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AOM Website offline

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  • AOM Website offline

    Hello ppl, I was looking to try the AOM mod but their website is offline (was online a few days ago). I have the update AOMIV (which I didnt knew it was only an update ) and know I need the full mod, but so far the only place to download seems to be their offline website.

    Anybody knew what is happening? or an alternative place where I can download it?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Seems to be back up, now. Probably just a temporary side effect of the recent move to a new server.


    • #3
      Thank you....but I still cant download the full mod...only the small update files....dont know what is happening.


      • #4
        The FULL (500MB) AoMII link is here:

        don't forget to get the AoMIV updates from the website too.

        Last edited by Maquiladora; July 26, 2007, 14:06.
        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


        • #5
          Wow it's amazing, yet not very reassuring, that Apolyton hosts the files but removed links.

          My bad, didn't mean to revive, meant to post somewhere else.

