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Love CTC! What's the chance of a version that works with the Source Code Project?

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  • Love CTC! What's the chance of a version that works with the Source Code Project?

    I really enjoy CTC, but with all the problems in the base game's code, I can't complete games. I have played the Source Code Project build 2004.05.19 and it seems to be VERY stable. The only problem I have so far is that the Solaris Project crashes the game, but that's the only real bug I found in the code so far.

    What's the chance of getting a CTC version that works with the Source Code Project? I am not skilled in the modding enough to figure out how to do it myself. I would love to play that mod with a stable program!

  • #2
    Well with some tweeking I've been able to get CTC to work with the Source Code Project. It seems to be working well. One thing that's weird is that militia units and pillboxes are now moving units, instead of "stuck" in the city/location they originated in. Is there some way to fix this, or is it just an 'unintended' new feature now? LOL


    • #3
      You might want to use my Mod updating tool:

      to get mods working with the recent playtest versions.


      • #4
        Due to an incomplete reimplementation of the IsArmyValid SLIC function, some of the CTC code will not work properly with the playtest releases. This causes e.g. the militia to be treated as regular units. A fix is available in the altered source code, and will most likely be part of the next release.

        Could you post a crash.txt log of the Solaris project crash, or even better, a save file somewhere near to the crash? That would greatly help us in reproducing - and solving - this bug.


        • #5
          Thanks for looking into this! The attached save game file (zipped) will crash when the Solaris Project is built. This game is a totally unmodded/base version of the 2004.05.19 build of the Source Code Project...

          Now, if I can just figure out how to keep my cities from topping out at size of 61! LOL

          Let me know if you need a crash log, too, or if this will help you. I wish I had the skill to figure this out. You guys are great.

          Johnc214 in Dallas
          Attached Files


          • #6
            When trying to load the game, a pop-up appears: "Unable to locate the scenario that created this saved game. Looking for: JohnGame".
            Are you sure this is a "totally unmodded/base version"?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fromafar
              When trying to load the game, a pop-up appears: "Unable to locate the scenario that created this saved game. Looking for: JohnGame".
              Are you sure this is a "totally unmodded/base version"?
              If can't figure out how he can raise the maximum city from 61 to whatever he wants then obviously not. Well John the solution is to go into the various citysizeX.txt and edit the Population flag there in each citysize.txt of the CITYSIZE_SIX entry.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #8
                The game was an unmodded version but it was a scenario.. essentially just started a fresh game but places the starting locations of the civs a little more spread out over the map. But it was not a mod game. I'm not sure what other files the computer is using besides the save game file. But I guess it's using something else. I did complete a Solaris Project game, but had to wait for another civ to build the project and then conquer them. It would be nice to be able to build it myself, though.


                • #9
                  If the scenario contained no data files then you should be able to load the savegame simply by creating an empty scenario of the appropriate name.


                  • #10
                    I just updated to playtest version 06.15.2004 and am experimenting with it and CTC. Only thing I've noticed so far is that the updater doesn't seem to be working (it worked in the 05.19.2004 playtest version). Maybe there's something obvious I'm missing, but I have the technology needed, and the CTC_Main.slc file DOES contain the #include "CTC_updater2.slc" command... not sure what's going on. Any ideas?


                    • #11
                      I'd guess that the recent changes to SLIC have broken something important...


                      • #12
                        It seems so.... I guess when the final version of the Source Code Project comes out, someone who is good at this stuff can look at the CTC mod. I love the mod, but do miss that feature. Most of it seems to be working ok with the 06.15.2004 version... just not all of the updater works!


                        • #13
                          Interesting Update: After I discovered Industrial Revolution, the updater started working. I could finally upgrade my hoplites to Pikeman and Musketeers THEN! So there's something funky about that. I check my updater2.slc file and it seem to show the correct prerequisites still, but for some reason, very little updating worked regularly until Industrial Revolution.
                          Also: One of my rivals has tanks. That's no big deal, except they haven't discovered Tank Warfare, nor several of the prerequisites to Tank Warfare. They've wiped out everyone on their continent (no one else has anything stronger than Cavalry). So there's something funny about the tech tree going on I guess?
                          Just another oddity for the developers of the mod to look at when the full version of the software is ready.

