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Need help finding mods and installation instructions

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  • Need help finding mods and installation instructions


    I have played ctp2 for a few years ago, and have just wanted to play it again now, but I can't seem to find the files for some of the mods that I can understand that are very used out there to make the game more playable and fun....

    As I can understand it the most used are:
    Apolyton Pack v2.0 - by Dale
    Cradle of Civilizations v1.32 - by hexagonian
    GoodMod v0.99 - by Martin Gühmann

    The only thing I have found is the GoodMod, but I also need the 2 others.... and a ModSwapper i think it was mentioned on a page.....

    So I need Apolyton Pack v2.0 and Cradle of Civilizations v1.32, and some instructions on how to install them would also be great

    I have ctp2 v1.11

    Any help here will be great...

    kind regards
    Mikael Syska

  • #2
    Most of the mods, as well as utilities like ModSwapper should be available in the Apolyton directory. Unfortunately, the directory is not active right now due to a change of server. If you don't want to wait a few days for it to work again, then for mods you can look in the important mods and scenarios thread, where some mod developers webpages are linked, from which you may be able to get the mods.

    I don't know where you could get ModSwapper, but you can get ModManager (which fulfills the same role and more) from this thread.


    • #3

      hmmm, that would explain why I could not download from the directory....

      I found the websites, but Apolyton Pack v2.0 - by Dale aint available any more, and at Cradle of Civilizations v1.32 - by hexagonian I can't download it, because of a limit on his server....

      I will try the ModManager, instead of the other....

      Are there any that can mail me Cradle of Civilizations v1.32 and Apolyton Pack v2.0 I would be very happy.... or maybe put them online.....
      mail se at

      thanks in advance.....
      Mikael Syska


      • #4
        Cradle files forwarded to your email (files split into 4 zip files)...

        I checked my site and had no trouble downloading 'Cradle'.

        The readme is part of the zipped files - it includes an installation sheet. Please read carefully and follow all instructions in it - though since the file is broken into 4 sections, you may need to unzip in a neutral loaction on your computer and the copy/paste the files over existing files.

        Make sure Patch and Modswapper is installed before installing Cradle
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #5
          Well, now I also can download it, but erliar it told me that the site was over its limit....

          well, now I only need the ModSwapper or the other mod manager to make it all work.... ( if it also works with that )...

          Any know when the Apolyton Pack v2.0 can be downloaded from the Directory again, or are there some one who can send it that?

          kind regards
          Mikael Syska


          • #6
            Originally posted by Syska
            well, now I only need the ModSwapper or the other mod manager to make it all work.... ( if it also works with that )...
            It certainly should work - please report it if you find that it doesn't .

            Any know when the Apolyton Pack v2.0 can be downloaded from the Directory again
            If you're desperate to know the moment it's working, the best way is probably to subscribe to this thread .
            Last edited by J Bytheway; May 7, 2005, 07:34.


            • #7
              arghhhh, i'm borred..... need those mod's

              Aint there someone that can put the modswapper and Apolyton Pack v2.0 online some place.....


              • #8
                I emailed all that stuff to you yesterday.(Modswapper/SAP)

                Modswapper here...
                Last edited by hexagonian; May 7, 2005, 10:26.
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

