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Modmanager Problems

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  • Modmanager Problems

    I keep getting an error when I try to run Modmanager...

    How can I make it go?
    Attached Files
    "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu

  • #2
    Answered my own question...

    This is just the executable, and that should be OK for most people since I used only standard Windows Common Controls, but if you're missing .ocx (likely with Windows 95 or 98) files you can get the relevant ones here
    "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu


    • #3
      wow thank you...
      i was having this problem but i was scared to say it cus everybody new what to do


      • #4
        Huangshang never be scared to ask for help. We all help each other here if we can and we all need time to get up to speed. When I first came here I got accused of reinventing things with my suggestions.
        "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
        The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
        Visit the big mc’s website


        • #5
          Yes, I should probably alter the directory entry to contain that info...


          • #6
            I was having the same problem. I downloaded the file but where do I put it?


            • #7
              It's easiest if you unzip it in the main CTP2 directory. You can put it anywhere, but if you put it elsewhere you'll have to tell it where CTP2 is with a command line argument.


              • #8
                i was looking at the readme and it said something about requiring a modman entry for all mods... so does that mean that i have to right one of those?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HuangShang
                  i was looking at the readme and it said something about requiring a modman entry for all mods... so does that mean that i have to right one of those?
                  In most cases, no. If you read the next sentence in the readme:

                  ModManager can create these files automatically for ModSwapper class mods based on their *_Gamefile.txt if you click the 'Seek ModSwapper mods' button in the 'Manage Setups' dialog.

                  All existing mods (AFAIK) are ModSwapper mods, and you can do this for them.


                  • #10
                    I'm trying to run MedMod2 for CTP2 from ModManager. I think I've downloaded everything I need. The patch is installed. The missing OCXs are downloaded and registered. (Why don't they don't have links for those on the download page for ModManager??) DebugSlic=No. Followed the installation directions (except for trying to use ModManager instead of ModSwapper).

                    MedMod2 says "To install the modpack, simply unzip the portions into the "Call to Power 2" folder."

                    ModManager says "If you've installed a mod, but it doesn't show up in ModManager, then it might be a ModSwapper mod, in which case you must tell ModManager to look for it. To do this press 'Manage' and then 'Seek ModSwapper Mods'."

                    It's not finding it.
                    If this was supposed to simplify things, it's not working for me. What am I doing wrong?

                    ModMan is at D:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\ModMan.exe.

                    What I presume is the definition file (one of two there) is at D:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\medmod_texts_pics_and_videos\ctp2_data\ctp2_data \default\gamedata\MM2_gamefile.txt.


                    • #11
                      D:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\medmod_texts_pics_and_videos\ctp2_data\ctp2_data \default\gamedata\MM2_gamefile.txt
                      Something must have gone wrong while unzipping the Modfiles (I suppose the path defined in the zip-file is a bit too long). However - the above path should read as follows:
                      D:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\MM2_gamefile.txt
                      Moving all MM2_*.*-files out of any "medmod_texts_pics_and_videos"-like folder into the "regular" D:\...\Call To Power 2\ctp2_data\..." structure should solve the problem.
                      The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Larry_Knerr
                        The missing OCXs are downloaded and registered. (Why don't they don't have links for those on the download page for ModManager??)
                        Well, there are links on the thread, and I can't really put links on the page in the directory because of the constraints on the format.

                        As regards your other problem, what BureauBert says is right.


                        • #13

                          To follow up, after posting the previous I did try copying all the MedMod2 files into the matching CTP2 directories but couldn't get that to work either. (I uninstalled and reinstalled and repatched after each of these, so there shouldn't have been leftovers screwing things up.)

                          Running CTP2 by itself afterwards gives error messages.

                          Following MedMod2's Win2K instructions (except for "change MM2_Wondermovie.txt to Wondermovie.txt"; the (new) gamefile.txt doesn't have a MM2_Wondermovie.txt entry) gives error messages.

                          Running ModSwapper (it finds it!) gives what seems like a couple of hundred error messages. I held the Enter key down for quite a while.

                          I'd suppose there's some newbie thing I'm doing or not doing, except if the process were inobvious you'd think ModManager and ModSwapper and MedMod2 between them would have at least one set of instructions for people who are doing this for the first time. Maybe I'm just dumb this week.
                          Or maybe I'm supposed to ignore the odd error messages with MedMod2?


                          • #14
                            If you're getting lots of error messages that suggests that you have DebugSlic on. If you're using ModManager you should be able to check that easily when you run it...


                            • #15
                              Oops. Forgot that, last time. OK, one last try.

                              I note in passing that one MedMod2 folder contains a ctp2_data folder inside another ctp2_data folder and CTP2 doesn't. Maybe MedMod2 expects that?

                              Reinstalling, recopying...
                              Now I'm only getting 6 SLIC Errors with DebugSlic=No, all of the form
                              "D:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ ADVANCE_MONARCHY not found in AdvanceDB"

                              I loaded tut2_main.slc into Notepad. It has this reference (only) to Monarchy:
                              "//any govt adv discd
                              HandleEvent(GrantAdvance) 'TNewGovt' post {
                              if(IsHumanPlayer(player[0])) {
                              advance[0] = value[0];
                              if(advance[0].type == AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_MONARCHY)
                              || advance[0].type == AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_THEOLOGY)
                              || advance[0].type == AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY)) {
                              Message(player[0], 'TMNewGovt');

                              AdvanceLists.txt contains Monarchy; MM2_AdvanceLists.txt doesn't. Maybe that's the AdvanceDB it refers to.

                              Hah! It doesn't give errors when I load a game, only when I "launch" a new one. (It also turns Tutorials on, changes my game gender and probably other things I haven't noticed. ??)

                              I wonder if this counts as working in the wild world of CTP2 mods. If someone here has played enough MedMod2 to know, please tell me -- is this a bug that needs to be fixed because it will ruin the game later, or is it something one just has to live with?

                              I'm going to play it and hope for the latter on the assumptions that "tut" is short for tutorial and that it's therefore unlikely to be able to destroy my game.

                              And my thanks for the help, particularly for the off-topic parts.

