I'm trying to get a couple of existing slics to work for Cradle, but with little luck.
All I am doing is changing existing units with new units.
All I am doing is changing existing units with new units.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Elite units code by Stan Karpinski, using peices of code from Immortal // // Wombat, Peter Triggs. If a unit is involved in a successful battle, // // there is a 5% chance it will become an elite unit of that type. // // Applies to only certain front line troops and the army must have at // //least 2 units // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int_t HeroChance; int_t HeroChance2; int_t HeroChance3; int_t HeroChance4; HandleEvent(VictoryMoveOrder) 'elite' pre { location_t tmpLoc; int_t PromotionChance; tmpArmy = army[0]; tmpNum = tmpArmy.size; tmpPlayer = army[0].owner; tmpLoc = army[0].location; int_t tempUnit; if (tmpNum >=2) { for (j = 0; j < GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc); j = j + 1) { GetUnitFromCell(tmpLoc, j, tmpUnit); if ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_WARRIOR))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Eone'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_WARRIOR_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Etwo'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HYPASPISTS))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Ethree'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HYPASPISTS_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_LEGION))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Efour'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_LEGION_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_SPEARMAN))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Efive'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_SPEARMAN_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_PIKEMEN))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Esix'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_PIKEMEN_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_ARQUEBUSIER))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Eseven'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_ARQUEBUSIER_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_INFANTRYMAN))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Eeight'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_INFANTRYMAN_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_MACHINE_GUNNER))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Enine'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_MACHINE_GUNNER_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_MAN_AT_ARMS))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Eten'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_MAN_AT_ARMS_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_MARINE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Eeleven'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_MARINE_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HOVER_INFANTRY))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Etwelve'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HOVER_INFANTRY_ELITE), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Elite unit code expansion // //Elite units involved in a successful combat have a 1 in 30 chance of being// // promoted to a GENERAL. Army must have at least 2 units // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HandleEvent(VictoryMoveOrder) 'General' pre { location_t tmpLoc; int_t PromotionChance; tmpArmy = army[0]; tmpNum = tmpArmy.size; tmpPlayer = army[0].owner; tmpLoc = army[0].location; int_t tempUnit; if (tmpNum >=2) { for (j = 0; j < GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc); j = j + 1) { GetUnitFromCell(tmpLoc, j, tmpUnit); if ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_WARRIOR_ELITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Gone'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HERO), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE_ELITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Gtwo'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HERO), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_SPEARMAN_ELITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Gthree'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HERO), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_LEGION_ELITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Gfour'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HERO), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HYPASPISTS_ELITE))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'Gfive'); KillUnit(tmpUnit); CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_HERO), tmpLoc,0); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } elseif ((tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_HERO))){ PromotionChance = random(90); if(PromotionChance <= 3){ if (HeroChance<9){ HeroChance=HeroChance+1; KillUnit(tmpUnit); if(HeroChance==1){ CreateUnit(army[0].owner, UnitDB(UNIT_GREAT_GENERAL), tmpLoc,0); AgeGREAT_GENERAL = 100 + random(50); message(tmpPlayer, 'GREAT_GENERAL'); Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); } } } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // // // Improved PoW (Now works) // // by The Immortal Wombat // // // ///////////////////////////////////////// //-------------// // Variables // //-------------// int_t POW_TYPE[]; int_T POWage; int_t tmpNum;int_t tmpWonder; army_t tmpArmy; int_T tmpNum2; int_t IsThere; location_t tmpLoc; location_t tmpLoc2; unit_T tmpUnit2; int_t tmpPlayer; int_t i; //---------------------// // Begin Game Setup // //---------------------// HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'GameStart' pre { POW_TYPE[0] = UnitDB(UNIT_WARRIOR); //The better the age, the better the unit you get. POW_TYPE[1] = UnitDB(UNIT_SPEARMAN); POW_TYPE[2] = UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE); POW_TYPE[3] = UnitDB(UNIT_MAN_AT_ARMS); POW_TYPE[4] = UnitDB(UNIT_INFANTRYMAN); POW_TYPE[5] = UnitDB(UNIT_MACHINE_GUNNER); POW_TYPE[6] = UnitDB(UNIT_HOVER_INFANTRY); DisableTrigger('GameStart'); //run once only } //----------------------// // Get Player Age // //----------------------// int_f WOUTER_GetAge(int_t thePlayer) { tmpPlayer = thePlayer; if (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_PLASMA_WEAPONRY)) { // if player has Plasma Weaponry, return 6; } elseif (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_ADV_INFANTRY_TACTICS)) { // etc. return 5; } elseif (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_RAILROAD)) { return 4; } elseif (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_BANKING)) { return 3; } elseif (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_COMPOSITE_BOW)) { return 2; } elseif (HasAdvance(tmpPlayer, ID_ADVANCE_TOOLMAKING)) { return 1; } else { // if none of above advances present, (should never happen) return 0; // age is age 0 } } //--------------------------------------------// // Capturing event (should be unnecessary) // //--------------------------------------------// int_f CaptureUnit(location_t theLocation){ // invented function to create unit depending on age tmpLoc2 = theLocation; POWage = WOUTER_GetAge(tmpPlayer); //get age Event:CreateUnit(tmpPlayer, tmpLoc2, 0, POW_TYPE[POWage], 1); //create unit. If in age 1, create POW_TYPE[1] Event:GroupOrder(army[0]); //This is set up like this because of bugs just using the CreateUnit event } //------------------// // Battle event // //------------------// HandleEvent(VictoryMoveOrder) 'capture' pre { tmpArmy = army[0]; tmpNum = tmpArmy.size; tmpPlayer = army[0].owner; tmpLoc = army[0].location; IsThere = 0; for(i = 0; i < tmpNum; i = i + 1) { GetUnitFromArmy(tmpArmy, i, tmpUnit); tmpNum2 = tmpUnit.type; if(tmpNum2 >= 112 && tmpNum <= 117){ // number of units. 107-117 are wonder-units IsThere = 1; //GOT ONE!! } } if(IsThere == 1){ //If it was there, POWage = WOUTER_GetAge(tmpPlayer); //get age (for messaging purposes) if(POWage == 6){ message(tmpPlayer, 'six'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); //and run the captureunit function } elseif(POWage == 5){ message(tmpPlayer, 'five'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); } elseif(POWage == 4){ message(tmpPlayer, 'four'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); } elseif(POWage == 3){ message(tmpPlayer, 'three'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); } elseif(POWage == 2){ message(tmpPlayer, 'two'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); } elseif(POWage == 1){ message(tmpPlayer, 'one'); CaptureUnit(tmpLoc); } } }