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Need to relearn CtP2 again (this should make it fun again.)

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  • Need to relearn CtP2 again (this should make it fun again.)

    darn i suck at this game, or the aplyton patch made it harder.

    My capitol got caputered by barbarians in about turn 30, guess I need to refocus my strategy and not just have one warrior defending and the others exploring and looking for goodie huts lol.

    Love the game, guess I will have to cheat and restart and not make this same boo boo again.


  • #2
    Awesome! any recommended tweaks?
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • #3
      any recommended tweaks? in what way? only on turn 30 right now, having a blast.


      • #4
        just game play stuff or things to improve the AI. It may take awhile to implement but whenever I hear of someone playing I'm just wondering about ways they'd ike to make it even better
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #5
          how to make the game better? well I am on turn 200, boy the games is a bit slow, but in a good way, only 5 cities, with a few armies built lol. I am glad at the slow pace, just lernt knights, forgot what the tech is, so making them now on mass to conquer the enemy.

          If I have any ideas on what to make better, I will say it, and maybe it's even done, just let me know.

          Glad to see you are still on board.

