Originally posted by Solver
OK, that all sounds good. Determening when the ships are full is easy with the new SLIC functions, so I can't see why wouldn't you post the script so someone could improve it and get it it completed, like Bert, as said!
Come on, do so .
OK, that all sounds good. Determening when the ships are full is easy with the new SLIC functions, so I can't see why wouldn't you post the script so someone could improve it and get it it completed, like Bert, as said!
Come on, do so .
However it is some kind of GoodMod, something beyond version 1.0. The files are for CTP2 v. 1.1 Activisions original patch, therefore I did not removed the soundfix slic and moved it into the tileimp.txt, terrain.txt is also the original version, and of course a lot of strings for the playtest version are missing. const.txt should need some modification to make it work with our playtest version. I tweaked a little bit the unit.txt so that is now true tanks != super weapon. The government determination code doesn't work without a modified govern.txt, the strategies.slc needs an modified strategies.txt but it keeps the AI from settleing and conquering when it has gone over the city limit. I didn't check if I disabled frenzy and player1's pw cheat, frenzy and pwcheat should be disabled and I think the modifications are only in place for GoodMod for ApolytonPack, so don't expect a strong AI when using the MedPack version, and of course it is not tested that I include all the necessary files.
And another thing if you want to use it with the playtest version. Peter messed around with the ConsiderNewProposal function therefore the argument list that is used in Diplomod doesn't match anymore with the argument list by our playtest version.
And finally the pack comes without a readme and of course you are on your own.