Well I was playtesting my civ mod which has the goldperunit and goldpercity codes used to make things more expensive.
I think the reason the game GUSHES gold is because the AI wasnt taught by activision on how to use it. The first problem is that even though gold goes to science then the cities the AI wasnt researching anything, a strange "bug" I'll look into more.
Secondly, the AI ran huge deficits so it never had cash and being in the red it probably had to sell off its improvements keeping in the stone age.
Now I was playing 12 players and this was the case with abou 8 of the AI for sure. 2 seemed to be having some surplus.
Granted this seems REALISTIC for governments but it was hurting game play because they werent researcing anything. I'm hoping that this was just a bug elsewhere because it would mean we cant have too many gold handicaps
As for me I balanced the costs wel my empire was a small 6 and I switched to alert to chase down some wonders that the AI was beating me at, but eventually my economy was booming. I guess I had the right mix because I was making a lot of gushing GOLD again, which doesnt make me happy because gold shouldnt build up like that. BUt if I increase gold costs to me i think it will cripple the AI.
any suggestions?
I think the reason the game GUSHES gold is because the AI wasnt taught by activision on how to use it. The first problem is that even though gold goes to science then the cities the AI wasnt researching anything, a strange "bug" I'll look into more.
Secondly, the AI ran huge deficits so it never had cash and being in the red it probably had to sell off its improvements keeping in the stone age.
Now I was playing 12 players and this was the case with abou 8 of the AI for sure. 2 seemed to be having some surplus.
Granted this seems REALISTIC for governments but it was hurting game play because they werent researcing anything. I'm hoping that this was just a bug elsewhere because it would mean we cant have too many gold handicaps
As for me I balanced the costs wel my empire was a small 6 and I switched to alert to chase down some wonders that the AI was beating me at, but eventually my economy was booming. I guess I had the right mix because I was making a lot of gushing GOLD again, which doesnt make me happy because gold shouldnt build up like that. BUt if I increase gold costs to me i think it will cripple the AI.
any suggestions?