I'm not going to knock a game I've never played (CivIV...or even III). I'm not a CTP2 fanatic. I've just found that as I get older, the eye candy...err, I mean improved graphics...become more of a distraction to me than a desirable feature. I could accept needing a higher powered CPU to handle improved AI and such, but a TBS game that requires a higher end graphics card to play, just seems like development resources focused in the wrong area. (You know the area I'm talking about... the one I CAN"T AFFORD!
As for AoM, my gaming skills are such that the strategy discussions on the original release were the only thing that kept the mod from being more frustration than enjoyment for me. Then my computer died and by the time I could scrape together the funds for a replacement, AoMIV was being released, and so much had been added that I'm back at the bottom of the learning cliff, so to speak.
What is Stan doing these days? Did I read that he had decided to go back to school to study film making?

As for AoM, my gaming skills are such that the strategy discussions on the original release were the only thing that kept the mod from being more frustration than enjoyment for me. Then my computer died and by the time I could scrape together the funds for a replacement, AoMIV was being released, and so much had been added that I'm back at the bottom of the learning cliff, so to speak.
What is Stan doing these days? Did I read that he had decided to go back to school to study film making?