Here are the highlights of the chat we had tonight, ordered by topic (in no particular order). The full transcript is below as attachment (too big to post). There's a lot of useful info in here on a variety of different topics (from very technical stuff to very... non-technical stuff), some of this might serve as basis for a FAQ of some sort. We'll have to see about that.
Transcript Highlights
Chat Channel
[22:29] <Locutus> oh, and I created a new channel: #ctp2source -- we could use that if this one is unavailable in the future
[01:02] <Locutus> one thing that strikes me now is that everyone is off discovering/testing stuff. we need to make sure we document everything we do...
Media files
[00:05] <Lemmy> so only the source code is released? no multimedia files?
[00:05] <Zephyr> I thought you had the game Lemmy?
[00:05] <Lemmy> i did
[00:05] * J_Bytheway has joined #Apolyton
[00:05] <Locutus> lemmy, no. you still need a copy of the game, which only makes sense...
[00:06] <Lemmy> ok, that explains the 8 mb download
[00:06] <J_Bytheway> If you want to compile you also seem to need about 270MB of DirectX stuff from Microsoft, so the 8MB is deceptively small
[00:06] <Lemmy> hmm...i don't know why i'm installing it really...i doubt i'll program anything for it
[00:07] <Zephyr> although if you had the ldl files and enough cunning you could probably get away with just Cradle
[00:08] <Locutus> good point. the biggest mods contain most of the files you need anyway
SLIC error
[23:32] <J_Bytheway> I've found the source of the famous "Array index 0 out of bounds" error - in SlicArray.cpp
[23:32] <J_Bytheway> I guess that's the first place to improve SLIC debugging
[01:01] <Pete_T> And you know how we always wanted to add new proposals but never could? It's an enumerated type!
[01:02] <Locutus> ah...
[01:02] <Zephyr> ah...
[02:16] <Locutus> well, did you make any interesting findings, Peter?
[02:18] <Pete_T> Nothing great, but the player.h file is really interesting. The player class has an incredible number of members
[02:21] <Locutus> hmm, I'll be sure to check that out
[02:22] <Locutus> and they say header files are boring
[02:22] <J_Bytheway> Lots of stuff to expose to SLIC, eh?
[02:24] <Locutus> let's hope so
[02:25] <Pete_T> Well, for example, it has an sint32 govtype member, much more useful than the string that was exposed in SLIC
[02:26] <Locutus> yes, that certainly would be useful, and entirely possible to expose, i assume.
[02:28] <Pete_T> Hope so. It's going to take awhile to figure out how to do this stuff though.
[02:28] <Locutus> that is one thing we can be sure about
[02:29] <Locutus> but I'm guessing once you've figured out the basics of how SLIC works, changing stuff should be really easy. I have plenty of experience with that with similar 'home-made' programming languages
Fuzzy AI
[02:34] <Locutus> and I noticed a lot of references to 'fuzzy' code were still there. haven't checked it out yet, but that could be interesting...
[02:35] <Pete_T> Exactly! It's not going to be easy, but you can't help but giving it a go.
[02:37] <Locutus> yes, it would be interesting to see if there is any interaction between the old and the new system, or if the fuzzy stuff isn't used at all anymore
[02:38] <Pete_T> I'm pretty sure that all that 'fuzzy' stuff is dead code left over from CTP1. There's also some stuff about robotcom.dll that was in CTP1 but not in CTP2
[02:40] <Locutus> I dunno, if it was dead, why leave so many references to it? keeping a lot of old code in place is really just asking for trouble, any programmer knows that...
[02:42] <Pete_T> That puzzles me. I'm pretty sure that Joe said that the fuzzy logic and the space layer had been completely removed. So why is that old code sitting there?
[02:44] <Locutus> I dunno
[02:44] <Locutus> I don't remember joe said fuzzy was cut altogether. he said so about space, but not about fuzzy
[02:45] <Locutus> it was just changed to be easier to understand for modmakers. the current system isn't that spectacularly different from the fuzzy system, so I always assumed they just changed the interface (text file part) but left at least a portion of the underlying code intact
[02:46] <Locutus> we'll find out soon enough now
[02:47] <Pete_T> If you want to have a fuzzy logic inferencing system, it should show. There's a lot of code involved in that. If it's there, we'll find it.
[02:48] <Locutus> indeed
[23:50] <J_Bytheway> Looks like they were trying to implement structs for SLIC - would have been handy.
[23:51] <Locutus> i kind of expected that. the ctp1 SLIC syntax was very struct-like.
[23:53] <Zephyr> structs?
[23:53] <ari> Zephyr: Move along, nothing to see here
[23:53] <Locutus> iw, you have a lot to learn, you one...
[23:53] <Zephyr> uh huh...
[23:54] <Locutus> i'm surprised you didn't squeak during the yacc discussion
[23:56] <Zephyr> Loc: I can at least understand the concept behind yacc, even if the details are er... beyond me
[23:45] <J_Bytheway> All that stuff about regions is in there too... I thought that was taken out of SLIC2...
[23:46] <Locutus> i wouldn't be surprised if we find a lot of remnants from ctp1 in there...
[23:46] <Locutus> or stuff that never worked at all.
[23:47] <J_Bytheway> Hmm.. I've also noticed that some /* ... */ comments remain in slic.y - I guess Mr Orge didn't catch them all.
[23:48] <Locutus> yes, they could prove very useful...
[23:48] <SprudL> too bad they stripped comments... would have been fun too read
[23:50] <Locutus> in fact, I found 2841 lines with the text '/*' in the entire source code folder...
[21:43] <Solver> im curious whether major gaming sites like gamespot will have a story
[21:45] <ACS_MarkG> solver, i'm currently submiting a story to slashdot
[21:47] <Solver> Markos: mind if I submit it to some other sites, like in Russia?
[21:48] <Locutus> heck, I think I might submit this to some Dutch sites as well, once I'm done with all my other chores...
[21:48] <Solver> i'd submit to Latvian as well, but there are none...
[21:49] <Solver> ok markos, i assume i may submit the story
[21:50] <Solver> give me a hand, should i submit the whole story, or just the link to poly page?
[21:58] <ACS_MarkG> yes solver feel free to contact any russian sites...
[21:58] <Solver> can we expect an entry on imarton?
[22:21] <Locutus> i'm reading through the licence agreement now. seems it was custom-designed for us, not just your standard disclaimer. Looks like Activision went through a lot of effort for us
[22:21] <Solver> of course it was designed for us
[22:21] <Solver> after all, the case is very special
[22:23] <Locutus> well, this is not the first time a code is made public. and there are plenty of standard licenses out there to copy-paste -- they don't seem to have done that
[22:23] <Solver> true also
(Linux) Porting
[00:34] * G_Slacker wonders what would be necessary to build it on linux.
[00:35] <Locutus> for one thing, we'd have to get rid of directx
[00:36] <G_Slacker> Yeah, but if they intended it to be easy to port, then the I/O should be seperate from the logic.
[00:36] <G_Slacker> That way, only the I/O parts would need to be replaced.
[00:38] <Locutus> g_slacker, true. and that may well be the case, as the code is based on ctp1's code, and that was ported to more OSes than any other game I know off...
[00:39] <Locutus> even to BeOS
[00:39] <G_Slacker> O.O
[00:39] <G_Slacker> Wow.
[00:40] <Locutus> of course, we don't know how much changed in ctp2. but I'm counting on seeing mac/linux ports in the future...
[00:40] <G_Slacker> Hmmm, maybe I'll look into it next time I feel like playing a civ game.
[00:40] <Locutus> you mean you never played ctp on linux before?

[00:41] <G_Slacker> Never.
[00:41] <G_Slacker> I don't look around much.
Visual Studio vs gcc
[21:44] <redstar1> i'm having a guess they haven't included the visual project file?
[21:44] <Solver> they have
[21:44] <Solver> not .net though
[21:44] <redstar1> oooo
[21:44] <Solver> studio 6
[21:44] <redstar1> vc 6?
[21:44] <redstar1> ah yeah
[21:44] <Solver> .net wasn't around when the game was built, iirc
[21:45] <Solver> but thats little difference. although i guess .net is a bit more convenient
[21:45] <redstar1> yeah i know, was kidding slightly
[21:45] <redstar1> might have a play about with it
[21:45] <Solver> dont play, better join the official effort of ctp community
[21:46] <SprudL> too bad I don't have visual studio
[21:47] <Solver> well you can always use some free compiler...
[21:48] <SprudL> I wonder if it would work with gcc
[21:48] <Locutus> Sprudl, that's what I'm hoping too
[21:49] <Solver> as seen, i am even today abandoning quite some other work
[21:49] <Solver> gcc... well it would compile i guess, but after quite some rearranging of it all
[21:49] <SprudL> hehe... it would be nice
[00:23] <Locutus> and I'm assuming all of this is only gonna work if I have Visual Studio as well... which I don't...
[00:23] <J_Bytheway> My Visual studio has an "Export makefile" option, so in theory if I can make it work I can make a makefile so that others can too.
[00:24] <J_Bytheway> But I wouldn't count on it.
[00:26] <J_Bytheway> If you can obtain Visual Studio on student liscence it really doesn't cost that much. You probably can't buy VS6 any more though, and I don't know how .NET will handle this...
[00:26] <Locutus> exactly my point. I already checked, I can't get it through the usual channels.
[00:27] <Locutus> but my uncle is in software development as well, he may still have his old copy of VS6 and be willing to give/sell it to me...
[00:28] <Locutus> but he's on vacation now, and it'll be a while before he gets back
[22:49] <Locutus> did someone look at the bin folder yet? looks like they got Unix's coolest tools ready for use in Windows
[22:50] <SprudL> hehe.. hadn't noticed
[22:50] <SprudL> ppl could install cygwin and have those tools
[22:51] <Locutus> cygwin? not familiar with it...
[22:51] <SprudL> it's basically a windows port of a lot of unix/linux stuff
[22:51] <SprudL> like bash, sed, grep, ...
[22:52] <Locutus> yeah, just googled it. sounds interesting...
[22:53] <SprudL> I have it on my laptop at work...
[22:53] <SprudL> I use grep a lot
[22:53] <Locutus> grep rocks
[22:54] <SprudL> and diff
[22:54] <SprudL> and ...
[22:54] <Locutus> etc...
[22:54] <SprudL> I always miss that stuff on windows
[22:55] <Locutus> yup, one of the reasons why Unix will probably always remain superior to Windows
[22:56] <SprudL> hehe
[22:56] <SprudL> hey.. it only took MS like 15 years to have tab completion in a shell by default
[22:57] * ari wonders when he last had Windows installed on his main box...
[22:57] <Locutus> so, what? another 100 until they copy grep?
[22:58] <SprudL> lol
Direct X
[23:58] <redstar1> so does this stuff build?
[23:59] <Locutus> redstar, not many people have tried yet (you need I think about 300 meg of extra sdk stuff from the MS website next to the code itself). those who've tried ran into some trouble, but probably nothing that can't be fixed
[00:00] <G_Slacker> What does SDK stand for?
[00:00] <G_Slacker> Stupid Development Kit?
[00:00] <Locutus> software developmet kit... in this case, basically DirectX for programmers.
[00:02] <Locutus> anyway, I can't figure out what files exactly to d/l... rahter confusing...
[00:02] <G_Slacker> Oh.
[00:03] <redstar1> hmm i got a lot of the dx sdk stuff...
[00:03] <G_Slacker> What does it do?
[00:04] <Locutus> simply put, it makes it possible to program games in directX
[00:04] <redstar1> might have to try on me laptop tomorrow
[00:05] <redstar1> got VS .net and all the direct x stuff
[00:05] <Locutus> hmm, I'm afraid I'm rather ill equipped, I normally use gcc. gonna take a while to get that working with this code...
[00:05] <redstar1> we going a bug fixin?
been years since i played CTP
[00:11] <Locutus> so which of the directx files did you d/l John? the one marked october 03 or the december 02 one?
[00:12] <Locutus> oddly enough, the older file is much bigger...
[00:12] <J_Bytheway> The one you need for that file is the second one Mr. Ogre linked to - the DirectX Media one.
[00:13] <Locutus> yes, but I need the other one too, I reckon. I haven't downloaded either yet.
[00:13] <J_Bytheway> You'll probably also need the first one for other stuff - that's more general DirectX, I think.
[00:13] <J_Bytheway> Start now - it will take a while.
[00:14] <Locutus> yeah, but I can't figure out which of all the files on that page to grab. wouldn't want to d/l the wrong one and have to start all over again...
[00:15] * Panzer32 has joined #apolyton
[00:15] <J_Bytheway> From the first pade the one you want is the Software Developer's Kit.
[00:15] * Lemmy is too tired to figure these things out now..
[00:15] <Lemmy> g'nite all
[00:15] <J_Bytheway> The first on the list is just an update, I think
[00:16] * Lemmy has quit IRC (Quit: :tiuQ) (-)
[00:16] <Locutus> an update of 200 mb?
[00:16] <J_Bytheway> And the second is just the redistributable stuff, not the whole SDK
[00:16] <J_Bytheway> Perhaps not...
[00:17] <Locutus> ah, no. the first is the update yes. the second redist. the 3rd is a full package. but under archive there's another full package. i don't know which of those two to pick. the older one is bigger, which seems odd...
[00:17] <J_Bytheway> Odd, but not impossible...
[00:18] <Locutus> ah wait, I was further confused by the dates on the actual files. one older one said 7/21/2003, the newer one 10/3/2003. this confused me as I though 10/3 meant 10 march. Bloody Americans...
[00:19] <J_Bytheway> I think the only difference is the "Expiration of managed code patch", which won't affect C++ code, anyway (presuming I understand it correctly)
[00:19] <Locutus> so I need the newer one after all, though it's still odd that it's 30 megs smaller...
[00:19] <J_Bytheway> Patching by Microsoft often means cutting out the feature that doesn't work properly...
[00:20] * settler2 has joined #apolyton
[00:20] * settler2 has quit IRC (Quit: settler2)
[00:20] <Locutus> indeed
[00:20] <Zephyr> the smaller one doesn't include the video of stadium -full of people laughing at you and chanting "You downloaded the wrong one!"
[00:20] <Locutus> if the only difference is a patch, they made one heck of an improvement in the compression software in those 3 monts
[00:20] <Locutus> months
[00:20] <Locutus> lol
[00:21] * Octavian_X has joined #apolyton
[00:21] <J_Bytheway> Well, the new one has triply nested compression, I think... The installation was very confusing.
[00:21] <Locutus> yay!
[00:22] <Locutus> but I'll post this on the forums as well, so others don't get confused (I don't get why they didn't give a direct link anyway, they did so for the media files...)
[00:23] <Locutus> and I'm assuming all of this is only gonna work if I have Visual Studio as well... which I don't...
[00:23] <J_Bytheway> Perhaps because they weren't sure either
[00:23] <Locutus> makes sense
Transcript Highlights
Chat Channel
[22:29] <Locutus> oh, and I created a new channel: #ctp2source -- we could use that if this one is unavailable in the future
[01:02] <Locutus> one thing that strikes me now is that everyone is off discovering/testing stuff. we need to make sure we document everything we do...
Media files
[00:05] <Lemmy> so only the source code is released? no multimedia files?
[00:05] <Zephyr> I thought you had the game Lemmy?
[00:05] <Lemmy> i did
[00:05] * J_Bytheway has joined #Apolyton
[00:05] <Locutus> lemmy, no. you still need a copy of the game, which only makes sense...
[00:06] <Lemmy> ok, that explains the 8 mb download

[00:06] <J_Bytheway> If you want to compile you also seem to need about 270MB of DirectX stuff from Microsoft, so the 8MB is deceptively small

[00:06] <Lemmy> hmm...i don't know why i'm installing it really...i doubt i'll program anything for it
[00:07] <Zephyr> although if you had the ldl files and enough cunning you could probably get away with just Cradle
[00:08] <Locutus> good point. the biggest mods contain most of the files you need anyway

SLIC error
[23:32] <J_Bytheway> I've found the source of the famous "Array index 0 out of bounds" error - in SlicArray.cpp

[23:32] <J_Bytheway> I guess that's the first place to improve SLIC debugging

[01:01] <Pete_T> And you know how we always wanted to add new proposals but never could? It's an enumerated type!
[01:02] <Locutus> ah...
[01:02] <Zephyr> ah...
[02:16] <Locutus> well, did you make any interesting findings, Peter?
[02:18] <Pete_T> Nothing great, but the player.h file is really interesting. The player class has an incredible number of members
[02:21] <Locutus> hmm, I'll be sure to check that out

[02:22] <Locutus> and they say header files are boring

[02:22] <J_Bytheway> Lots of stuff to expose to SLIC, eh?
[02:24] <Locutus> let's hope so

[02:25] <Pete_T> Well, for example, it has an sint32 govtype member, much more useful than the string that was exposed in SLIC
[02:26] <Locutus> yes, that certainly would be useful, and entirely possible to expose, i assume.
[02:28] <Pete_T> Hope so. It's going to take awhile to figure out how to do this stuff though.
[02:28] <Locutus> that is one thing we can be sure about

[02:29] <Locutus> but I'm guessing once you've figured out the basics of how SLIC works, changing stuff should be really easy. I have plenty of experience with that with similar 'home-made' programming languages
Fuzzy AI
[02:34] <Locutus> and I noticed a lot of references to 'fuzzy' code were still there. haven't checked it out yet, but that could be interesting...
[02:35] <Pete_T> Exactly! It's not going to be easy, but you can't help but giving it a go.
[02:37] <Locutus> yes, it would be interesting to see if there is any interaction between the old and the new system, or if the fuzzy stuff isn't used at all anymore
[02:38] <Pete_T> I'm pretty sure that all that 'fuzzy' stuff is dead code left over from CTP1. There's also some stuff about robotcom.dll that was in CTP1 but not in CTP2
[02:40] <Locutus> I dunno, if it was dead, why leave so many references to it? keeping a lot of old code in place is really just asking for trouble, any programmer knows that...
[02:42] <Pete_T> That puzzles me. I'm pretty sure that Joe said that the fuzzy logic and the space layer had been completely removed. So why is that old code sitting there?
[02:44] <Locutus> I dunno
[02:44] <Locutus> I don't remember joe said fuzzy was cut altogether. he said so about space, but not about fuzzy
[02:45] <Locutus> it was just changed to be easier to understand for modmakers. the current system isn't that spectacularly different from the fuzzy system, so I always assumed they just changed the interface (text file part) but left at least a portion of the underlying code intact
[02:46] <Locutus> we'll find out soon enough now

[02:47] <Pete_T> If you want to have a fuzzy logic inferencing system, it should show. There's a lot of code involved in that. If it's there, we'll find it.
[02:48] <Locutus> indeed
[23:50] <J_Bytheway> Looks like they were trying to implement structs for SLIC - would have been handy.
[23:51] <Locutus> i kind of expected that. the ctp1 SLIC syntax was very struct-like.
[23:53] <Zephyr> structs?

[23:53] <ari> Zephyr: Move along, nothing to see here
[23:53] <Locutus> iw, you have a lot to learn, you one...
[23:53] <Zephyr> uh huh...
[23:54] <Locutus> i'm surprised you didn't squeak during the yacc discussion

[23:56] <Zephyr> Loc: I can at least understand the concept behind yacc, even if the details are er... beyond me
[23:45] <J_Bytheway> All that stuff about regions is in there too... I thought that was taken out of SLIC2...
[23:46] <Locutus> i wouldn't be surprised if we find a lot of remnants from ctp1 in there...
[23:46] <Locutus> or stuff that never worked at all.
[23:47] <J_Bytheway> Hmm.. I've also noticed that some /* ... */ comments remain in slic.y - I guess Mr Orge didn't catch them all.
[23:48] <Locutus> yes, they could prove very useful...
[23:48] <SprudL> too bad they stripped comments... would have been fun too read

[23:50] <Locutus> in fact, I found 2841 lines with the text '/*' in the entire source code folder...
[21:43] <Solver> im curious whether major gaming sites like gamespot will have a story
[21:45] <ACS_MarkG> solver, i'm currently submiting a story to slashdot

[21:47] <Solver> Markos: mind if I submit it to some other sites, like in Russia?
[21:48] <Locutus> heck, I think I might submit this to some Dutch sites as well, once I'm done with all my other chores...
[21:48] <Solver> i'd submit to Latvian as well, but there are none...
[21:49] <Solver> ok markos, i assume i may submit the story
[21:50] <Solver> give me a hand, should i submit the whole story, or just the link to poly page?
[21:58] <ACS_MarkG> yes solver feel free to contact any russian sites...
[21:58] <Solver> can we expect an entry on imarton?
[22:21] <Locutus> i'm reading through the licence agreement now. seems it was custom-designed for us, not just your standard disclaimer. Looks like Activision went through a lot of effort for us

[22:21] <Solver> of course it was designed for us
[22:21] <Solver> after all, the case is very special
[22:23] <Locutus> well, this is not the first time a code is made public. and there are plenty of standard licenses out there to copy-paste -- they don't seem to have done that
[22:23] <Solver> true also
(Linux) Porting
[00:34] * G_Slacker wonders what would be necessary to build it on linux.
[00:35] <Locutus> for one thing, we'd have to get rid of directx

[00:36] <G_Slacker> Yeah, but if they intended it to be easy to port, then the I/O should be seperate from the logic.
[00:36] <G_Slacker> That way, only the I/O parts would need to be replaced.
[00:38] <Locutus> g_slacker, true. and that may well be the case, as the code is based on ctp1's code, and that was ported to more OSes than any other game I know off...
[00:39] <Locutus> even to BeOS

[00:39] <G_Slacker> O.O
[00:39] <G_Slacker> Wow.
[00:40] <Locutus> of course, we don't know how much changed in ctp2. but I'm counting on seeing mac/linux ports in the future...
[00:40] <G_Slacker> Hmmm, maybe I'll look into it next time I feel like playing a civ game.
[00:40] <Locutus> you mean you never played ctp on linux before?

[00:41] <G_Slacker> Never.
[00:41] <G_Slacker> I don't look around much.
Visual Studio vs gcc
[21:44] <redstar1> i'm having a guess they haven't included the visual project file?

[21:44] <Solver> they have
[21:44] <Solver> not .net though
[21:44] <redstar1> oooo
[21:44] <Solver> studio 6
[21:44] <redstar1> vc 6?
[21:44] <redstar1> ah yeah
[21:44] <Solver> .net wasn't around when the game was built, iirc
[21:45] <Solver> but thats little difference. although i guess .net is a bit more convenient
[21:45] <redstar1> yeah i know, was kidding slightly
[21:45] <redstar1> might have a play about with it
[21:45] <Solver> dont play, better join the official effort of ctp community

[21:46] <SprudL> too bad I don't have visual studio
[21:47] <Solver> well you can always use some free compiler...
[21:48] <SprudL> I wonder if it would work with gcc

[21:48] <Locutus> Sprudl, that's what I'm hoping too

[21:49] <Solver> as seen, i am even today abandoning quite some other work
[21:49] <Solver> gcc... well it would compile i guess, but after quite some rearranging of it all
[21:49] <SprudL> hehe... it would be nice
[00:23] <Locutus> and I'm assuming all of this is only gonna work if I have Visual Studio as well... which I don't...
[00:23] <J_Bytheway> My Visual studio has an "Export makefile" option, so in theory if I can make it work I can make a makefile so that others can too.
[00:24] <J_Bytheway> But I wouldn't count on it.
[00:26] <J_Bytheway> If you can obtain Visual Studio on student liscence it really doesn't cost that much. You probably can't buy VS6 any more though, and I don't know how .NET will handle this...
[00:26] <Locutus> exactly my point. I already checked, I can't get it through the usual channels.
[00:27] <Locutus> but my uncle is in software development as well, he may still have his old copy of VS6 and be willing to give/sell it to me...
[00:28] <Locutus> but he's on vacation now, and it'll be a while before he gets back
[22:49] <Locutus> did someone look at the bin folder yet? looks like they got Unix's coolest tools ready for use in Windows

[22:50] <SprudL> hehe.. hadn't noticed
[22:50] <SprudL> ppl could install cygwin and have those tools
[22:51] <Locutus> cygwin? not familiar with it...
[22:51] <SprudL> it's basically a windows port of a lot of unix/linux stuff
[22:51] <SprudL> like bash, sed, grep, ...
[22:52] <Locutus> yeah, just googled it. sounds interesting...
[22:53] <SprudL> I have it on my laptop at work...
[22:53] <SprudL> I use grep a lot

[22:53] <Locutus> grep rocks

[22:54] <SprudL> and diff
[22:54] <SprudL> and ...
[22:54] <Locutus> etc...

[22:54] <SprudL> I always miss that stuff on windows
[22:55] <Locutus> yup, one of the reasons why Unix will probably always remain superior to Windows

[22:56] <SprudL> hehe
[22:56] <SprudL> hey.. it only took MS like 15 years to have tab completion in a shell by default
[22:57] * ari wonders when he last had Windows installed on his main box...
[22:57] <Locutus> so, what? another 100 until they copy grep?

[22:58] <SprudL> lol
Direct X
[23:58] <redstar1> so does this stuff build?
[23:59] <Locutus> redstar, not many people have tried yet (you need I think about 300 meg of extra sdk stuff from the MS website next to the code itself). those who've tried ran into some trouble, but probably nothing that can't be fixed
[00:00] <G_Slacker> What does SDK stand for?
[00:00] <G_Slacker> Stupid Development Kit?
[00:00] <Locutus> software developmet kit... in this case, basically DirectX for programmers.
[00:02] <Locutus> anyway, I can't figure out what files exactly to d/l... rahter confusing...
[00:02] <G_Slacker> Oh.
[00:03] <redstar1> hmm i got a lot of the dx sdk stuff...
[00:03] <G_Slacker> What does it do?
[00:04] <Locutus> simply put, it makes it possible to program games in directX
[00:04] <redstar1> might have to try on me laptop tomorrow
[00:05] <redstar1> got VS .net and all the direct x stuff
[00:05] <Locutus> hmm, I'm afraid I'm rather ill equipped, I normally use gcc. gonna take a while to get that working with this code...
[00:05] <redstar1> we going a bug fixin?

[00:11] <Locutus> so which of the directx files did you d/l John? the one marked october 03 or the december 02 one?
[00:12] <Locutus> oddly enough, the older file is much bigger...
[00:12] <J_Bytheway> The one you need for that file is the second one Mr. Ogre linked to - the DirectX Media one.
[00:13] <Locutus> yes, but I need the other one too, I reckon. I haven't downloaded either yet.
[00:13] <J_Bytheway> You'll probably also need the first one for other stuff - that's more general DirectX, I think.
[00:13] <J_Bytheway> Start now - it will take a while.
[00:14] <Locutus> yeah, but I can't figure out which of all the files on that page to grab. wouldn't want to d/l the wrong one and have to start all over again...
[00:15] * Panzer32 has joined #apolyton
[00:15] <J_Bytheway> From the first pade the one you want is the Software Developer's Kit.
[00:15] * Lemmy is too tired to figure these things out now..
[00:15] <Lemmy> g'nite all
[00:15] <J_Bytheway> The first on the list is just an update, I think
[00:16] * Lemmy has quit IRC (Quit: :tiuQ) (-)
[00:16] <Locutus> an update of 200 mb?
[00:16] <J_Bytheway> And the second is just the redistributable stuff, not the whole SDK
[00:16] <J_Bytheway> Perhaps not...
[00:17] <Locutus> ah, no. the first is the update yes. the second redist. the 3rd is a full package. but under archive there's another full package. i don't know which of those two to pick. the older one is bigger, which seems odd...
[00:17] <J_Bytheway> Odd, but not impossible...
[00:18] <Locutus> ah wait, I was further confused by the dates on the actual files. one older one said 7/21/2003, the newer one 10/3/2003. this confused me as I though 10/3 meant 10 march. Bloody Americans...
[00:19] <J_Bytheway> I think the only difference is the "Expiration of managed code patch", which won't affect C++ code, anyway (presuming I understand it correctly)
[00:19] <Locutus> so I need the newer one after all, though it's still odd that it's 30 megs smaller...
[00:19] <J_Bytheway> Patching by Microsoft often means cutting out the feature that doesn't work properly...
[00:20] * settler2 has joined #apolyton
[00:20] * settler2 has quit IRC (Quit: settler2)
[00:20] <Locutus> indeed

[00:20] <Zephyr> the smaller one doesn't include the video of stadium -full of people laughing at you and chanting "You downloaded the wrong one!"
[00:20] <Locutus> if the only difference is a patch, they made one heck of an improvement in the compression software in those 3 monts

[00:20] <Locutus> months
[00:20] <Locutus> lol
[00:21] * Octavian_X has joined #apolyton
[00:21] <J_Bytheway> Well, the new one has triply nested compression, I think... The installation was very confusing.
[00:21] <Locutus> yay!
[00:22] <Locutus> but I'll post this on the forums as well, so others don't get confused (I don't get why they didn't give a direct link anyway, they did so for the media files...)
[00:23] <Locutus> and I'm assuming all of this is only gonna work if I have Visual Studio as well... which I don't...
[00:23] <J_Bytheway> Perhaps because they weren't sure either

[00:23] <Locutus> makes sense
