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Inner workings of CtP2: rations, workdays, wages

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  • Inner workings of CtP2: rations, workdays, wages


    I'm trying to get to know how CtP2 'ticks' as much as possible, and I'm still wondering about this.

    After all food, commerce and production are collected on an empire level, losses to crime are deducted, as well as wages (for commerce), city improvement upkeep (for commerce), food consumed (for food, based on the rations level) and unit upkeep (for production). A kind of 'subtotal' for all three resources is the result. Public Works are deducted from the Production Subtotal, and Science is deducted from the Commerce Subtotal. But what happens with the rest? I know what is left over from commerce goes into the national treasury, but are the leftovers from food and production distributed over the various cities, and if so, is there a valid distirbution key (ie do bigger cities get more)?

    this is important if you are faced with a starving city. The city will first use the stored food, but I always wonder if this stored food is from a big, empire level stockpile or not (if the food surplus is distributed over the various cities, this would make more sense and would make a starving city far more dangerous).

    Thanks a lot

    Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers

  • #2
    I think production goes to either your military, city use, and whats left to your pw.

    food ishandled by city so it just builds to growth I think.

    if you want to see the coe its in gs/gameobj/citydata.cpp and player.cpp (let me know)

    are you looking to modify this stuff?
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

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    • #3
      Resource Handling

      Hi E,

      I'm pretty sure for production it goes like this. All production is added up, then losses to crime and unit upkeep are subtracted. The 'subtotal' is then split up in pw on one hand and the production that is redistributed among the cities proportionally on the other. There the production is used to produce things.

      I think the same is true for food, but I'm not sure. As I said, this has a big effect on starvation, since starvation isn't nearly as bad if a city can draw on an empire level stockpile.

      Nope, no modding ideas, just want to get my facts straight - and it will be helpfull for the strategy guide I'm writing.

      Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


      • #4
        Re: Resource Handling

        Originally posted by Tellius

        Nope, no modding ideas, just want to get my facts straight - and it will be helpfull for the strategy guide I'm writing.
        You can take what there is from this website if you like Tellius. Its more multiplayer orientated but some might be useful.

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        • #5
          You can take what there is from this website if you like Tellius. Its more multiplayer orientated but some might be useful.
          Thanks, I'll have a look in a minute!

          Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers

