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Trying to play AOM IV

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  • Trying to play AOM IV

    Hello every one. I just got a laptop and installed CtP2. I came to Apolyton to get the patch and the Apolyton mod.

    I noticed the AoM mod and tried downloading it. I get this error message

    'ggo45.spr' not found in asset tree.

    what am I doing wrong? I get to the load screen and just when I think I should be playing the game it crashes with that error message.

    what can I do?

    I am trying to uninstall it and reinstall the game again without the Apolyton mod. If that dosn't work I will have to come here and cry again.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • #2
    I think the download you tried is just the AOM 4 update.
    You need the original AOM installed to use that.

    I'm not certain if the original is still available for download.
    It is a few hundred mb. Not 32 like the upgrade.

    The developer sells a CD with the entire thing for $10 Australian.

    Check out the forum on his webpage.


    • #3
      OH so I have to buy the game? I didn't know that. Yes all I got is the 32mb file.

      Does he still sell the game? I tried the forums and it's closed so I wunder if it's still possible to buy it.

      I don't have a credit card, how can I get it? Should I get a pre paid credit card? Just wundering never ordered anything online.

      Thanks for the reply.


      • #4
        His website is working.

        Here is a direct link to the purchase page if you are having trouble

        It looks like a very good piece of work.
        I'm considering getting it.

        There is a contact button on the webpage.
        Maybe you can arrange to pay with a money order or something.


        • #5
          I think you can download the full 600mb version from a link as well. then you install the patch.

          Tellius has reported that it works great with te sourcecode playtest too.

          by the way the apolyton ages of man forum is here:

          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at

