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Civ3 Mod

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  • #76
    Got this crash today. CTD during AI's turn. I'm using the latest build and the newest version of the CIV3 mod.
      0x0047bbba  [?GetNumPrerequisites@AdvanceRecord@@QBEHXZ + 0xa]
      0x0047b901  [?GetMinPrerequisites@Advances@@QBEHHH@Z + 0x55]
      0x004ce7ad  [?ChooseType@GoodyHut@@AAE?AW4GOODY@@ABH@Z + 0x38a]
      0x004ce862  [?OpenGoody@GoodyHut@@QAEXABHABVMapPoint@@@Z + 0x33]
      0x0048fbc3  [?CheckTerrainEvents@ArmyData@@QAEXXZ + 0x60]
      0x0049bb00  [?GEVHookCallback@MoveUnitsEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@@Z + 0x7cd]
      0x005c3c52  [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QBE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PAVGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x8e]
      0x005c4990  [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x40]
      0x005c2602  [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x2d]
      0x005c4804  [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x2f]
      0x005c47ab  [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x7b]
      0x0040efbc  [?Process@CivApp@@QAEHXZ + 0x103]
      0x00407e1f  [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
      0x00407896  [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
      0x008ab09c  [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
      0xbff7b9e4  [(kernel) + 0x0]
    The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
    - Chuck Norris Facts


    • #77
      Originally posted by Pave
      Got this crash today. CTD during AI's turn. I'm using the latest build and the newest version of the CIV3 mod.
        0x0047bbba  [?GetNumPrerequisites@AdvanceRecord@@QBEHXZ + 0xa]
        0x0047b901  [?GetMinPrerequisites@Advances@@QBEHHH@Z + 0x55]

      I thought I fixed that. Could you post your saved game please? Or any chance do you know which AI it was and what advances they had?
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #78
        replacing with this text file may help put in default/gamedata of your civ3mod folder its ashort term fix though.

        But Pave could you please post a save game file?
        Attached Files
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #79
          Sorry, I have been quite busy lately. I attached the file to the post. The crash happens on the turn of the AI after me. I don't know what advances the AI had (when I wanted to check that, the game suddently decided to not open) but I don't think it had much, given the fact that the crash happend on the 2nd or the 3rd turn.
          The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
          - Chuck Norris Facts


          • #80
            Pave, wheres the attachment at?

            2nd or 3rd turn, now that is odd because I have a game going in turn 100+ now. Did you start it as a scenario (like the set up) that might be the issue also...

            please let me know where the file is at. thanks.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • #81
              I thought I attached it.
              The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
              - Chuck Norris Facts


              • #82
                Hi E

                Been given you Civ3 mod a try.Love the new units and the new buildings also the new game options.Must have beed a nightmare coding it all.
                Just some things I need to know. In the read me file there is something about units lossing hit ponits depending where they are. Will this hurt the AI as it might not understamd this.Also when playing with 8 factions I have noted that only about have of them expand beyond 2 or 3 cities after 100 turns. Your builds has the AI expanding much faster which makes for a harder game.
                I do tweak up the DiffDB file a bit which helps the AI produce settlers faster.I know there are restrictions as to where you can build cities but can the AI handle this.
                Its ture the AI does pick odd spots at times but 75% of the AI factions seem to get it right. Many of the mods have made changes in the map values found in the Const file which I noted you have changed.
                I think Civ3 mod like Ages of Man could give great replay value.Just need some tweaks here and there to give it a killer AI.
                Side Note: I see you post sometimes in the AOM forums and see your thinking of adding some things from AOM.
                What about mix of your builds,Civ3 mod with parts of AOM thrown in.


                • #83
                  Protra glad you gave it a try and I'm glad to see it works with the new playtest.

                  I think the smaller civs you see might have more passive personalities. I did a lot to diversify them. THey might be able to hang on in the game, but in a game of 8 players they might be uninteresting, in 16+ they made good small powers to fight for influence.

                  the hp loss doesnt affect barbarians and depending on your difficulty level there is a flag that makes AI units immune to hostile terrain. Same with sinking galleys (have you run into that?)

                  I'd love to get AoM and my Civ3mod together. My time is far more limited now, but I'd like to add more AI stuff like Stan has added like an aggresion level difficulty option (frenzy like) and also a anti-superpower code so that once the AI sees you at #1 the AI gets moe aggressive and maybe knew bonuses.

                  there is still much to code. i'm glad you enjoy my civ3mod, I found it moreentertaining than Civ4 or the real civ3 but I am biased
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #84
                    Thanks E. Working towards your future should take fisrt place. I know between work and chores and study I can only manage a hour or so of game time.Thats why it takes me so long finish a game.
                    Your builds are holding up well and at least making a game last into the modern age.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Pave
                      I thought I attached it.
                      Pave, sorry its been so long but I gave it a shot> I added your file (it was on turn 4) to my saved games. It loaded fine I then went to cheat mode and revealed the map and it proceeded fine with out a crash up to turn 7 with the map revealed. i then went to unreaveled and up to turn 17. maybe the new playtest fixed it?
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • #86
                        I have added some checks in GoodyHuts.cpp (revision 646) to prevent crashes with invalid or missing prerequisites.


                        • #87
                          ah so thats why it worked! Thanks Fromafar!

                          PS does anyone have some name recommendations for this mod. It has ceased being a civ3mod a long time ago. Although graphics are still drawn from it, the gameplay isnt.

                          I guess by Default it could be called E mod, but I hoping someone can think of a fashier name
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • #88
                            A few name ideas around a Ctp or Civ theme:

                            Balance of Power
                            Call to Empire
                            Call to Civilization

                            input not only welcomed but sorely needed!
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • #89
                              balance is very original


                              • #90
                                I think "Call To Civilization" is the most logical name as it indicates your intention of merging the best aspects/features of CTP2 & Civ3. "Balance Of Power" would IMHO rather be suitable for some sort of cold war scenario. "Call To Empire" doesn't indicate anything special because that's what all strategy games are about
                                The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.

