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playtesting my new Gold modifiers

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  • playtesting my new Gold modifiers

    Well I was playtesting my civ mod which has the goldperunit and goldpercity codes used to make things more expensive.

    I think the reason the game GUSHES gold is because the AI wasnt taught by activision on how to use it. The first problem is that even though gold goes to science then the cities the AI wasnt researching anything, a strange "bug" I'll look into more.

    Secondly, the AI ran huge deficits so it never had cash and being in the red it probably had to sell off its improvements keeping in the stone age.

    Now I was playing 12 players and this was the case with abou 8 of the AI for sure. 2 seemed to be having some surplus.

    Granted this seems REALISTIC for governments but it was hurting game play because they werent researcing anything. I'm hoping that this was just a bug elsewhere because it would mean we cant have too many gold handicaps

    As for me I balanced the costs wel my empire was a small 6 and I switched to alert to chase down some wonders that the AI was beating me at, but eventually my economy was booming. I guess I had the right mix because I was making a lot of gushing GOLD again, which doesnt make me happy because gold shouldnt build up like that. BUt if I increase gold costs to me i think it will cripple the AI.

    any suggestions?
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at

  • #2
    so thats y sometimes random ai will get stuck in the past...

    how does the AI run a deficit? i never found my gold going down and i almost always have max science and love making many buildings even when at war


    • #3
      the gold modifiers are flags i added to buildings and only had it in my civ3 mod. so if your witnesing it in a playtest game that is unmodded then we might have another issue to look at....
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #4
        o, well then i dont understand this at all


        • #5
          Well if you look at strategies.txt i think it tells the AI at what support % to stop building units, well thats production support. What i dont know is if you included gold in that %, if you havent then you probably need to add a check for the AI to make sure it doesnt go bust.
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          • #6
            well I messed with making it upkeep because I thought maybe it was misreading the GoldPer bonus stuff and same problem.

            But its kind of weird because gold does go to science first and then maintenance. But I think because its facing a negative gold then it decides to stop researching to save the gold. But my gold values get higher with the more units and the AI cranks out units so it ends up not researching.

            SO, I'll check strategies and see if I can adjust there.

            If not I'm leaning towards adding a cheat in the code where if the city's gold value is less than zero it automatically reset to zero, but only for the Robot/AI. That way the negative gold thing wouldnt drain on their whole economy (like it does for the human).

            some thing like:
            void CityData::ProcessGold(sint32 &gold, bool considerOnlyFromTerrain) const
            [i]...some code...[/i]
            	if(gold < 0) {
            		if(g_player[m_owner]->GetPlayerType() == PLAYER_TYPE_ROBOT){
            			gold = 0;
            		} else {
            			gold = gold;

            On a side note: I think its with constDB but for some reason an AI will start researching Subneural ads, which is set up not to just like in the original game (prereq is looped, glhidden, its not an option when i choose research). I think it has something to do with the free techs in constDB but has anyone else had that modding problem?
            Last edited by Ekmek; March 15, 2006, 12:33.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at

