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World Map For Cradle

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  • World Map For Cradle

    Hi everybody,

    I want to play CTP 2 and I somehow also have to ^^
    We're doing a research in our psychology team at university and we want to have a look at how we behave when we play CTP 2 (you know how easy we fall into dictatorship and war and all of this). now we have to following problem: we all have modmanager and cradle 1.3beta installed. however we couldn't find a worldmap that's working properly together with cradle 1.3b. we're 14 people so we need a huge map (e.g. 400x400 I thought) which is made for 28 players.
    I couldn't find a worldmap for cradle doing this ><
    on the other side, playing with apolyton super pack isn't as realistic as playing with cradle.

    could anyone give me a hint where i could find a working 28 civ worldmap for cradle?


  • #2
    In files you can find a world map for 28 players but I think you have to open the editor go to the cheat menu and reloadslic. I think...
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • #3
      I have a try on that one
      btw I found one from iskallin but I can't start it ... it simply doesn't load


      • #4
        loading a 28civ map with cradle works but still I got the limitation for 8 players. any hint on that one?


        • #5
          goto userprofile.txt, the first entry is # of players, if u want 14 (wild guess ) then u need to make it 15, b/c it includes the barbarians

          where is it? well how bout a search?

