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Ranged values for attack or flanking units

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  • Ranged values for attack or flanking units


    In Ages of Man, there are several instances where an attacking, defending or flanking unit has a ranged value (Elephant Warrior, Cataphract...). Until now, I couldn't imagine a situation where these units would be able to use this ranged value, since they fight from the front row, either in the center of it (standard attack or defense units) or from the flanks (flanking units). These units generally also do not have a bombard ability.

    But imagine the battle view is really crowded, with 7 units battling in the front row. Let's say a Cataphract (normally a Flanking Unit) is 'pushed back' to the second row (this sometimes happens when there is simply no place on the front row). Will this Cataphract then use its ranged values, or will it never use these values simply because the game treats it as a flanking unit, which has no attack possibilities in the second row. All I can do is look at the animation (when, say, a Phalanx is pushed back to the second row due to the front row being 100% occupied, you can see it standing there, not attacking or doing anything), but this is a very poor indicator of what is actually going on.

    So, when such a unit is pushed back to the second row, will it then (and probably only then) use its ranged values, or will the game ignore the ranged values because the units are not listed as 'Ranged'?

    Looking forward to any input

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  • #2
    AFAIK all units use their ranged value if they're on the back row.

    It's what made Cavalry that extra bit more lethal in the unmodded game. You have a fast flanking unit that can also inflict small ranged damage, giving you a fast moving, flanking, ranged and frontal assault army stack, virtually obsoleting slow moving ranged and frontal assault units.
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    • #3
      I think they should act as any other ranged unit once in the back row, but no one's ever thought about it before so just maybe...

      By the way do ranged and flankers tend to attack a random enemy, the closest one graphically, or the center front liner?

