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Help! PW question

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  • Help! PW question

    Hi I just started playing CTP2 about six months ago and have a question regarding PW points. I play the original, SAP2 and medmod2 games. I havent tried any others yet as I get pretty annoyed with the current games as it seems to cheat me of PW points as I progress.

    At the start of my games gold and PW per turn are accurate, but when I am at say, 1500BC, the empire manager says I will get 300 gold and 300 PW next turn, when I end my turn I am credited with 300 gold but only 210 PW.

    By the time I get to 0 AD I will get say, 1500 gold and 1500 PW next turn according to the manager and I do get 1500 gold credited but the PW is only 700 now! As I progress even further the PW % gets even lower, is it just my game or is it a bug?

  • #2
    I think the slic i medmod might deduct pw but i'm not sure.
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • #3
      thanks E, but it happens in all three games, not just medmod2.

      It is so infuriating as I cant plan ahead because I just dont know how much PW I will receive each turn. I know exactly how much gold tho...... that is what bugs me the most!


      • #4
        Are you taking into account military support? If i recall correctly that comes out of the PW displayed given. So if it says youll get 200PW and military support is 10%, youll get 180PW. You probably dont notice it really early in the game because production is low and/or military support isnt high enough to dig into it without going into fractions.

        Not sure about crime, i think that comes out of production before PW tax is calculated.
        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


        • #5
          I think the AE has that calc fixed too. i hadn't seen it in the AE
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #6
            Yes, military upkeep and crime are taken into account. It is the bottom figures in the empire manager that is used.

            If I click on details it has already deducted crime and military, and left me with two figures, city use and PW. All figures add up to production collected. If I use the % slider, the figures always add up to collected, whether it is 10% or 80%.

            I just dont get credited with the PW amount the next turn, just gold is credited correctly. As mention if the bottom line says 1500 gold, I get 1500 gold added to my stockpile, if it says 1500 PW, I get 700 or less added to my stockpile.

            PW even from 2000BC is slightly less than the full amount and by 0 AD is a joke as it is less than half of what I should get - according to the empire manager.....


            • #7
              It may say that military support is being deducted on the empire manager, but it may not be. So the display in empire manager itself is wrong.

              In the unit manager on the advice tab there is military upkeep %, if you take this % from your expected PW in empire manager it should roughly match what youre missing. Unless im wrong (not unlikely), then someone working on the code could tell you exactly why its wrong.

              The only other time ive seen something like this happen is a bug in the original game without the official 1.2 patch.
              Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
              CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
              One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


              • #8
                Thanks Maquiladora, you are correct. I disbanded all my units so I had 0 military upkeep and I got all the PW credited the next turn.

                Looks like the empire manager is wrong.

