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Changes in scoring.

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  • Changes in scoring.

    Changes in scoring.

    Was looking at a mod made by Player1 called( Mymod). In the DiffDB file in Gamedata there are numbers that show how the game scoring is added.For example there is a line --BASE SCORE 4600 from which to generate the civ score
    This line is from impossible level. Base numbers are lower at easier levels. After that is- Feats factor-Wonder factor -City Factor and so forth.
    Player1 changed the base score to 6000-also changed Wonder factor to 250 from 500-opponents conquered fator250 from 500 as well as some small changes.
    I think these numbers should help the AI because most of the games are won by high score. It seems that only one or two AI factions can keep up till about mid way and you production rate is so high that a hand full of wonders puts you on top due in part by the points gained.The AI starts out ahead by base score the rest of the scoring is the same for human player and AI. This base score cheat would be small put I think fair because the ai is a house divied against it self while you can pick you enemy off one at a time.

  • #2
    I agree that the default scoring isn't very good. I espacially don't like the wonder scores, they are way to high and scew the score. I think 50 or 100 would be more appropiate...

    I disagree that the AI should get a boost, mainly because I have never won by the score victory. Giving the AI a boost would get rid of the only use of the score for me-- to compare myself to the AI players.

    Luckily its all modifible to meet everyones needs


    • #3
      Well I base it on Player1's mod. He changed the base score from 4600 to 6000. It seems if you look at the DiffDB in Gamedata the line in the file says from which to generate the civ score. I dont know how the numbers break down but it seems that all the ai civs get this at beginning of the game in some form. Not as a high score at end of the game . I hope maybe someone who makes mods might come up with a more detailed response. If you think of it the only way the ai can win is by out scoring you. Very rare that your last city is destoryed and you lose the game.

