Iron now, you can’t just go ahead and build Pikemen. To build a Pikeman, you need no less than 20 units of Iron, overall – whereas for 15 units, you can build Swordsmen. This will require you to connect more than one source of something.
Also, even the late game units should require resources. For instance, require 100 iron for a Battleship, in addition to whatever Oil or other costs it has. Through the ages, though, there should be upgrades to those terrain improvements like Iron Mines, that increase the output of a strategic resource.
Trading of these resources would happen similar to Civ 3, except that you select how many units exactly are you trading away. So, you can give away 1 unit of Iron, or 30 units of Iron. Of course, the AI would have to be adapted to understand such proposals.
A more radical idea would be to require support costs for units in strategic resources. For instance, have each Pikemen unit require 0.5 Iron to support. All your existing resources go to support first, and building next. So, with 30 Iron units income, and 20 Pikemen, you are spending 10 Iron for support, and have 20 remaining – you can build more Pikemen. But with 21 Pikemen out there, you only have 19.5 iron units remaining, and can build no more Pikemen till you get more Iron or disband existing ones. Currently, though, I’m not exactly sure that I would like this idea. Maybe yes, maybe not.
Luxury resources were another good Civ 3 concept, increasing the happiness in your empire. This, I think, could be implemented in a way more similar to Civ 3, where there are, for instance, 8 different luxury resources, and each one increases happiness in every city of the host empire by 1, for a maximum of +8. Extra sources of each luxury resource can be traded away.
Proceeding with the “special resources” can be risky, IMO. Those could include things like bonus HP for units, extra production or whatever, if you control the resources, but I think it can, in some cases, be unbalancing.
Another idea for economy would be to allow for more detailed control of numbers. For instance, why not allow the PW allocation to be changed by 2 or even 1 percent, instead of by 10 percent?
About the strategical resource system. Civ 3 had this idea implemented, but I think that there are ways how it could be improved upon. Suppose you have found a source of Iron and connected it to your cities. In Civ 3 this means, you have Iron. I think that it could mean, for instance, that you have 10 units of Iron. This could be enhanced. If you build a standard mine, say, you get 12 units of Iron from that source – and the standard Mine production increase for the tile. Or, you can build an Iron Mine there, and get 15 units of Iron, but no production increase. This will add the necessity of deciding between higher production and higher amounts of strategic resources.
With that Iron now, you can’t just go ahead and build Pikemen. To build a Pikeman, you need no less than 20 units of Iron, overall – whereas for 15 units, you can build Swordsmen. This will require you to connect more than one source of something.
Also, even the late game units should require resources. For instance, require 100 iron for a Battleship, in addition to whatever Oil or other costs it has. Through the ages, though, there should be upgrades to those terrain improvements like Iron Mines, that increase the output of a strategic resource.
Trading of these resources would happen similar to Civ 3, except that you select how many units exactly are you trading away. So, you can give away 1 unit of Iron, or 30 units of Iron. Of course, the AI would have to be adapted to understand such proposals.
A more radical idea would be to require support costs for units in strategic resources. For instance, have each Pikemen unit require 0.5 Iron to support. All your existing resources go to support first, and building next. So, with 30 Iron units income, and 20 Pikemen, you are spending 10 Iron for support, and have 20 remaining – you can build more Pikemen. But with 21 Pikemen out there, you only have 19.5 iron units remaining, and can build no more Pikemen till you get more Iron or disband existing ones. Currently, though, I’m not exactly sure that I would like this idea. Maybe yes, maybe not.
Luxury resources were another good Civ 3 concept, increasing the happiness in your empire. This, I think, could be implemented in a way more similar to Civ 3, where there are, for instance, 8 different luxury resources, and each one increases happiness in every city of the host empire by 1, for a maximum of +8. Extra sources of each luxury resource can be traded away.
Proceeding with the “special resources” can be risky, IMO. Those could include things like bonus HP for units, extra production or whatever, if you control the resources, but I think it can, in some cases, be unbalancing.
Another idea for economy would be to allow for more detailed control of numbers. For instance, why not allow the PW allocation to be changed by 2 or even 1 percent, instead of by 10 percent?