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Playtest bug

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  • Playtest bug

    Sorry I have no means of posting a save game. I was playing the newst Playtest in hotseat mode with my wife.

    I was never alerted when I was attacked, or to any new changes in the game. Its possible that in hotseat mode the game switches from 1st player immediately to second human player. When the second human player hits enter the computer runs their turn while still in second player's sequence causing player one to not see whats happening. The computer doesn't seem able to recognize more then 1 human player at a time.

    Since I'm tired, and have little knowledge coding I doubt any of that makes sense, or is even remotely the cause of the problem.

    Later in the game, I believe around turn 50 the computer turned my wife into a computer player, making it just like a single player game, except with the annoying popup, "Name of the Civilization it is now your turn" [ready].

    Most annoying of all though, is the city names. I was unable to make any links to this, or pattern, it was just random. When it was my wifes turn she would many times see my city name, what it was producing with the wrong amount of turns both for her city and mine, in the lower right hand corner tool box.

    Example: I have Athens, Sparta and Corinth. She has Washington and Boston. When its her turn she'll see Athens, Sparta, and Corinth in the box, with what they are producing at riduclously wrong turns it will take.

    In this box Athens is equivilant to Washington, Sparta to Boston. However if she clicks to open build manager while under Corinth the game crashes. I've tried to isolate the error in windows error report, but windows is too lazy to show the exact line in which the error occured. It instead shows 20,000 lines of code, and says, "good luck trying to find it. You can send it to us, and our lazy staff won't do anything to fix it, but it will leave you with the peace of mind that its sitting with professionals collecting dust."

    I've been playing Civ3. I've easily conquered impossible mode several times, and no way of going online to play against other human players, so its gotten boring to me.

    I suffer a problem with Civ3 as well. This is not to place it so I won't go in details, and no one has found a fix for it, and atari no longer supports it. Whenever I attempt to open any mutliplayer seesion the game shuts down without any error message. Just crashes, and then. . . .nothing.

    Anyways, I've blathered on long enough. I apologize if this is the wrong place this post I am running late and no time to locate the correct place.

    Ah, just occurred to me, its been a while and no one knows. My wife gave birth to a very beautiful 6lb 15ounce baby girl on may 23rd at 5:13am. Her name is Que Alexandria Rose Tracey. Que is pronounced (kAy), spanish for 'what'. I know, most of you are thinking, "Do you hate your child?"

    Well anyways, be back later.

  • #2
    LordLightning thanks for the input. we haven't worked on hotseat lately (for awhile I think) but we're glad you tried and noted problems. Soon I'll compile a new list of issues that still need to be worked on. Thanks for your post!
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at

