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Call For Language Files

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  • Call For Language Files

    Since it has become nearly impossible to purchase CTP2 at "real world" computer stores, I thought it would be useful to provide links to online sources. But even on the internet it might be impossible to obtain a copy in every language - therefore I want to provide instructions and language files to help people adapting any copy of the game to their language. This might be a little bit dubious regarding copyright but on the other hand it doesn't hurt the publisher economically as the users still need to buy a copy of the game, which they probably wouldn't do if they could not play the game in their language. I mean, it's not like I am distributing a "no cd hack". However - I own a German copy of the game and I am looking for original (Activision Patch 1.11) language files in all other languages. If you own a language version not listed here, and if you think providing the language files for public download is a good idea, please send them to the CTP2 Bureau (preferably zipped). Thank You!
    The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.

  • #2
    I was in the process of doing the same thing when I was invited to work on Civ4, I never got around to finishing it. I have the unpatched sounds and texts of English, Spanish and German and the texts of Italian. The patch files are available from the Directory already, it should be easy enough to merge them for someone with the time.

    I don't have time now, but I'll upload English, Italian and Spanish later for you to download (too big to mail). If I don't remember, PM in a day or two.
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      I was in the process of doing the same thing

      I am glad to see you keep some interest in this section of the civilized world

      English, Italian and Spanish ... patch files ... merge them
      That's great, merging in the patch files is indeed no problem.

      Unfortunately my disk space at the CTP2 Bureau is -- surprise, surprise! -- limited, so I am not shure if I will be able to store all of the soundfiles there. As you will upload the files to the directory anyway, it will possibly be a better idea to generally upload the soundfiles here at Apolyton and just provide links at the CTP2 Bureau. Of course I can store the textfiles, which are most important, for any number of languages at my own webspace and I think I will do that because it's always a good idea to keep a copy . The textfiles can be emailed without worries, too.

      À propos number of languages: Does anybody know into which languages CTP2 has been translated? Is there a list anywhere?
      The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


      • #4
        there is a polish translation running around, atleast soemeone did one. Japanese I never saw files for. NOT in Turkish I know, all disk are english (like mine!)
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #5
          Originally posted by BureauBert
          I am glad to see you keep some interest in this section of the civilized world
          Well, I'm still responsible for pretty much all CtP coverage on Apolyton And the reason I became responsible for it years ago is because I felt Markos and Dan were neglecting the CtP series in favour of Civ3 so I started to pick up the slack -- it would be rather hypocritical of me if I did the same now. Of course, because I don't just do forum/website coverage for Apolyton but also actually work with Firaxis (first on Civ4, now on Warlords) my time is very limited, but I try to drop in as often as I can. Especially if I see someone other than Martin or E listed as 'last post by' -- then I know something must be up

          Of course, if anyone ever needs anything specific from me, I'm always available by PM/ICQ/MSN (I tend to be a bit tardy in answering email but that's an option too). That's the only way to guarantee I'll see something...

          Unfortunately my disk space at the CTP2 Bureau is -- surprise, surprise! -- limited, so I am not shure if I will be able to store all of the soundfiles there.
          Well, Apolyton has virtually unlimited space so I'll happily host it -- I was gonna do that anyway.

          À propos number of languages: Does anybody know into which languages CTP2 has been translated? Is there a list anywhere?
          Official ones are English, German, Spanish, French, Italian. There are some other semi-official localisations which I doubt were done by Activision but they exist: Thai and Japanese are two examples I know of. I'm not sure but I think the Polish translation is fan-made. Of course it still wouldn't hurt to have it.

          Anyway, I uploaded everything I have to for now, I'll add directory entries at some later point, hopefully when everything is more complete. The problem with the German files on your website is that they don't include the scenario files, the one I uploaded to Apolyton does. My Italian version has the same problem though, no scenario texts. But it's the only thing I have for so it'll have to do until someone with an Italian version of the game can supply the complete files.
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Fine, this is what we've got so far.

            For the French files I am hoping that our friends from Toulouse, Strasbourg, possibly Canada etc. are still around, somewhere ...

            I grabbed the Polish translation from a dedicated website, but I can't tell much about it as I unfortunately don't understand any Polish (which is kind of stupid in this corner of Vienna's 16th district, I should really learn some formerly "eastern" languages ).

            Thai and Japanese, and other fan-made translations: Any input will be welcome ...

            It's a shame that I completely forgot the scenario files in my first German version .
            I now grabbed your files, merged in the patched files for the German, English, Spanish and Italian versions, and re-packed them into zip-files which should automatically extract the files to the correct locations if unzipped into the main CTP2 folder. Please feel free to back-grab the files and upload them to Apolyton as well.
            The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BureauBert
              I grabbed the Polish translation from a dedicated website, but I can't tell much about it as I unfortunately don't understand any Polish (which is kind of stupid in this corner of Vienna's 16th district, I should really learn some formerly "eastern" languages ).
              yep 'erjot' was the polish guy I remember posting about a polish translation in the source code forum.

              Bureaubert also check out the latest code repository because there are modified language files there too

              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • #8
                check out the latest code repository
                I want to enable people to localize their "default" game in the first place and the files for CTP2 AE are extensively modified. So unless someone can confirm that they are compatible with the v1.11 default game, they are not quite what I am looking for at the moment.

                Or do you mean the default language files are in the repository, too? If so please point me to the right direction, because when I browsed the sourcefiles I had downloaded from Apolyton I could not find anything but "hard core" sourcecode.

                Anyway I do have a remark on my language page concerning the great translation work that has been done for the Apolyton Edition . And the good news is that we won't need a separate download page for these language files as they will be alltogether shipped with the program because no marketing strategies are involved .
                The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BureauBert

                  Or do you mean the default language files are in the repository, too? If so please point me to the right direction, because when I browsed the sourcefiles I had downloaded from Apolyton I could not find anything but "hard core" sourcecode.

                  sorry these are only for the AE game. also the repository link i posted is to the latest in the sourcecode. The sourcecode available for dl at apolyton is pretty dated.
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #10
                    Apolyton Edition files for original game?

                    these are only for the AE game
                    I have just tried to use the french files from Apolyton Edition with the original game, assuming that all the original strings should be included and the added strings wouldn't hurt. This might be a reasonable assumption -- but I can't verify it because I am always getting an error "scen_str.txt not found in asset tree", even if I copy all my "german" scenario language folders and rename them to "french".

                    BTW: Are the ui-layout-files localized in any way or are they identical for every language (I couldn't find a difference but I may have overlooked some important detail )?

                    Has anyone eventually collected the original textfiles before the translation work had begun ... and could possibly post or email them?

                    I am glad to see that you are actually using the AE Modding Wiki -- let's hope that others (like e.g. Martin G. ) will follow.
                    The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                    • #11
                      Ok, replying to self: Concerning civ_str.txt, there needs to be a blank one in the main language folder .

                      But then I am getting a CANADIAN_CITY_1 not found error -- obviously something has been modified in the structure of the string-textfiles too. So I think using the AE language files with the original game is not the way to go ...
                      The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                      • #12
                        Re: Apolyton Edition files for original game?

                        Originally posted by BureauBert
                        I am glad to see that you are actually using the AE Modding Wiki -- let's hope that others (like e.g. Martin G. ) will follow.
                        BB, I'm glad you being active with CtP2 our ranks have dwindled in the past few months

                        as for your language problems. i think you might be running into how different langusges have different structures (I think german has a few extra fields than english?)

                        you probably know this but the language fields must correspond to default/gamedata fields. so canada_city_1 missing may be missing either in the the civilisation.txt in default/gamedata or in the language/gamedata/civ_str.txt if its missing in the default folder then you usually get the crash if its extra in the language than you tend not to get errors (atleast as I saw it)
                        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                        See me at


                        • #13
                          our ranks have dwindled in the past few months
                          Yeah, I am worried too -- but in the long run I believe in CTP2. Once the AE being finished it will be the tbs game next to perfect Civ IV at it's current stage is far from perfect. If we even manage to create a proper documentation and perhaps some additional help for modders and users, CTP2 will not be dead. Maybe if the Linux port also gets finished one day we will even get a new audience. God save the queen, vive le roi etc. !

                          either in the the civilisation.txt in default/gamedata or in the language/gamedata/civ_str.txt
                          Yes, the civs in the string db must correspond to the civs in the civ db, I will re-check this -- but if the civilizations have been modified in the CTP2 AE civ db I will rather wait for someone posting the original string files because it would be somewhat dumb to revert/re-translate/partially-re-copy-and-paste those city names etc. to the original version .
                          The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BureauBert

                            Yes, the civs in the string db must correspond to the civs in the civ db, I will re-check this -- but if the civilizations have been modified in the CTP2 AE civ db I will rather wait for someone posting the original string files because it would be somewhat dumb to revert/re-translate/partially-re-copy-and-paste those city names etc. to the original version .
                            sorry, the civs have been modified in the AE version because the AE version has 62 civs instead of 31 butthe AE version has translations for all of them I think. Well where it doesn't it just uses english I think.
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at

