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Good Possibilities

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  • #46
    Originally posted by ahenobarb
    One issue should be when trading these goods between nations, does that give you access to the technology dependant on that good? The answer of course should be yes, but does the program keep track of what specific good you are receiving through trade or just the amount of gold you are receiving.
    That's the reason why the SendGood event must work, so once the good is sended I can extract the good that was sent the owners of the two cities. But I have no doubt that this event will do what it promises, although I didn't test it.

    It would be more difficuilt to give a bonus each turn the trade route exists, as there is no function that checks what good does a city receives every turn. Of course I could use the information from the SendGood event and store it in an array, the huge problem would be only that the whole information gets lost if you reloadslic, that's also one problem in DiploMod.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #47
      Originally posted by centrifuge

      Aircraft: Physics, aerodynamics, lightweight materials, perhaps aluminum/ Al Alloys.

      Stealth: IIRC, Stealth aircrafts have a ceramic outer casing that absorbs the radar waves...Stealth subs, no clue...(silent propulsion may be one possibility)
      Don't forget engines.. meaning some fuel chemists and of course... can't think of any right now


      • #48
        Originally posted by J Bytheway
        Fibre optics
        Stealth aircraft
        Stealth subs
        Space craft
        Superconductors (cold and/or room temperature)
        Fibre Optics: Glass, maybe Oil (for plastics).

        Aircraft: for early aircraft all you really need is an engine, iow Oil. For modern aircraft high-quality light-weight materials are needed such as Aluminum (=Bauxite), and maybe Tungsten and copper for the weapons and other electrical equipment..

        Stealth aircraft: basically the same as what you need for regular modern aircraft.

        Stealth subs: tough one, I guess the same as a regular sub: Oil for fuel. Maybe Copper and/or Tungsten for elecronics/weapons.

        Superconductor: Tungsten is the strongest and most heat-resisting metal there is, that would definitely have to be a requirement for Superconductors. I've seen this in several mods for other games as well.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #49
          Originally posted by Locutus

          Stealth subs: tough one, I guess the same as a regular sub: Oil for fuel. Maybe Copper and/or Tungsten for elecronics/weapons.

          Superconductor: Tungsten is the strongest and most heat-resisting metal there is, that would definitely have to be a requirement for Superconductors. I've seen this in several mods for other games as well.
          Sorry to have to disagree with you Locutus, but the leading fuel source for subs since (IIRC) the 1950's has been nuclear.

          Tungsten is a good choice for superconductors, but unfortunately not the best, the reason that I say this is that it is necessary to take it to lower temperatures than other choices. Check out this site, it has a ton of info on superconductors:

          Also, it appears that I was wrong with my numbers in my previous post. The record high temp for superconduction is now 138 K (-135 C)
          ...Not that it really matters, cold is cold.


          • #50
            D'oh! You're absolutely right of course, I had totally overlooked Uranium. That could be used for stealth subs (and maybe some future units too).

            As far as superconductors go, I wouldn't want to overuse Copper too much. It's already an important ancient age good and you'll probably need it for Electricity as well, but it IMHO shouldn't be required for too many units/advances, otherwise you'd get too far behind. So you'd have to alternate the various metals a bit, choice copper for some units, tungsten, aluminum or iron for others. Tungsten seems to fit well with Superconductors, even if it isn't 100% accurate.

            Then again, maybe we could represent ceramics itself. Does anyone know what ceramics are made of? 'Classic' ceramics such as porcelein are made of clay or similar materials but I know nothing about modern ceramics as used in superconductors or modern aircraft (stealth or otherwise), but I'm guessing it's a very generic group of materials and therefore not very useful to us...
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #51
              Just one the writing/paper thing mentioned a few posts ago. Wasn't the first thing humans wrote on with an alphabet human skin?

              That opens a whole bag of worms! Slaves can be strategic goods which enable diplomats to be born!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Locutus

                Then again, maybe we could represent ceramics itself.
                I believe that we should if possible, ceramics are a very important part of history, ranging from pottery to the space shuttle. You'll have to forgive me, my bacheleors degree is in chemistry, and my Masters is in materials science and engineering, so this is an area that I get a little but anal about.

                I'll check around a bit further and if I think that I can come up with something that will work, I'll post it.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Locutus

                  As far as superconductors go, I wouldn't want to overuse Copper too much. It's already an important ancient age good and you'll probably need it for Electricity as well, but it IMHO shouldn't be required for too many units/advances, otherwise you'd get too far behind. So you'd have to alternate the various metals a bit, choice copper for some units, tungsten, aluminum or iron for others.
                  This is a good Idea, copper isn't the only necessity for conduction, so maybe we can have a branch at this point that allows a civ to gain electricity, superconduction etc. if they have a different conducting resource. What I mean by this, is that the use of different materials will come to almost the same conclusion ( maybe with a lower quality outcome if at all possible, but I know that this is pushing it)
                  Last edited by centrifuge; July 26, 2002, 01:45.


                  • #54
                    Early ceramics were simple clay open-fire fired pots, maybe with a potash glaze(fire ashes and water) as the containers needed to be more impervious to liquids.

                    I would say the single most important advance was the kiln - this allowed the higher temperature fireing and the first proper 'commercial' pottery, either earthenware(around 800 degrees) and stoneware (about 1100 degrees- these figures may be off a little!).

                    So for anything other than primative pottery you need a decent fireing process. I'd say from the games point of view, that about the same time 'forge' can be built then the technology for a good kiln would be available(very rough maybe - but neat)

                    In industrial ceramics then everything is just refined xN:

                    The glaze would need a better understanding of glasses,
                    Fireing tempretures would need to be increased,
                    Clay would be a refined resource.
                    'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                    • #55
                      OK, I have retrieved the CTPEd source code so now the 'design a tech tree' is turning into 'Update CTPEd to make designing the tech tree easier', which is naturally slowing progress. It's surprising how much time I seem to be spending doing other stuff...

                      Anyway, I hope to have more progress to report soon.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by J Bytheway
                        OK, I have retrieved the CTPEd source code so now the 'design a tech tree' is turning into 'Update CTPEd to make designing the tech tree easier', which is naturally slowing progress. It's surprising how much time I seem to be spending doing other stuff...
                        Yeah but actual the time is well spend, that is indeed a welcome side effect.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #57

                          And a (complete lack of) progress report.

                          I've done nothing significant, though (as Martin knows) I've made some progress with CTPEd instead. Now I have to focus on Uni work instead so if anyone else want's to take over, they are more than welcome.


                          • #58
                            Any progress. THe advance trees sounds great.
                            NOt to get into the weeds but one thing about separate tech trees would be that they must be limited to eras.

                            I'm barely figuring out SLIC, but i wonder if this is possible. Can you SLIC tile improvements with values? I know IW said you can assign a value to buildings to mak a simulation of culture. The hard part was being able to know how much you had and the AI trying to acquire it.

                            But as a possibility maybe different resources allow you to build only certain tile improvements and that improvement creates a number of that resource per turn. then building the unit will require shield and a number of resources per turn. just a thought.
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • #59
                              Martin,I have tested the SendGood event and it did worked.
                              Did you start any coding already? If yes, may i see it?
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Pedrunn
                                Martin,I have tested the SendGood event and it did worked.
                                Did you start any coding already? If yes, may i see it?
                                Actual I started to modify GoodMod again to release GoodMod1 v.1.0. I started to rewrite the old scripts to improve them and to remove the last DebugSlic=Yes errors. So far I have no tech tree. I only know that I will use the mod_CanPlayerHaveAdvance function to keep players from researching advances instead of using dummy advances. What me really concerns is that the information gained by the SendGood event is that it has to be gathered into arrays, I can't recreate the information if someone reloadslic. I can recontruct some pieces of the information by checking the advances a player has. But I can't check if there is international trade. Therefore I know that it is very difficuilt to do it so that you can research if you get the good by trade. I could make it so that the good is required to start research the tech, and if the contact to the good is lost it is not possible anymore to start the research that would also happen if you reloadslic. So far I need a tech tree.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

