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Killed militia in Cradle

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  • Killed militia in Cradle

    I attacked an enemy stack near one of my towns. My spearman militia got killed.
    The question is : that town will never have a militia again? There is a difference of stats between X militia and regular X unit? I saw no difference except that spearman militia has a 15 attack while the regular militia has a 10 attack.

    And another problem.
    When I got the tech to upgrade my spearmen, I didn't had enough money to upgrade all my sperman units. How can I upgrade them later? If that is posible.
    "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
    "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto

  • #2
    Once killed, militias are gone. The Spearman militia also has a stronger defense (20) as well as more HP (40 as opposed to 10). This is more a gameplay issue, to benefit the AI in the early going if you like a lot of Barbs in the game (although the benefit is the same for the player) Plus, it makes early military expansion more of a challenge for the player. (something that I always felt was too easy in the vanilla game)

    Upgrades are a one-time thing. If you miss an upgrade for a unit type, that unit will remain for the remainder of the game. Again, this is by design because you have to carefully monitor your gold and plan ahead to make sure you have what you need. I purposely designed Cradle to take more of a long-term approach to the decisions that you need to make. (In fact, I have often put off researching an upgrade tech while playing Cradle because I knew I needed more gold.)

    In the vanilla game RBing is too easy - in Cradle RBing is a major decision because you do need your surplus gold for unit upgrades.

    There is a revised Unit Upgrade SLIC file available that gives the player more opportunities for upgrade (email Peter Triggs) And it is possible to add additional entries to the current SLIC code to give a player more chances to upgrade.
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • #3
      Originally posted by hexagonian
      Once killed, militias are gone. The Spearman militia also has a stronger defense (20) as well as more HP (40 as opposed to 10).
      In the Library the only difference I saw was that the Spearman militia has a +5 at attack.

      Originally posted by hexagonian
      In the vanilla game RBing is too easy - in Cradle RBing is a major decision because you do need your surplus gold for unit upgrades.
      I never liked rush building. I considered it so unrealistic because it is acctually a instant building. If it was something like "spend X gold to double production and Y gold to triple produciton" I would like it very much.

      There is a revised Unit Upgrade SLIC file available that gives the player more opportunities for upgrade (email Peter Triggs).
      Thanks, for the moment I will keep it this way. There are many things to discover about Cradle (I am just begining to play this mod).
      "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
      "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


      • #4
        Interesting observation from Cradle.

        I tweaked risks.txt to make the babarians come later (turn 50) but there are more off them. In a game recently I had the Babarians beat everyone to Temple of Zeus.

        In my current game, the Babarians killed a starting empire, the Babylonians, about turn 180.

        Two things that never happen in Civ 3.


        • #5
          You must be playing with Barbarians on a high settings? They can be quite nasty even on lower levels. You should download the Succession Game Saves, our empire was chopped up by Barbarians, then revolted forming a quite successful splinter civilization. We are only now on the offensive and still in a position to lose...

          BTW we need at least one more player so feel free to volunteer


          • #6
            Hi EPW,

            Thanks for the offer but I am trying to wrap up my Cradle expansion which I have ben working on for over a year. My wife already is unhappy about how much time I spend on CTP2 so I better not take on anything more at the moment.


            • #7
              Another interesting thing that I just discovered : After I upgraded my spearman militia to hoplite militia, I founded a new city, but it received spearman militia. I understand that since I lost the upgrage for that I am stuck with it. It is so?
              "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
              "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto

