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Does AI get two attack opportunities in a row?

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  • Does AI get two attack opportunities in a row?


    I have noticed this many times, and decided to properly 'document' it, not sure if I'm missing something very obvious here or not...

    The thing is, when I attack an enemy stack and complete that battle, I move into the attacked square afterwards and I have no movement or other options left, it's turn over for that stack.

    The AI however, does not seem to be hindered by this.

    Here's a shot of the begin situation, I put two obsolete units in front of the Carthaginian stack to protect my weakened stack a bit to the left. The ZOC would make it impossible for the Carthaginians to attack my army after hitting the Next Turn button - well, that's what I thought anyway.

    When it's the Carthaginian's turn, they mover directly towards the archer - ignoring the ZOC of the mounted archer by the way - and attack it, killing it in the action.

    Normally, the Carthaginian's turn would be over, since they completed the attack and now occupy the square where my archer originally was, but they happily move to my army and attack that.

    Apparently, the Carthaginian's retreat (only one unit of their army left) and they still have enough movement to withdraw two tiles.

    Simple question: is this normal, or is it something that only happens in AOM (or shouldn't it happen there either). Is it just an AI cheat, or a bug? Just curious here.

    Thanks in advance.

    Last edited by Tellius; September 3, 2007, 11:01.
    Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers

  • #2
    I've only seen it happen where it's meant to happen.

    It doesn't happen in the original game, but I've seen it in the Alexander the Great scenario because it's supposed to work like that.

    After every battle the "battleflag" gets cleared so in effect you've just moved one square rather than had a battle, probably done to speed up the game. I don't know if it's intentional in AoM, perhaps with certain units included in an army?
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    • #3

      Thought it usefull to copy the email I got from Stan here, and yes, it's a slic bug.

      This is pretty old. It comes from a bug in the slic code. If you use slic to command the AI attack, it does not count as a battle nor even movement.
      I originally had it so they could do the same on the move, but it meant you could not even block roads. It should only happen now if an AI stacks starts the turn adjacent to you. The first attack does not count against anything.

      Advancing into a hex after combat ignores ZOC, even for the human.

      Hope this helps.

      Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers

