Missing source files may be things which were suposed to be generated by byacc or flex. Ensure that you have successfully compiled everything else before you worry about the main ctp2 project itself.
I have now successgully compiled and linked (Hooray!
), I even discovered why the byacc/flex commands hadn't been working before (a little typo in my definition of CDKDIR...).
I think the trick was to start again, and also have DXMedia copied into the libs directory. I think the last version I was using had accumulated problems due to me rearranging things so much.
However, when I run the executable, I just get a blank screen...
I have now successgully compiled and linked (Hooray!

I think the trick was to start again, and also have DXMedia copied into the libs directory. I think the last version I was using had accumulated problems due to me rearranging things so much.
However, when I run the executable, I just get a blank screen...
